Recent Publications and Select Reports
The team actively pursues opportunities to disseminate research findings in high impact journals and reports.
Bernstein CN, Nugent Z, Panaccione R, Marshall DA, Kaplan GG, Dieleman LA, Vanner S, Graff LA, Otley A, Jones J, Buresi M, Murthy S, Borgaonkar M, Bressler B, Bitton A, Croitoru K, Sidani S, Fernandes A, Moayyedi P. Symptoms in persons with either active or inactive Crohn’s Disease are agnostic to diease phenotype: The Magic in IMAGINE study. J Clin Gastroenterol, Jan 2025 (in press)
Degeling K, Tagimacruz T, MacDonald KV, Seeger TA, Fooks K, Venkataramanan V, Boycott KM, Bernier FP, Mendoza-Londono R, Hartley T, Hayeems RZ, Marshall DA, on behalf of Care4Rare Canada. Exome sequencing in the diagnostic pathway for suspected rare genetic diseases: Does the order of testing affect its cost-effectiveness? Applied Health Economics and Health Policy. Dec 2024; (in press)
Mirza RM, Salim S, Bell JAH, Esplen MJ, MacDonald KV, Stein BD, Marshall DA. Exploring How Values of Colorectal Cancer Patients and their Caregivers Influence Treatment Decision-Making. The Patient. Sept 2024 (in press)
Bernstein C, Panaccione R, Nugent Z, Marshall DA, Kaplan G, Vanner S, Dieleman L, Graff L, Otley A, Jones J, Buresi M, Murthy S, Borgaonkar M, Bressler B, Bitton A, Croitoru K, Sidani S, Fernandes A, Moayyedi P. Crohn’s disease phenotypes and associates with comorbidities, surgery risk, medications and nonmedication approaches: The MAGIC in IMAGINE study. Oxford University Press (OUP), Jan 2025;31(1):113-122.
Currie GR, Storek J, MacDonald KV, Hazlewood G, Durand C, Bridges JFP, Mosher D, Marshall DA. Measuring Patient Preferences to Inform Clinical Trial Design: An Example in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Patient, Dec 2024;
Germeni E, Fifer S, Hiligsmann M, Stein B, Tonkinson M, Joshi M, Hanna A, Liden B, Marshall DA. A genuine need or nice to have? Understanding HTA representatives’ perspectives on the use of patient preference data. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, Nov 2024;40(1):e60
Olson JL, Palumbo A, Desjardins C, Wicks C, Bhopa S, Cheyne K, D’Silva A, Graff LA, Narula N, Rodrigues DM, Fernandes A, Marshall DA, Moayyedi P, Presseau J. Perspectives on the sustained engagement with digital health tools: protocol for a qualitative interview study among people living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease or irritable bowel syndrome. BMJ Open, Nov 2024;14:e089220
Kao D, Wong K, Jijon H, Moayyedi P, Franz Rose, McDougall C, Hotte N, Panaccione R, Semlacher E, Kroeker K, Peerani F, MacDonald KV, Xu H, Narula N, Turbide C, Marshall DA, Madsen KL. Preliminary results from a multicenter, randomized trial using fecal microbial transplantation to induce remission in patients with mild to moderate Crohn’s disease. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, Nov 2024 (published ahead online)
D’Silva A, Hua N, Modayil MV, Seidel J, Marshall DA. Digital health interventions are effective for irritable bowel syndrome self-management: A systematic review. Dig Dis Sci, Oct 2024;
Dhakal S, Merani S, Ahluwalia V, Battistella M, Borkhoff CM, Hazlewood GS, Lofters A, Marshall DA, MacKay C, Gagliardi AR. The Quality and Cultural Safety of Online Osteoarthritis Information for Affected Persons and Health Care Professionals: Content Analysis, J Med Internet Res Oct 2024;26:e57698 (doi: 10.2196/57698)
MacDonald KV, Nguyen GC, Barker KL, Harris M, Sewitch MJ, Marshall DA. Identifying fraudulent respondents in preference surveys: An example in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The Patient. Sept 2024; 17: 719-720. (IAHPR oral presentation / publication)
Oedingen C, Marshall DA, MacDonald K, Stein B. Incorporating patient preferences for cancer treatments into Health Technology Assessment (HTA). The Patient 17:728. Doi: 10.1007/s40271-024-00718-2. (IAHPR oral presentation / publication)
Crosland P, Marshall DA, Hosseini SH, Ho N, Vacher C, Skinner A, Nguyen KH, Iorfino F, Rosenberg S, Christine Sog YJ, Tsiachristas A, Tran K, Occhipinti J, Hickie IB. Incorporating Complexity and System Dynamics into Economic Modelling for Mental Health Policy and Planning. PharmacoEconomics, Oct 2024;1-10 (
Marshall DA, Gerber B, Currie GR, Antón J, De Somer L, Dey M, Egert T, Egert Y, Henan L, Klotsche J, Martinez Mifsut L, Minden K, Normand C, Porte D, Saurenmann RK, Swart JF, Uziel Y, Wilson J, Wouters C, Ziv A, Benseler SM, on behalf of the PAVE Consortium. Uncovering the hidden socioeconomic impact of juvenile idiopathic arthritis and paving the way for other rare childhood diseases: an international, cross-disciplinary, patient-centered approach (PAVE Consortium). Pediatr Rheumatol , Aug 2024;1:74
Ohinmaa A, Wen J, Currie GR, Benseler SM, Swart JF, Vastert SJ, Yeung RSM, Marshall DA. Validation of the EQ-5D-Y-5L parent-proxy version among children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Qual Life Res, Aug 2024;1-15
Bruce M, Yogaratnam K, Suryaprasash N, Barker KL, Marshall DA. Key ingredients for successful collaboration in health research: perspectives of patient research partners. Research Involvement and Engagement, BMC Open Access, June 2024;10(52):1-8
Marshall DA, Hua N, Buchanan J, Christensen KD, Frederix GW, Goranitis I, Ijzerman M, Jansen JP, Lavelle TA, Regier DA, Smith HS, Ungar WJ, Weymann D, Wordsworth S, Phillips KA. Paving the path for implementation of clinical genomic sequencing globally: Are we ready? Health Affairs Scholar, May 2024;2(5):1-7
Abbaticchio A, Theodorlis M, Marshall DA, MacKay C, Borkhoff CM, Hazlewood GS, et al. Policies in Canada fail to address disparities in access to person-centred osteoarthritis care: A content analysis. Health Res Policy Syst, April 2024;24(1):522.
Marshall DA, Suryaprasash N, Bryan S, McCarron T, MacKean G, Barker K, Lavallee D, Zelinsky S, Santana M, Moayyedi P. Measuring the impact of patient engagement in health research: an exploratory study using multiple survey tools. Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology, April 2024;7(1):177-187.
Marshall DA, MacDonald KV, Kao D, Bernstein CM, Kaplan GG, Jijon H, Hazlewood G, Panaccione R, Nasser Y, Raman M, Moayyedi P; on behalf of the IMAGINE Network. Patient preferences for active ulcerative colitis treatments and fecal microbiota transplantation. Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease, March 2024;15(1):1-19.
Hiligsmann M, Liden B, Beaudart B, Germeni E, Hanna A, Joshi M, Koola CP, Stein B, Tonkinson M, Marshall DA, Fifer S. HTA community perspectives on the use of patient preference information: lessons learned from a survey with members of HTA bodies. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, March 2024;40(1):e27, 1-6.
