Upcoming Grand Rounds

Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds

Grand Rounds Thursday January 09, 2025 (0900—1000) (1.0 Education Credits)

Room: Theatre 4 – HSC

Zoom Link: https://albertahealthservices.zoom.us/j/61834756597?pwd=Skg1ZmdXOGdRWmgxMUc0U3lNMjR5Zz09

Meeting ID: 618 3475 6597      Passcode: 407952

Speakers: Dr. Katie Gourlay

Moderator: Dr. Brittany Sunderani

Title: Our Claim to Flame: The EM Guide to Burn Fluid Resuscitation

Description: This presentation will cover the pathophysiology of burn shock and the hemodynamic challenges emergency physicians might encounter in patients with large TBSA burns. We will cover common pitfalls emergency physicians might encounter when evaluating a patient with a burn, and how to frame our fluid resuscitation parameters according to the most recent evidence.

DEM Academic Grand Rounds Evaluation

To view archived grand rounds, please visit our website