Wellness Education

Wellness Education

The Office of Resident Affairs and Physician Wellness offers a variety of education sessions and group services aimed at enhancing literacy and awareness about physician wellness, promoting self-reflection, and helping to support programs. These sessions are available to residents and their programs.  

These group sessions are most commonly booked during an academic ½ day or during a retreat, allowing for most residents to attend. The sessions are approximately 1-1.5 hours in length via Zoom or in person. We ask that you try to provide two months notice to allow us to schedule accordingly.  

Available Sessions

  1. Please browse the list of our available education sessions below.
  2. Click to read the session description.
  3. Request a session by filling out the Booking Form.
  4. Read and acknowledge our policy document on how our education sessions work. (COMING SOON)


If you are interested in a physician wellness topic that is not listed here, please email residentwellness@ucalgary.ca to discuss with our team.

Sessions to come soon