Johnson JA, Itiola A, Rahman S, Smith C, Sporovich A, Wozniak LA, Marshall DA. Exploring patient perspectives on EQ-5D-5L data visualization within an individualized decision aid for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in Alberta, Canada. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, March 2024;25(1):183
Marshall DA, Suryaprakash N, Lavallee DC, McCarron TL, Zelinsky S, Barker KL, MacKean G, Santana MJ, Moayyedi P, Bryan S. Studying how patient engagement influences research: A mixed methods study. The Patient – The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research, March 2024;17(1):379-395.
Currie GR, Lee R, Palacios-Derflingher L, Hagel B, Black AM, Babul S, Mrazik M, Marshall DA, Emery CA. Correction: Reality Check 2: The cost-effectiveness of policy disallowing body checking in non-elite 13- to 14-year-old ice hockey players. IJERPH, Feb 2024;21(3):269.
Iziduh S, Abenoja A, Theodorlis M, Ahluwalia V, Battistella M, Borkhoff CM, Hazlewood GS, Lofters A, MacKay C, Marshall DA, Gagliardi AR. Priority strategies to reduce socio-gendered inequities in access to person-centred osteoarthritis care: Delphi survey. BMJ Open, Feb 2024;14(2):e080301.
Khorshidi HA, Marshall DA, Goranitis I, Schroeder B, IJzerman M. System Dynamics Simulation for evaluating implementation strategies of genomic sequencing: tutorial and conceptual Model. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, Jan 2024;24(1):37-47
Marshall DA, Veldwijk J, Janssen EM, Reed SD. Stated-preference survey design and testing in health applications. The Patient-Patient-Centered Outcomes Research, Jan 2024; 1-11.
Crosland P, Ho N, Hossein Hosseini S, Vacher C, Skinner A, Natsky AN, Rosenberg S, Hasudungan R, Huntley S, Song YJC, Lee GY, Marshall DA, Occhipinti J-A, Hickie IB. Cost-effectiveness of system-level mental health strategies for young people in the Australian Capital Territory: a dynamic simulation modelling study. Lancet Psychiatry 2024; 11(2):123-133.
Florax AA, Doeleman MJH, de Roock S, van der Linden N, Schatorjé E, Currie G, Marshall DA, IJzerman MJ, Yeung RSM, Benseler SM, Vastert SJ, Wulffraat NM, Swart JF, Kip MMA, for UCAN-CAN DU and UCAN CURE consortia, Quantifying hospital-associated costs, and accompanying travel costs and productivity losses, before and after withdrawing tumour necrosis factor-alfa inhibitors in juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Rheumatology, Dec 2023;kead688
Hartley T, Marshall DA, Acker M, Fooks K, Gillespie MK, Price EM, Graham ID, White-Brown A, MacKay L, Macdonald SK, Brady L, Hui AY, Andrews JD, Chowdhury A, Wall E, Soubry E, Ediae GU, Rojas S, Assamad D, Dyment D, Tarnopolsky M, Sawyer SL, Chisholm C, Lemire G, Amburgey K, Lazier J, Mendoza-Londono R, Dowling JJ, Balci TB, Armour CM, Bhola PT, Costain G, Dupuis L, Carter M, Badalato L, Richer J, Boswell-Patterson C, Kannu P, Cordeiro D, Warman-Chardon J, Graham G, Mok Siu V, Cytrynbaum C, Rusnak A, Aul RB, Yoon G, Gonorazky H, McNiven V, Mercimek-Andrews S, Guerin A, Deshwar AR, Marwaha A, Weksberg R, Karp N, Campbell M, Al-Qattan S, Shuen AY, Inbar-Feigenberg M, Cohn R, Szuto A, Inglese C, Poirier M, Chad L, Potter B, Boycott KM, Hayeems R, Brudno M, Bernier F, van Karnebeek C, Dyment D, Kernohan K, Innes M, Lamont R, Parboosingh J, Marshall DA, Marshall C, Knoppers B, Lehman A, Mostafavi S. Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of exome sequencing and its impact on diagnostic thinking for patients with rare disease in a publicly funded health care system: A prospective cohort study, Genetics in Medicine, 2024;26(2):101012,
Lalit S, Griffin JD, Pandya BJ, Shah MB, Zhou M, Yang H, Song Y, Marshall DA. Patient and physician preferences for acute myeloid leukemia maintenance treatments following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Patient Preference and Adherence, Dec 2023;17:2805-2819.
Marshall DA, Suryaprasash N, Lavallee DC, Barker KL, MacKean G, Zelinsky S, McCarron TL, Santana MJ, Moayyedi P, Bryan S. Exploring the outcomes of research engagement using the observation method in an online setting, BMJ Open, Nov 2023;13(11):e073953
Saini L, Griffin JD, Pandya BJ, Shah MV, Zhou M, Yang H, Song Y, Marshall DA. Patient and Physician Preferences for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Maintenance Treatments Following Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Patient Prefer Adherence, Nov 2023;17:2805-2819
Gagliardi AR, Abbaticchio A, Theodorlis M, Marshall DA, MacKay C, Borkhoff CM, Hazlewood GS, Mattistella M, Lofters A, Ahluwalia V. Multi-level strategies to improve equitable timely person-centred osteoarthritis care for diverse women: qualitative interviews with women and healthcare professionals. International Journal for Equity in Health, Oct 2023;22(1):207
D’Silva A, Islam Z, Marshall DA, Vallance JK, Nasser Y, Rajagopalan V, MacKean G, Raman M. Experiences of irritable bowel syndrome patients in a virtual yoga program: Qualitative findings from a clinical trial. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Oct 2023;69:169-179
Abuwa C, Abbaticchio A, Theodorlis M, Marshall DA, MaCKay C, Borkhoff CM, Hazlewood GS, Battistella M, Lofters A, Ahluwalia V, Gagliardi AR. Identifying strategies that support equitable person-centred osteoarthritis care for diverse women: content analysis of guidelines. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, Sept 2023;24(1):734
Marshall DA, Barber CE, Tagimacruz MA, Cepoiu-Martin Monica, Lopatina E, Robert J, Lupton T, Patel J, Mosher DP. Intended and unintended consequences of strategies to meet performance benchmarks for rheumatologist referrals in a centralized intake system. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, Sept 20023;1-10
Marshall DA, Gerber B, Lorenzetti DL, MacDonald KV, Bohach RJ, Currie GR. Are we capturing the socioeconomic burden of rare genetic disease? A scoping review of economic evaluations and cost-of-illness studies. Pharmacoeconomics, August 2023;41:1563-1588
Currie GR, Kennedy BL, Benseler SM, Yeung RSM, Swart JF, Vastert SJ, Wulfraat NM, Kip MMA, MacKean G, Marshall DA. Managing juvenile idiopathic arthritis within the context of their life: What we learnt from children and youth living with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and their parents. Musculoskeletal Care, Open Access, August 2023;1-13.
Vik S, Seidel J, Smith C, Marshall DA. Breaking the 80: 20 rule in health research using large administrative data sets. Health Informatics Journal, July 2023;29(2): 1-13.
