Quentin Pittman

Professor, Interim Head

Hotchkiss Brain Institute

Contact information


Office: 403-220-7383

Web presence

Pittman Lab


Office : HSC2115


Research areas

  • Neurophysiology
  • Fever
  • Hypothalamus
  • Autonomic
  • Pituitary
  • Endocrine
  • Sickness behavior
  • Patch clamp

Research Activities

Our lab has several research interests and employs multiple approaches to investigate neuronal function at levels ranging from the entire organism to the single cell. We benefit from numerous collaborations with colleagues in nearby laboratories.

We carry out patch clamp voltage recording in brain slices where we focus on the synaptic pharmacology of important endocrine and autonomic nuclei in the hypothalamus, brain stem and limbic system.

We study the influence of inflammation of either the pregnant mother or of the pups on adult behavior, physiology, and pharmacology. Approaches include behavioral and EEG analysis, Western blot and ELISA measurements of numerous synaptic proteins, quantitative PCR, immunohistochemistry and patch clamp recordings in brain slices.

We study febrile seizures and their long term effects.

We are interested in the mechanisms underlying co-morbid behaviors during inflammatory disease, thus we utilize animal models of colitis, Multiple Sclerosis and liver disease to explore difference in neuronal function in these disease models.


Administrative Assistant

Julie Slinn