Molecular Services
Contact us:
Robyn Flynn (genotyping, generation of genetically engineered mouse models including CRISPR KI/KO/CKO)
Yaping Yu (customer derived somatic cell CRISPR knockout services)
General questions (cryopreservation, line recovery)

Molecular Services
The Molecular Biology Core also offers CRISPR gene knock-out services for cell lines and CRISPR KI/KO/CKO in mouse lines.
For researchers who may not have the necessary molecular biology background, the opening of our Molecular Biology Core Facility at the CGE makes the generation of novel mouse models accessible to everyone.
Molecular Services
In association with our mouse Embryonic Stem Cell and Transgenic Core Services facilities, the Molecular Services Core offers designing, construction and preparation of vectors for the generation of genetically engineered mice. This includes CRISPR KI/KO/CKO in mouse lines. Contact us to discuss your project needs.
The Molecular Biology Core also offers CRISPR gene knock-out services for cell lines.
Our services include but are not limited to:
Genotyping (including genomic DNA preparation)
- PCR screening, genotyping, genotyping protocol
- PCR genotyping program trouble shooting and redesigning
- Long Range-PCR (6-7kb)
Designing, Construction and Preparation of Transgene Vector
- Plasmid
Designing, Construction and Preparation of Gene Targeting Vector
- Conventional knock-out
- Conditional knock-out
- Conditional restoration
- Knock-in (e.g., point mutation, humanization, reporter, ROSA26)
- Conditional expression of transgene from ROSA26 locus
- Designing and construction of donor DNA (linear ds & ss DNA, plasmid, BAC and minicircle)
- CRISPR generated Gene knock-out in mouse embryos
- Designed modification of short genomic sequence in mouse embryos
Custom Somatic Cell CRISPR Gene Knock-out ~$5,000.00 ~3 months timeline
Since 2016 we have completed more than 43 CRISPR gene knockout projects in 34 different cell lines targeting 25 different genes for researchers located at the University of Calgary and University of Alberta.
- Guide RNA design, construct and plasmid preparation
- Transfection with guide RNA, Cas9
- Use of selection markers such as puromycin and GFP to enrich for transfected cells
- CRISPR activity analysis: SURVEYOR mutation detection assay
- Single clone generation: sorting cells plus expansion
- Gene knock out confirmation by Western blot analysis
- Gene knock out confirmation by DNA sequencing
- Final deliverable: gene knock out cell line and a complete report
For researchers who may not have the necessary molecular biology background, the opening of our Molecular Biology Core Facility at the CGE makes the generation of novel mouse models accessible to everyone.
Contact us:
Robyn Flynn - (genotyping, mouse related molecular services)
Yaping Yu - (custom somatic cell CRISPR knock-out services)
General questions at
CGE Home Page
Supporting investigators by delivering a comprehensive turn-key service incorporating all of the necessary tools to create, analyze and cryopreserve transgenic mice.
ES Cell Services
Offering a number of services to accommodate your mES cell mutagenesis/transgenesis requirements.
Transgenic Services
Offering a comprehensive list of transgenic services including rederivation, cryopreservation and line rescue.