Phillips KA, Marshall DA, Adler L, Figueroa J, Haeder SF, Hamad R, Hernandez I, Moucheraud C, Nikpay S. Ten health policy challenges for the next 10 years. Health Affairs Scholar, July 2023;1(1):qxad010.
van Til JA, Kip MMA, Schatorjé EJH, Currie G, Twilt M, Benseler SM, Swart JF, Vastert SJ, Wulffraat N, Yeung RSM, Groothuis-Oudshoorn CSM, Warta S, Marshall DA, Ijzerman MJ (on behalf of the UCAN CAN-DU, UCAN CURE Consortia). Withdrawing biologics in non-systemic JIA: what matters to pediatric rheumatologists?. Pediatr Rheumatol, July 2023;21(1):69.
Fullerton MM, Pateman M, Hasan H, Doucette EJ, Cantarutti S, Koyama A, Weightman AM, Tang T, Coakley A, Currie GR, Fabreau G, Constantinescu C, Marshall DA, Hu J. Barriers experienced by families new to Alberta, Canada when accessing routine-childhood vaccinations. BMC Public Health, July 2023;23:1333.
Abenoja A, Theodorlis M, Ahluwalia V, Battistella M, Borkhoff CM, Hazlewood GS, Lofters A, MacKay C, Marshall DA, Gagliardi AR. Strategies to Improve Equitable Access to Early Osteoarthritis Diagnosis and Management: An updated Review. Arthritis Care & Research, June 2023;1-10
Tagimacruz T, Cepoiu-Martin M, Marshall DA. Exploratory analysis using discrete event simulation modelling of the wait times and service costs associated with the maximum wait time guarantee policy applied in a rheumatology central intake clinic. Health Systems, June 2023;1-11
Barber CEH, Lacaille D, Croxford R, Barnabe C, Marshall DA, Abrahamowicz M, Xie H, Avina-Zubieta A, Esdaile JM, Hazlewood GS, Faris P, Katz S, MaMullan P, Mosher DP, Widdifield J. Investigating associations between access to rheumatology care, treatment, continuous care, and healthcare utilization and costs among older individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. The Journal of Rheumatology, May 2023;50(5):617-624 DOI: 10.3899/jrheum.220729
Currie GR, Groothuis-Oudshoorn C, Twilt M, Kip MMA, IJzerman MJ, Benseler SB, Swart JF, Vastert SJ, Wulffraat NM, Yeung R, Marshall DA. What matters most to pediatric rheumatologists in deciding whether to discontinue biologics in a child with juvenile idiopathic arthritis? A best-worst scaling survey. Clin Rheumatol, May 2023;42:2173-2180.
Currie GR, Gerber B, Lorenzetti D, MacDonald K, Benseler S, Bernier FP, Boycott KM, Carias KV, Hamelin B, Hayeems RZ, LeBlanc C, Twilt M, van Rooijen G, Wong-Rieger D, Yeung RSM, Marshall DA. Developing a Framework of Cost Elements of Socioeconomic Burden of Rare Disease: A Scoping Review. PharmacoEconomics, April 2023;41:803-818.
Cooper SM, Currie G, Kromm S, Twilt M, Marshall DA. Evaluating key performance indicators of the process of care in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Pediatric Rheumatology, April 2023;21(37):1-13
Hawker GA, Bohm E, Dunbar MJ, Faris P, Jones CA, Noseworthy T, Ravi B, Woodhouse LJ, Marshall DA. Patient appropriateness for total knee arthroplasty and predicted probability of a good outcome. RMD Open, April 2023;9(2):e002808. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2022-002808
Marshall DA, Trenaman L, MacDonald KV, Johnson JA, Stacey D, Hawker G, Smith C, Durand D, Bansback N. Impact of an online, individualised, patient reported outcome measures based patient decision aid on patient expectations, decisional regret, satisfaction, and health-related quality-of-life for patients considering total knee arthroplasty: Results from a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, April 2023;29(3):513-524.
Connor-Spady BL, Marshall DA, Bohm E, Dunbar MJ, Loucks L, Noseworthy T. Patient acceptable symptom state (PASS): thresholds for the EQ-5D-5L and Oxford hip and knee scores for patients with total hip and knee replacement. Quality of Life Research, Feb 2023;32(2):519-530.
Kip MMA, de Roock S, Currie G, Marshall DA, Grazziotin LR, Twilt M, Yeung RSM, Benseler SM, Vastert SJ, Wulffraat N, Swart JF, IJzerman MJ. Pharmacological treatment patterns in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the Netherlands: a real-world data analysis. Rheumatology (Oxford), Feb 2023;62(SI2):SI170-SI180.
Mourali M, Benham J, Lang R, Fullerton M, Boucher J, Cornelson K, Oxoby R, Constantinescu C, Tang T, Marshall DA, Hu J. Persuasive Messages for Improving Adherence to COVID-19 Prevention Behaviors: Randomized Online Experiment. JMIR Hum Factors, Feb 2023;10:e41328
D’Silva A, Vallance JK, Nasser Y, Taylor L, Kothandaraman M, Lazarescu A, Marshall DA. Gastroenterologist and patient attitudes toward yoga as a therapy for irritable bowel syndrome: An application of the theory of the theor planned behavior. Journal of Canadian Gastroenterology, Feb 2023;6(1):17-25
Bridges JFP, de Bekker-Grob EW, Hauber AB, Heidenreich S, Janssen E, Bast A, Hanmer J, Danyliv A, Low E, Bouvy JC, Marshall DA. A roadmap for increasing the usefulness and impact of patient-preference studies in decision making in health: good practices report of an ISPOR task force. Value Health, Feb 2023;26(2):153–162.
Barber CEH, Lacaille D, Croxford R, Barnabe C, Marshall DA, Abrahamowicz M, Xie Hui, Avina-Zubieta A, Esdaile JM, Hazlewood, Faris P, Katz S, MacMullan P, Mosher Dp, Widdifield J. Investigating associations between to rheumatology care treatment, continuous care and healthcare utilization and costs among older individuals with RA. Journal of Rheumatology, Feb 2023;50(2):1-31.
D’Silva A, Marshall DA, Vallance VK, Nasser Y, Rajagopalan V, Szostakiwskyj JH, Raman M. Meditation and yoga for irritable bowel syndrome: A randomized clinical trial. American Journal of Gastroenterology, Feb 2023;118(2):329-337.
Thomas M, Marshall DA, Loyola Sanchez A, Bartlett SJ, Boonen A, Fraenkel L, Proulx L, Voshaar M, Bansback N, Buchbiner R, Guillemin F, Hiligsmann M, Richards DP, Richards P, Shea B, Tugwell P, Falahee M, Hazlewood G. Exploring perceptions of using preference elicitation methods to inform clinical trial design in rheumatology: A qualitative study and OMERACT collaboration. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, Feb 2023;58:152112
Wordsworth S, Doble B, Payne K, Buchanan J, Marshall DA, McCabe C, Philips K, Fahr P, Regier DA. Using “big data” for economic evaluations in genomics. Economic Evaluation in Genomic and Precision Medicine, Jan 2023;Chapter 8:113-121.
Lopatina E, Barber CE, LeClercq SA, Noseworthy TW, Suter E, Mosher DP, Marshall DA. Healthcare Resource Utilization and Costs in Stable Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Comparing Nurse-led and Rheumatologist-led Models of Care Delivery. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, Dec 2022;59:152160.
Marshall DA, Tagimacruz T, Cepoiu-Martin M, Robert J, Ring B, Burston M, Higgins S, Hess M, White J. A simulation modelling study of referral distribution policies in a centralized intake system for surgical consultation. Journal of Medical Systems, Dec 2022;47(4):1-10.
