Upcoming Grand Rounds

Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds

Grand Rounds Thursday January 16, 2025 (0900—1000) (1.0 Education Credits)

Room: Theatre 4 – HSC

Zoom Link: https://albertahealthservices.zoom.us/j/61834756597?pwd=Skg1ZmdXOGdRWmgxMUc0U3lNMjR5Zz09

Meeting ID: 618 3475 6597      Passcode: 407952

Speakers: Dr. Joe Vipond

Bio: Dr Joe Vipond has worked as an emergency physician for over twenty years, currently at the Rockyview General Hospital. Outside of clinical work, he has focused his efforts on advocacy, both on climate and COVID policy.  He is Past-President of the national charity Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment.  He is also the co-founder and board member of the local charity the Calgary Climate Hub, and over the last four years, the co-founder of #masks4Canada, the Canadian Covid Society, and ProtectOurProvinceAB. Joe grew up in Calgary and continues to live there with his wife and two daughters.

Title: You Do You? Or Patient and occupational safety? A choice for our leaders

Description: COVID continues to sicken patients and HCWs in our Emergency Rooms, hospitals, and long-term care facilities, and is undoubtably the #1 Hospital-Acquired Infection cause of mortality. Do our health care leaders have a responsibility to ensure patient and HCW safety, like in other industries, or does individual autonomy require a relaxed approach? Hoping for a lively discussion on the bioethics of today's health care system.

Session #2: (1000 –1015)

Research update by Dr. Andrew McRae

DEM Academic Grand Rounds Evaluation

To view archived grand rounds, please visit our website