Research Opportunities

For Indigenous Communities

We want to make sure that our research approaches serve Indigenous communities, who we know have unique perceptions, priorities, and questions. We are reaching out to directly connect with Indigenous communities to learn what Indigenous families need, and to learn if we can work together to answer questions about occupational therapy for young children with Cerebral Palsy.


The INTERPLAY survey aims to understand the barriers and facilitators to intensive hand therapies for young children with cerebral palsy. Caregivers of children with cerebral palsy, pediatric occupational therapists, and administrators responsible for pediatric occupational programs are eligible to participate.

Contact us at to request the survey link.

HEIGHTEN Research Study

The HEIGHTEN study involves home-based upper limb therapy for babies and toddlers who have a less preferred hand/arm. The child’s caregiver delivers therapy, supported by weekly visits with a therapist. These visits may be in-person or virtual (video call). The study will investigate whether the therapy is feasible and effective for achieving goals and improving hand/arm use.