Barber CEH, Lacaille D, Croxford R, Barnabe C, Marshall DA, Abrahamowicz M, Xie H, Avina-Zubieta JA, Esdaile JM, Hazlewood G, Faris P, Katz S, MacMullan P, Mosher D, Widdifeild J. System-level performance measures of access to rheumatology care: a population-based retrospective study of trends over time and the impact of regional rheumatologist supply in Ontario, Canada, 2002 – 2019. BMC Rheumatology, Dec 2022;6(1):86.
Currie GR, Harris M, McClinton L, Trehan N, Van Dusen A, Shariff M, Kuzmyn T, Marshall DA, Transitions from pediatric to adult rheumatology care for juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a patient led qualitative study, BMC Rheumatology, Nov 2022;6(1):85
(Top 10 Articles of the 2023 Year as part of the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) and Canadian Association for Health Services and Health Policy Research (CAHSPR) Article of the year).
Marshall DA, Macdonald KV, Johnson FR. Wrong or unexpected? Using internal validity tests to understand stated preference survey results. 13th Meeting of the International Academy of Health Preference Research. The Patient. 2022;15: 729-738. (IAHPR Oral Presentation published)
Marshall DA, Bishcak DP, Zaerpour F, Sharif B, Smith C, Reczek T, Robert J, Werle J, Dick D. Wait time management strategies at centralized intake system for hip and knee replacement surgery: A need for a blended evidence-based and patient-centered approach. Osteoarthritis Cartilage Open, Oct 2022;4(4):1-8
Hayeems RZ, Bernier F, Boycott K, Hartley T, Michaels-Igbokwe C, Marshall DA. Position whole genome sequencing in the diagnostic pathway for rare disease to optimize utility: A protocol for an observational cohort study and an economic evaluation. BMJ Open, Oct 2022;12:e061468
Kip MMA, de Roock S, van den Berg I, Currie G, Marshall DA, Grazziotin LR, Twilt M, Yeung RSM, Benseler SM, Vastert SJ, Wulffraat N, Swart JF, IJzerman MJ. Costs of hospital-associated care for patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the Dutch healthcare system. Arthritis Care Res, Oct 2022;74(10):1585-1592
Kennedy BL, Currie GR, Kania-Richmond A, Emery CA, MacKean G, Marshall DA. Patient beliefs about who and what influences their hip and knee osteoarthritis symptoms and progression. Musculoskeletal Care, Sept 2022;20(3):605-615
Kennedy BL, Currie GR, Kania-Richmond A, Emery CA, MacKean G, Marshall DA. Factors That Patients Consider in Their Choice of Non-Surgical Management for Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis: Formative Qualitative Research for a Discrete Choice Experiment. The Patient -- Patient-Centered Outcomes Research, Sept 2022;15, 537–550
Currie GR, Pham T, Twilt M, IJzerman MJ, Hull PM, Kip MMA, Benseler SM, Hazlewood GS, Yeung RSM, Wulffraat NM, Swart JF, Vastert SJ, Marshall DA. Perspectives of pediatric rheumatologists on initiating and tapering biologics in patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A formative qualitative study. The Patient - Patient-Centered Outcomes Research, Sept 2022;15(5):599-609
Bansback N, Trenaman L, MacDonald K, Durand D, Hawker G, Johnson J, Smith C, Stacey D, Marshall DA. An online individualised patient decision aid improves the quality of decisions in patients considering total knee arthroplasty in routine care: A randomized controlled trial. Osteoarthr Cartil Open. September 2022;4(3):100286
Hawker GA, Conner-Spady BL, Bohm E, Dunbar MJ, Jones CA, Ravi B, Noseworthy T, Woodhouse LJ, Faris P, Dick D, Powell J, Paul P, Marshall DA; BEST-Knee Study Team. The Relationship between Patient-Reported Readiness for Total Knee Arthroplasty and Likelihood of a Good Outcome at One Year. Arthritis Care & Research (Hoboken). August 2022;74(8):1374-1383
Grazziotin LR, Currie G, Twilt M, IJzerman MJ, Kip MMA, Koffijberg H, Bonsel G, Benseler SM, Swart JF, Vastert SJ, Wulffraat NM, Yeung RSM, Armbrust W, Merlijn van den Berg J, Marshall DA. Factors associated with care- and health-related quality of life of caregivers of children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Pediatr Rheumatol. July 2022;20(51)
Gao G, Lang R, Oxoby RJ, Mourali M, Sheikh H, Fullerton MM, Tang T, Manns BJ, Marshall DA, Hu J, Benham JL. Drivers of downloading and reasons for not downloading COVID-19 contact tracing and exposure notification apps: A national cross-sectional survey. PLoS ONE. July 2022:17(7): e0269783
Barber CEH, Lacaille D, Croxford R, Barnabe C, Marshall DA, Abrahamowicz M, Xie H, Avina-Zubiet JA, Esdaile EM, Hazlewood G, Faris P, Katz S, MacMullan P, Mosher D, Widdifield J. A population-based study evaluating retention in rheumatology care among patients with rheumatoid arthritis. ACR Open Rheumatology. July 2022; 4(7):613–622
Sloss S, Dhiman K, Zafar S, Hartfeld NM, Lacaille D, Then KL, Li LC, Barnabe C, Hazlewood GS, Rankin JA, Hall M, Marshall DA, English K, Tsui K, MacMullan P, Homik J, Mosher D, Barber CEH. Development and testing of the rheumatoid arthritis quality of care survey. Semin Arthritis Rheum, June 2022;54:152002
Liu X, Seidel JE, McDonald T, Patel AB, Waters N, Bertazzon S, Shahid R, Marshall DA. Rural–Urban Disparities in Realized Spatial Access to General Practitioners, Orthopedic Surgeons, and Physiotherapists among People with Osteoarthritis in Alberta, Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. June 2022; 19(13):7706
Mazzei DR, Whittaker JL, Kania-Richmond A, Faris P, Wasylak T, Robert J, Hawker G, Marshall DA. Do people with knee osteoarthritis use guideline-consistent treatments after an orthopaedic surgeon recommends nonsurgical care? A cross-sectional survey with long-term follow-up. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open, June 2022;4(2):1-8
D'Silva A, Marshall DA, Vallance J, Y Nasser, V Rajagopalan, G MacKean, M Raman. Meditation and yoga for irritable bowel syndrome: study protocol for a randomised clinical trial (MY-IBS study). BMJ Open June 2022; 12:e059604
Thomas M, Marshall DA, Choudhary D, Bartless SJ, SancMichez AL, Hazlewood GS. The Application of Preference Elicitation Methods in Clinical Trial Design to Quantify Trade-Offs: A Scoping Review. The Patient, June 2022;15(1):423-434
Hawker GA, Conner-Spady BL, Bohm E, Dunbar MJ, Jones CA, Ravi B, Noseworthy T, Woodhouse LJ, Faris P, Dick D, Powell J, Paul P, Marshall DA; BEST-Knee Study Team. The Relationship between Patient-Reported Readiness for Total Knee Arthroplasty and Likelihood of a Good Outcome at One Year (Revision). Arthritis Care & Research (Hoboken), May 2022;0(0):1-10
Harvey E, El Bizri M, Nguyen GC, Marshall DA, Mirza R, Sewitch MJ. Health care perspectives of adult patients with lower educational attainment in inflammatory bowel disease: A qualitative study. Journal of Patient Experience, May 2022;9:1-8
Mirza RM, MacKean G, Shaffer SR, Sewitch MJ, Heisler CG, McLeod J, Habashi P, MacDonald KV, Barker K, Nguyen GC, Marshall DA. Patient experiences in the management of inflammatory bowel disease: A qualitative study. Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology, May 2022;5(6):261-270
Grazziotin LR, Currie G, Twilt M, Ijzerman MJ, Kip MMA, Koffijberg H, Benseler SM, Swart JF, Bastert SJ, Wulffraat NM, Yeung RSM, Marshall DA. Real-world data reveals the complexity of disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug treatment patterns in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: an observational study. Pediatric Rheum (Open Access), April 2022;20(1):25
Hawker GA, Bohm E, Dunbar MJ, Jones CA, Noseworthy T, Marshall DA, BEST-Knee Study Team. The effect of patient age and surgical appropriateness and their influence on surgeon recommendations for primary TKA: A cross-sectional study of 2,037 patients. JBJS, April 2022;104(8):700-708.
