

Changes in brain metabolite levels across childhood
Perdue, M.V., DeMayo, M.M., Bell, T.K., Boudes, E., Bagshawe, M., Harris, A.D., Lebel, C.

Brain metabolites measured with magnetic resonance spectroscopy in pediatric concussion and orthopedic injury: An Advancing Concussion Assessment in Pediatrics (A-CAP) study
La, P.L., Joyce, J.M., Bell, T.K., Mauthner, M., Craig, W., Doan, Q., Beauchamp, M.H., Zemek, R., Yeates, K.O., Harris, A.D.

Consistency of frontal cortex metabolites quantified by magnetic resonance spectroscopy within overlapping small and large voxels
DeMayo, M.M., McGirr, A., Selby, B., MacMaster, F.P., Debert, C.T., Harris, A.D.

Functional changes in GABA and glutamate during motor learning
Bell, T.K., Craven, A.R., Hugdahl, K., Noeske, R., Harris, A.D.

Frequency and phase correction of GABA-Edited magnetic resonance spectroscopy using complex-valued convolutional neural networks
Bugler, H., Pommot Berto, R., Souza, R., Harris, A.D.

Comparison of different approaches to manage multi-site magnetic resonance spectroscopy clinical data analysis
La, P.L., Bell, T.K., Craig, W., Doan, Q., Beauchamp, M.H., Zemek, R., Yeates, K.O., Harris, A.D.


Development and validation of the Social Reward Questionnaire - Early Childhood
Godfrey, K.J., Foulkes, L., McMorris, C., