

Dr. Lianne Tomfohr-Madsen, PhD, RPsych

University of British Columbia
Research Focus: Psychological and social factors that promote or detract from optimal health trajectories

Healthy Families Lab

Dr. Marie-Claire Arrieta, PhD

University of Calgary
Research Focus: Early-life microbiome and it relation to immune and metabolic development

Arrieta Lab

Dr. Catherine Lebel, PhD

University of Calgary
Research Focus: Developmental Neuroimaging

Developmental Neuroimaging Lab

Dr. Carly McMorris, PhD, RPsych

University of Calgary
Research Focus: Neurodevelopmental disorders and the physical and mental health problems that commonly occur alongside them

The Enhance Lab

Dr. Raylene Reimer, PhD, RD

University of Calgary
Research Focus: Nutrition, chronic disease, and gut microbiota

Dr. Catherine Field, PhD

University of Alberta
Research Focus: Nutritional Immunology

Dr. Patricia Pelufo Silveira, MD, PhD

McGill University
Research Focus: How perinatal and early-childhood environments can shape and modulate both health and disease across the lifespan

Dr. Erin C. Dunn, ScD, MPH

Purdue University 
Research Focus: genetics, epigenetics, childhood adversity, and baby teeth
“The Science Tooth Fairy”

The Dunn Lab