Alberta Children's Hospital Diabetes Clinic


Preparing for Your Appointment

Whether you are preparing for your appointment
at the Alberta Children's Hospital Diabetes Clinic
or looking for other helpful forms like a food diary,
we have it all right here! 

Preparing for your appointment

The forms below will help prepare you for your clinic appointment at the Alberta Children's Hospital Diabetes Clinic.


Appointment Tips

Want to get the most out of your appointment? Here's a list of helpful tips.


Are you seeing a Dietitian today?

Remember to complete the Food Diary and bring it with you to your appointment.



For your child’s safety, bring all medications to each clinic appointment. It is also helpful to have a written list of all medications as well.

Message to our website visitors

This site is for information purposes only and should not be used in place of medical advice, instruction and/or treatment.
If you have questions, speak with your child’s diabetes health care provider.