Fullerton MM, Benham J, Graves A, Fazel S, Doucette EJ, Oxoby RJ, Mourali M, Boucher JC, Constantinescu C, Leigh JP, Tang T, Marshall DA, Hu J, Lang R. Challenges and recommendations for COVID-19 public health messaging: A Canada-wide qualitative study using virtual focus groups. BMJ Open, April 2022;12:e054635.
Rines J, Daley K, Loo S, Safari K, Walsh D, Gill M, Moayyedi P, Fernandes A, Marlett N, Marshall DA. A patient-led, peer-to-peer qualitative study on the psychosocial relationship between young adults with inflammatory bowel disease and food. Health Expectations, 2022;25:1486‐1497. (CIHR Grant # associated: 1715-000-001)
Hazlewood GS, Loyola-Sanchez A, Bykerk V, Hull PM, Marshall DA, Pham T, Barber CEH, Barnabe C, Sirois A, Pope J, Schieir O, Richards D, Proulx L, Bartlett S. Patient and Rheumatologist Perspectives on Tapering DMARDs in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Qualitative Study. Rheumatology (Oxford). Feb 2022; 61(2):606-616.
Currie GR, Lee R, Black AM, Palacios-Derflingher L, Hagel BE, Emery CA, Marshall DA. An economic evaluation of disallowing body checking in 11- to 12-year-old ice hockey leagues. Sports Health. Feb 2022;14(2):293-298.
Hazlewood GS, Bombardier C, Li X, Moyahedi M, Coquette D, Coupal L, Bykerk VP, Schieir O, Mosher D, Marshall DA, Bernatsky S, Spencer N, Richards DP, Proulx L, Barder CEH, OBRI, Rhumdata, CATCH Investigators, the Ruehm4U Team. Heterogeneity in patient characteristics and differences in treatment across 4 Canadian rheumatoid arthritis cohorts. Journal of Rheumatology, Jan 2022.
Gupta A, Cafazzo JA, IJzerman MJ, Swart JF, Vastert S, Wulffraat NM, Benseler S, Marshall DA, Yeung R, Twilt M. Genomic Health Literacy Interventions in Pediatrics: Scoping Review JMIR, Dec 2021;23(12):e26684.
Hayeems R, Marshall DA, Michaels Igbokwe C, Venkataramanan V, Hartley T, Acker M, Gillespie M, Ungar W, Mendoza-Londona R, Bernier FP, Boycott K. The complexity of diagnosing rare disease: An organising framework for outcomes research and health economics based on real world evidence. Genetics in Medicine, Dec 2021.
Benham JL, Atabati O, Oxoby RJ, Mourali M, Shaffer B, Fullerton MM, Tang T, Sheikh H, Constantinescu C, Manns BJ, Marshall DA, Ivers NM, Ratzan SC, Hu J, Lang R. COVID-19 vaccine-related attitudes and beliefs in Canada: National cross-sectional survey and cluster analysis. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2021;7(12)e30424.
Shewchuk B, Green LA, Barber T, Miller J, Teare S, Campbell-Scherer D, Mrklas KJ, Li LC, Marlett N, Wasylak T, Lopatina E, McCaughey D, Marshall DA. Patients’ use of mHealth for self-management of knee osteoarthritis: results of a 6-week pilot study. JMIR Formative Research, Nov 2021;5(11):e30495.
Michaels-Igbokwe C, Currie G, Kennedy BL, MacDonald KV, Marshall DA. Methods for conducting stated preference research with children and adolescents in health: A scoping review of the application of discrete choice experiments. The Patient – Patient-Centered Outcomes Resarch, Nov 2021;14(6):741-758.
Lang R, Atabati O, Oxoby RJ, Mourali M, Shaffer B, Sheikh H, Fullerton MM, Tang T, Parsons Leigh J, Manns BJ, Marshall DA, Ivers NM, Ratzan SC, Hu J, Benham JL. Characterization of non-adopters of COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions through a national cross-sectional survey to assess attitudes and behaviours. Scientific Reports, Nov 2021;11:21751.
Tagimacruz T, Bischak DP, Marshall DA. Alternative care providers in rheumatoid arthritis patient care: a queueing and simulation analysis. Health Systems, Nov 2021;10(4):249-267.
Gonzalez Sepulveda JM, Johnson FR, Marshall DA. Incomplete Information and Irrelevant Attributes in Stated-Preference Values for Health Interventions. Health Economics, Nov 2021;30(11):2637-2648 (Grant # associated with artile: R01 HG007063).
Marshall DA, Jin X, Pittman LB, Smith CJ. The use of patient-reported outcome measures in hip and knee arthroplasty in Alberta. BMC Supplements JPRO, Oct 2021;5(Suppl2):87.
Hawker GA, Conner-Spady BL, Bohm E, Dunbar MJ, Jones A, Ravi B, Noseworthy T, Faris P, Dick D, Powell J, Paul P, Marshall DA, BEST-Knee Study Team. Reply to Letter to the Editor – Concerns regarding p-value-based variable selection of exposure variables and confounding factors: Comment on the Article by Hawker et al. Arthritis Rheumatology, Oct 2021;73(10):1946-1947.
Kip MMA, de Roock S, Currie G, Marshall DA, Grazziotin LR, Twilt M, Yeung RSM, Benseler SM, Schreijer MA, Vastert SJ, Wulffraat N, van Royen-Kerkhof A, Swart JF, IJzerman MJ. Costs of medication use among patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the Dutch healthcare system. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, Oct 2021;21(5):975-984.
Grazziotin Lago L, Currie G, Twilt M, Ijzerman MJ, Kip MMA, Koffijberg H, Benseler SM, Swart JF, Vastert SJ, Wulffraat NM, Yeung RSM, Johnson N, Luca NJ, Miettunen PM, Schmeling H, Marshall DA. Evaluation of real-world health care resource utilization and associated costs in children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Canadian retrospective cohort study. Rheumatology and Therapy. Sept 2021;8(3):1303-1322.
Lopatina E, Marshall DA, LeClercq SA, Noseworthy T, Suter E, De la Rosa Jaimes C, Lauf AM, Mosher DP, Barber CE. Nurse-led care for stable patients with rheumatoid arthritis: quality of care in routine practice compared to the traditional rheumatologist-led model. Rheumatology and Therapy Journal (Open Access). Sept 2021;8(3):1263-1285.
