
External Awards & Recognition Committee

The Awards and Recognition Committee strongly encourages all members of the Cumming School of Medicine to become involved in the nomination of colleagues. If you wish to apply for an award or make a nomination, please contact one of the committee members listed below.

Dr. Fiona Clement

Dr. Fiona Clement, Committee Chair

Dr. Antoine Dufour

Dr. Antoine Dufour

Dr. Tom Feasby

Dr. Tom Feasby

Dr. Kirsten Fiest

Dr. Kirsten Fiest

Dr. Martina Kelly

Dr. Martina Kelly

Dr. Richard Leigh

Dr. Richard Leigh

Dr. Jocelyn Lockyer

Dr. Jocelyn Lockyer

Dr. Quentin Pittman

Dr. Quentin Pittman

Dr. Fiona Schulte
Dr. Fiona Schulte
Dr. V. Wee Yong

Dr. V. Wee Yong, past Committee Chair

Dr. Michael Hill

Dr. Michael Hill

Dr. Catherine Lebel

Dr. Catherine Lebel

Dr. George Chaconas

Dr. George Chaconas

Dr. Jayna Holroyd-Leduc

Dr. Jayna Holroyd-Leduc

Dr. Keith Sharkey

Dr. Keith Sharkey

Tanna Giroux, Awards Specialist

Tanna Giroux, Awards Specialist

The Awards & Recognition Committee is pleased to help support external award applications or to assist with nominating a colleague. The committee is dedicated to providing editing service, soliciting letters of support, and advice on preparing a strong nomination package.