About us

What we do
We combine optimized sample processing with tailored MS methods to deliver high quality protein identification data in a short turn-around time. This is our specialty. We can accommodate samples that present a wide range of complexity – from single proteins to whole proteomes. We are available to assist in experiment design and help you get the most out of your data.
Our Team
SAMS is operated by Laurent Brechenmacher (PhD), Ruokun Zhou (PhD) and Morgan Khan (MSc). They all have extensive experience in research, sample preparation and the operation of sophisticated MS systems. Dr Antoine Dufour is the facility director and also run his own research lab (Www.dufourlab.com)

Our Equipment
The SAMS Centre can be found in the Health Sciences Building of the Faculty of Medicine. The lab is designed to support bioanalytical mass spectrometry, biochemistry and protein purification. We enjoy access to a wide range of MS and LC/MS instrumentation, which are under service contracts from the manufacturers. This access enables maximum productivity and helps us deliver on our goal of fast turnaround times.