Upcoming Grand Rounds

Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds Thurs, May 09, 2024

Time: (0900—1000) (1.0 Education Credits)

Room: Clara Christie Theatre – HSC

Zoom Link: https://albertahealthservices.zoom.us/j/61834756597?pwd=Skg1ZmdXOGdRWmgxMUc0U3lNMjR5Zz09

Meeting ID: 618 3475 6597

Passcode: 407952

Speakers: Ian Blanchard AHS EMS Science and Research Senior Scientist and Ryan Lee AHS EMS Science and Research – Paramedic Research Lead

Title: Improving Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Care: Evidence Driving Practice

Description: In our presentation, we will be discussing the changes AHS EMS has made over the past few years to improve cardiac arrest management by our paramedics through research evidence and our local AB cardiac arrest dataset.

Evaluation Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScfE89aef_BC5V_zgP6JjXVrkJ3GP0fcyMezgAXKCKvwrQRog/viewform