Lacny SL, Faris P, Bohm E, Woodhouse LJ, Robertsson O, Marshall DA. Competing risks methods are recommended for estimating the cumulative incidence of revision arthroplasty for health care planning purposes. Feature Article. Aug 2021;44(4):e549-71.
Thomas M, Fraenkel L, Boonen A, Bansback N, Buchbinder R, Marshall DA, Proulx L, Voshaar M, Richards P, Richards DP, Hiligamann M, Guillemin F, Shea B, Tugwell P, Hazlewood G. Patient preferences to value health outcomes in rheumatology clinical trials: Report from the OMERACT special interest group. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. Aug 2021;51(4):919-924.
Currie GR, Lee R, Palacios-Derflingher LM, Hagel B, Black A, Babul S, Mrazik M, Marshall DA, Emery CA. Reality Check 2: The cost-effectiveness of policy disallowing body checking in non-elite 13 -to 14-year-old ice hockey players. IJERPH, June 2021; 18(12):6322.
King LK, Waugh EJ, Jones CA, Bohm E, Dunbar MJ, Woodhouse LJ, Noseworthy T, Marshall DA, Hawker GA; BEST-Knee Team. Comorbidities Do Not Limit Improvement in Pain and Physical Function After Total Knee Arthroplasty in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: The BEST-Knee Prospective Cohort Study. BMJ Open, June 2021;11(6):e047061.
Thomas M, Fraenkel L, Boonen A, Bansback N, Buchbinder R, Marshall DA, Proulx L, Voshaar M, Richards DP, Hiligsmann M, Guillemin F, Shea B, Tugwell P, Hazlewood G. Patient preferences to value health outcomes in Rheumatology clinical trials: Report from the OMERACT Special Interest Group, May 2021;S0049-172(21):00099-8.
Barber CE, Marshall DA, Szefer E, Barnabe C, Shiff N, Bykerk V, Homik J, Thorne C, Ahluwalia V, Benseler S, Mosher D, Twilt M, Lacaille D. A population-based approach to reporting system-level performance measures for rheumatoid arthritis care. Arthritis Care & Research (Hoboken), May 2021;73(5):640-648.
Kip MMA, de Roock S, van den Berg I, Currie G, Marshall DA, Grazziotin LR, Twilt M, Yeung RSM, Benseler SM, Vastert SJ, Wulffraat N, Swart JF, IJzerman MJ. Costs of hospital-associated care for patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the Dutch healthcare system. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2021 May 2. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33938161.
Boucher J, Cornelson K, Benham JL, Fullerton MM, Tang T, Constantinescu C, Mourali M, Oxoby RJ, Marshall DA, Hemmati H, Badami A, Hu J, Lang R. Analyzing Social Media to Explore the Attitudes and Behaviors Following the Announcement of Successful COVID-19 Vaccine Trials: Infodemiology Study. JMIR Infodemiology 2021;1(1): e28800.
Barber CE, Lacaille D, Faris P, Mosher DP, Katz S, Patel JN, Zhang S, Yee K, Barnaber C, Hazlewood G, Bykerk V, Shiff NJ, Twilt M, Burt J, Benseler S, Homik J, Marshall DA. Evaluating quality of care for rheumatoid arthritis for the population of Alberta using system-level performance measures. Journal of Rheumatology, April 2021;48(4):482-485.
Liu X, Barber CE, Katz S, Homik J, Bertazzon S, Patel AB, Robert J, Smith C, et al. Geographic Variation in the Prevalence of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Alberta, Canada. 2021 April 1.
Barber CE, Lacaille D, Hall M, Bohm V, Li L, Barnabe C, Hazlewood G, Marshall DA, Rankin J, Tsui K, English K, MacMullan P, Homik J, Mosher DP, Then K. Priorities for High Quality Care in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results of Patient, Health Professional, and Policymaker Perspectives. Journal of Rheumatology, April 2021;48(8):486-494.
Lang R, Benham J, Atabati O, Hollis A, Tombe T, Shaffer B, Kovacs Burns K, MacKean G, Léveillé T, McCormack B, Sheikh H, Fullerton MM, Tang T, Boucher J-C, Constantinescu C, Mourali M, Manns BJ, Marshall DA, Hu J, Oxoby RJ. Attitudes, behaviours and barriers to public health measures for COVID-10: a survey to inform public health messaging. BMC Public Health, Open Access, April 2021;21:765.
Liu X, Barber, CE, Katz, S, Homik J, Bertazzon S, Patel AB, Robert J, Smith C, Mosher DP, Marshall DA. Geographic Variation in the Prevalence of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Alberta, Canada. ACR Open Rheumatology. March 2021;0(0):1-9
Barber CE, Lacaille D, Hall M, Bohm V, Li LC, Barnabe C, Rankin J, Hazlewood G, Marshall DA, Macmullan P, Mosher DP, Homik J, English K, Tsu K, Then KL. Strategies for Developing and Implementing a Rheumatoid Arthritis Healthcare Quality Framework: A Thematic Analysis of Perspectives from Arthritis Stakeholders. BMJ Open. March 2021;11(3):e043759.
Phillips KA, Douglas MP, Wordsworth S, Buchanan J, Marshall DA. Availability and funding of clinical genomic sequencing globally. BMJ Global Health, Jan 2021;6:e004415.
Michaels-Igbokwe C, McInnes B, MacDonald KV, Currie GR, Omar F, Shewchuk B, Bernier FP, Marshall DA. (Un)standardized testing: the diagnostic odyssey of children with rare genetic disorders in Alberta, Canada. Genetics Medicine, Feb 2021;23(2):272-279.
Hawker G, Connor-Sprady B, Bohm E, Dunbar MJ, CA Jones, Ravi B, Noseworthy T, Dick D, Powell J, Paulose P, Marshall DA. Patients’ Preoperative Expectations of Total Knee Arthroplasty and Satisfaction with Outcomes at One Year: A Prospective Cohort Study. Arthritis and Rheumatology, Feb 2021;73(2):223-231.
Lopatina E, Marshall DA, Coupal L, Le Lorier J, Choquette D. Cost-utility analysis of second-line therapy with rituximab compared to tumour necrosis factor inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis. Current Medical Research and Opinion, Jan 2021;37(1):157-166.
Barber CEH, Then KL, Bohm V, Hall M, Marshall DA, Rankin JA, Barnabe C, Hazlewood GS, Li LC, Mosher D, Homik J, MacMullan P, Tsui K, English K, Lacaille D for RA Quality Measurement Delphi Panel Group. Development of a patient- centered quality measurement framework for measuring, monitoring and optimizing rheumatoid arthritis care in Canada. Journal of Rheumatology, Jan 2021;48(3):326-334
Phillips KA, Douglas MP, Marshall DA. Expanding Use of Clinical Genome Sequencing and the Need for More Data on Implementation. JAMA Nov 2020;324(20):2029-2030.
Kip MA, de Roock S, Currie G, Marshall DA, Grazziotin Lago L, Twilt M. Costs of medication use among patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the Dutch healthcare system. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, Nov 2020; 1-53.
