
Our lab uses a variety of research methodologies and facilities to collect data. 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI is a way to capture images using a magnet. The Alberta Children's Hospital has a dedicated 3T research MRI machine. We run a variety of different brain scans, but mostly focus on capturing Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) data in vivo. MRS is a type of MRI which captures the levels of metabolites (chemicals) in your brain. 



We also have a "mock scanner" which enables participants to get a feel of the MRI experience prior to their study visit. 



During the MRI scans, participants can watch a movie or TV show of their choice, listen to the radio, or fall asleep! 

Research MRI


Here you can see our wonderful lab volunteer, Nile, getting set up for an EEG.

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

EEG is a non-invasive and painless way to measure the electrical activity in the brain.



To capture this activity, we have participants wear an EEG cap that records electrical signals in different parts of the brain. The electrical signals are sent by cells in the brain called neurons. These signals change depending upon what the brain is doing. The EEG cap has these little white buttons all over, called electrodes. These electrodes are what record electrical activity in the brain.



Click here to watch a video about EEG in research. 

Vibrotactile Testing (VBT)

VBT is a way to measure how your brain processes sensory information. As you can see to the right, we have participants place their hand on a stimulator. This stimulator sends different types of buzzes to the fingertips and the participant responds accordingly. 


Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute (ACHRI)

Our research takes place at the Alberta Children's Hospital in partnership with the University of Calgary, Alberta Children's Hospital and the Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation. You can find out more about our research facility by visiting the ACHRI website



Hotchkiss Brain Institute (HBI)

Dr. Harris is also affiliated with the HBI. The HBI is a research institute focused on applying neuroscience research to improve outcomes in neurological and mental health disorders. 



Seaman Family MR Centre 

Located inside the Foothills Medical Centre, the Seaman Family MR Centre is another facility where we conduct research MRI's. 



McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health 

Located inside the Foothills Medical Centre, MoJo is another facility we are collaborating with for our study looking at pain in knee osteoarthritis.