Note: Grand rounds for the calendar year of 2024 have been archived below.
February 06, 2025 DEM Grand Rounds
Speaker: Dr. Arun Abbi
Title: Neuromuscular Disorders in the Emergency Department. Case presentation and discussion
Description: n/a
January 30, 2025 PEM City Wide Rounds Cancelled
Please note that due to an unforeseen circumstance there will be no rounds on January 30.
January 23, 2025 DEM Grand Rounds
Speaker: Dr. Bobby Johnston
Title: The Doctor Will See You Now: Physician Performance Beyond the Science
Description: The presentation explores the impact of physician presence and performance on patient outcomes beyond measurable clinical factors. It focuses on the importance of recognizing the emotional and psychological elements of patient interactions and how physicians can optimize their approach to improve both patient and team experiences.
January 16, 2025 DEM Grand Rounds
Speaker: Dr. Joe Vipond
Title: You Do You? Or Patient and occupational safety? A choice for our leaders
Description: COVID continues to sicken patients and HCWs in our Emergency Rooms, hospitals, and long-term care facilities, and is undoubtably the #1 Hospital-Acquired Infection cause of mortality. Do our health care leaders have a responsibility to ensure patient and HCW safety, like in other industries, or does individual autonomy require a relaxed approach? Hoping for a lively discussion on the bioethics of today's health care system.
January 09, 2025 DEM Grand Rounds
Speaker: Dr. Katie Gourlay
Moderator: Dr. Brittany Sunderani
Title: Our Claim to Flame: The EM Guide to Burn Fluid Resuscitation
Description: This presentation will cover the pathophysiology of burn shock and the hemodynamic challenges emergency physicians might encounter in patients with large TBSA burns. We will cover common pitfalls emergency physicians might encounter when evaluating a patient with a burn, and how to frame our fluid resuscitation parameters according to the most recent evidence.