Mazzei DR, Ademola A, Abbott JH, Sajobi T, Hildebrand K, Marshall DA. Are Education, Exercise and Diet Interventions A Cost-Effective Treatment to Manage Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis? A Systematic Review. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Nov 2020; S1063 – 4584 (20) 31165-1.
Moayyedi P, MacQueen G (post-humous), Bernstein CN, Vanner S, Bercik P, Madsen KL, Surette MG, Rioux JD, Dieleman LA, Verdl EL, De Souza R, Otley A, Targownik l, Lavis J, Marshall DA, Zelinsky S, Fernandes A. IMAGINE Network's M ind A nd G ut I nteractions C ohort (MAGIC) Study: a protocol for a prospective observational multicentre cohort study in inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome. BMJ Open Access, Oct 2020;10:e041733.
Liu XX, Shahid R, Patel AB, McDonald T, Bertzzon S, Waters N, Seidel JE, Marshall DA. Geospatial patterns of comorbidity prevalence among people with osteoarthritis in Alberta Canada. BMC Public Health, Oct 2020;20(1):1551.
Mazzei DR, Ademola A, Abbott JH, Sajobi T, Hildebrand K, Marshall DA. Systematic review of economic evaluations investigating education, exercise and dietary weight management to manage hip and knee osteoarthritis: Protocol. Systematic Reviews, Oct 2020;9(1):299-306.
Carr E, Ortiz M, Patel J, Barber CE, Katz S, Robert J, Mosher DP, Teare S, Miller S, Homik J, Dinsmore K, Marshall DA. Models of arthritis care: A systems-level evaluation of acceptability as a dimension of quality care. J Rheumatology. Sept 2020;47(9):1431-1439.
King LK, Marshall DA, Jones CA, Woodhouse LJ, Ravi B, Faris PD, Hawker GA; BEST-Knee Team. Are medical comorbidities contributing to the use of opioid analgesics in patients with knee osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2020 Aug;28(8):1030-1037.
King LA, Marshall DA, Faris P, Woodhouse L, Jones CA, Noseworthy T, Bohm E, Dunbar M, Hawker GA. Use of recommended non-surgical knee osteoarthritis management in patients prior to total knee arthroplasty: A cross-sectional study. J of Rheumatology. Aug 2020; 47(8):1253-1260.
Grazziotin Lago L, Dada B, de la Rosa Jaimes C, Cheung W, Marshall DA. Chromogenic and silver in situ hybridization for identification of HER 2 overexpression in breast cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology. July 2020;28(6):411-421.
Grazziotin Lago L, Currie G, Kipp MMA, Ijzerman MJ, Twilt M, Lee R, Marshall DA. Health State Utility Values in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: What is the Evidence? Pharmacoeconomics. May 2020; 28:913-926.
Marshall DA, Pham T, Faris P, Chen G, O’Donnell S, Barber CE, LeClercq S, Katz S, Homik J, Patel JN, Lopatina E, Roberts J, Mosher D. Determination of Rheumatoid Arthritis Incidence and Prevalence in Alberta using Administrative Health Data. ACR Open Rheumatology, June 2020; 2(7):424-429.
Tagimacruz MA, Bischak D, Marshall DA. Alternative Care Providers in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient Care: A Queueing and Simulation Analysis. Health Systems. June 2020 (published online); 1-19. DOI: 10.1080/20476965.2020.1771619
Mrklas K, Barber T, Campbell-Scherer D, Green LA, Li LC, Marlett M, Miller J, Shewchuk B, Teare S, Wasylak T, Marshall DA. Co-Design in the Development of a Mobile Health App for the Management of Knee Osteoarthritis by Patients and Physicians: Qualitative Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. July 2020;8(7):e17893.
Hazlewood G, Marshall DA, Barber CE, Li LC, Barnaber C, Bykerk V, Tugwell P, Hull PM, Bansback N. Using a discrete-choice experiment in a decision aid to nudge patients towards value-concordant treatment choices in rheumatoid arthritis: A proof-of-concept study. Patient Preference and Adherence. May 2020;14:829-838.
Marshall DA, Grazziotin Lago L, Regier D, Wordsworth S, Buchanan J, Phillips K, IZjerman M. Addressing challenges of economic evaluation in precision medicine using dynamic simulation modelling. Value in Health, May 2020;23(5):566-573.
Malone DC, Ramsey SD, Patrick DL, Johnson FR, Mullins CD, Roberts MS, Willke RJ, Marshall DA. Criteria and Process for Initiating and Developing an ISPOR Good Practices Task Force Report. Value in Health, April 2020;23(4): 409-415.
Barber CE, Twilt M, Pham T, Currie GR, Benseler S, Yeung RSM, Batthish M, Blanchette N, Guzman J, Lang B, LeBlanc C, Levy DM, O’Brin C, Schmeling H, Soon G, Spiegel L, Whitney K, Marshall DA. A Canadian evaluation framework for quality improvement in childhood arthritis: key performance indicators of the process of care. Arthritis Research and Therapy, March 2020;22(1):53.
Hazlewood G, Pokharel G, Deadon R, Marshall DA, Bombardier C, Tomlinson G, Ma C, Seow CH, Panaccione R, Kaplan G. Patient preferences for maintenance therapy in Crohn's disease: A discrete-choice experiment. PLoS One, Jan 2020;15(1): e0227635.
Loyola-Sanchez A, Hazlewood G, Crowshoe L, Linkert T, Hull PM, Marshall DA, Barnabe C. Qualitative study of treatment preferences for rheumatoid arthritis and pharmacotherapy acceptance: Indigenous patient perspectives. Arthritis Care Research (Hoboken), April 2020;72(4):544-552.
Conner-Spady B, Bohm E, Loucks L, Dunbar M, Marshall DA. Patient expectations and satisfaction 6 and 12 months following total hip and knee replacement. Quality of Life Research, March 2020;29(3):705-719.
Durand C, Maysoon E, Marshall DA, Bansback N, Hazlewood G. Patient preferences for disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug treatment in rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review. Journal of Rheumatology, Feb 2020;47(2):176-187.
Damani Z, Bohm E, Quan H, Noseworthy T, MacKean G, Loucks L, Marshall DA. Improving the quality of care with a single-entry model of referral for total joint replacement: A reimplementation/post implementation evaluation. BMJ Open, Dec 2019;9(12):e028373
Marshall DA, Liu X, Barnabe C, Yee K, Faris PD, Barber CE, Mosher DP, Noseworthy T, Werle J, Lix L. Existing comorbidities in people with osteoarthritis: a retrospective analysis of a population-based cohort in Alberta, Canada. BMJ Open, Nov 2019;9:e033334
Sampson C, Arnold R, Bryan S, Clarke P, Ekins S, Hatswell A, Hakins N, Langham S, Marshall DA, Sadatsafavi M, Sullivan W, Wilson E, Wrightson T. Transparency in decision modelling: What, why, who, and how? Pharmacoeconomics, Nov 2019;37(11):1355-1369.
Marshall DA, MacDonald KV, Heidenreich S, Hartley T, Bernier FP, Gillespie MK, McInnes B, Innes AM, Armour CM, Boycott KM. The value of diagnostic testing for parents of children with rare genetic diseases. Genetics in Medicine, Nov 2019;21(11):2662.
Jin X, Sayah AI, Ohinmaa A, Marshall DA, Johnson JA. Responsiveness of the EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L in patients following total hip or knee replacement. Qual Life Research, Sept 2019;28(9):2409-2417.
Phillips KA, Marshall DA, Jurian AW. Can precision medicine help achieve the goal of reducing care when the risks exceed the benefits? Personalized Medicine, Sept 2019;16(5):365-367.
Ostermann J, Brown DS, van Til JA, Bansback N, Legare F, Marshall DA, Meenakshi B. Support tools for preference-sensitive decisions in healthcare: Where are we? Where do we go? How do we get there? The Patient June 2019;12:439-443.
Barber CE, Lix L, Lacaille D, Marshall DA, Kroeker K, Benseler S, Twilt M, Schmeling H, Barnabe C, Hazlewood G, Bykerk V, Homik J, Carter Thorne J, Burt J, Mosher DP, Katz S, Shiff N. Testing population-based performance measures identifies gaps in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) care. BMC Health Services Research. August 2019;19:572.
Michaels-Igbokwe C, Lee R, Marshall DA, Currie G. Economic evaluations of strategies to prevent sports and recreational injury among children and adolescents: a systematic review. Injury Prevention, Aug 2019;25(4):340-347.
Jin X, Al Sayah F, Ohinmaa A, Marshall DA, Smith C, Johnson JA. The EQ-5D-5L Is Superior to the -3L Version in Measuring Health-related Quality of Life in Patients Awaiting Hip or Knee Arthroplasty. Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research. July 2019;477(7): 1632-1644.
Marshall DA, Ferrusi IL, Trudeau M, Leighl NB, Hoch JS, Grazziotin Lago L, Khong H, Pullenayegum E, Earler CC. Adherence to human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 testing and adjuvant trastuzumab treatment guidelines in Ontario. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, June 2019;0(0):1-7.
Lopatina E, Miller J, Teare S, Marlett N, Patel J, Barber CE, Mosher D, Wasylak T, Woodhouse L, Marshall DA. The voice of patients in system redesign: A case study of redesigning a centralized system for intake of referrals from primary care to rheumatologists for patients with suspected rheumatoid arthritis. Health Expectations, June 2019;22:348-363.
Carr E., Patel J, Ortiz M, Miller J, Teare S, Barber CE, Marshall DA. Co-design of a patient experience survey for arthritis central uptake: an example of meaningful patient engagement in healthcare design. BMC Health Services Research, June 2019;19:355
Barber CE, Sandhu N, Rankin J, MacMullan P, Marshall DA, Barnabe C, Hazlewood G, Emrick A, Stevenson M, Then K, Benseler S, Twilt M, Mosher D. Rheum4U: Development and testing of a web-based tool for improving the quality of care for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology Online, May 2019;37(3):0385-0392.
Barnabe C, Miller J, Teare S, Eaglespeaker C, Roland B, Eshkakogan N, Crowshoe L, Lopatina E, Marshall DA. Solution model for enhancing the experiences of urban First Nations and Metis Patients accessing and navigating the health system for inflammatory arthritis care. International Indigenous Policy Journal May 2019;10(2):1-15.
Marshall DA, Benchimol EI, MacKenzie A, Rodriguez Duque D, MacDonald KV, Hartley T, Howley T, Hamilton A, Gillespie M, Malam F, Boycott KM. Direct healthcare costs for children diagnosed with genetic diseases are significantly higher than for children with other chronic diseases. Genetics in Medicine May 2019;21(5):1049-1057.
Kip M, Currie G, Marshall DA, Grazziotin Lago L, Twilt M, Vastert SJ, Sward JF, Wulffraat N, Yeung RSM, Benseler SM, Ijzerman M. Seeking the state of the art in standardized measurement of health care resource use and costs in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: A scoping review. Pediatric Rheumatology. May 2019;17:20.
Josephson C, Engbers J, Jette N, Patten S, Singh S, Sajobi T, Marshall DA, Agha-Khani Y, Federico P, Mackie A, Macrodimitris S, McLane B, Pillay N, Sharma R, Wiebe S. Prediction Tools for Psychiatric Adverse Effects After Levetiracetam Prescription. JAMA Neurology. April 2019;76(4):440-446.
Barber CE, Nasr M, Barnabe C, Badley E, Lacaille D, Pope J, Cividino A, Yacyshyn E, Baillier C, Mosher D, Thomson J, Charnock C, Throne JC, Zummer M, Brophy J, Ruban T, Ahulwalia V, McDougall R, Marshall DA. Planning for the rheumatologist workforce: Factors associated with work hours and volumes. Journal of Clinical Rheumatology April 2019;25(3):142-146.
Goh E, Miller FA, Marshall DA, Ungar WJ. Genetic Counsellors’ Preferences for Coverage of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Clinical Genetics, March 2019; 95:684-692.
Bansback N, Trenaman L, MacDonald KV, Hawker G, Johnson J.A., Stacey D, Marshall DA. An individualized patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) based patient decision aid and surgeon report for patients considering total knee arthroplasty: Protocol for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, Feb 2019; 20:89.
Marshall DA, Liu X, Shahid R, Bertazzon S, Seidel J, Patel AB, Nasr M, Barber CEH, McDonald T, Sharma R, Briggs T, Faris P, Waters N. Geographic variation in osteoarthritis prevalence in Alberta: a spatial analysis approach. Applied Geography, Feb 2019;103(1):112-121.
Barber T, Sharif B, Teare S, Miller J, Shewchuk B, Green L, Marlett N, Cibere J, Mrklas K, Wasylak T, Li L, Campbell-Scherer D, Marshall DA. Qualitative Study to elicit patients’ and primary care physicians’ perspectives on the use of a self-management mobile health application for knee osteoarthritis. BMJ Open, Feb 2019; 9(1):e024016.
Swamy G, Lopatina E, Thomas KC, Marshall DA, Johal HS. Cost effectiveness of minimally invasive spine surgery in the treatment of adult degenerative scoliosis: a comparison of trans-psoas and open techniques. The Spine Journal, Feb 2019;19(2):339-348.
Bedford P, Bhatia S, Cadigan RJ, Castonguay J, Fraser B, Herder M, Janes L, Kleiderman E, Lynd LD, Marshall DA, Roy DC, Touzot F. Council of Canadian Academies, 2020. From Research to Reality, Ottawa (ON). The Expert Panel on the Approval and Use of Somatic Gene Therapies in Canada, Council of Canadian Academies. Nov 2020.
Belsey J, Chaihorsky L, Chediak L, Currie GR, Goranitis I, Marshall DA. Global Data Access for Solving Rare Disease: A Health Economics Value Framework. World Economic Forum, February, 2020.
Al Sayah F, Johnson JA, Ohinmaa A, Dean S, Lahtinen M, Marshall DA, Jin X, Warner L, Churchill L, Schmitt-Boshnick M, Watson L, Josephson CB. Enhancing the Use of Patient-reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in the Healthcare System in Alberta - A White Paper. APERSU, Edmonton AB, January 2020.
Marshall DA, Jonsson E, Martin L, Mosher D, MacDonald KV. Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Policy Perspective. A Registry for Research and Better Treatment of Albertans. Institute of Health Economics, March 2015. ISBN 978-1-926929-41-5 (Print). ISBN 978-1-929929-42-2
Sheanh G. Interview of Dr Deborah Marshall, ARC Senior Scientist - Joint Replacement: When is it Appropriate? Arthritis Research Centre Newsletter, Fall 2014. Joint Replacement: When is it Appropriate? - Arthritis Research Canada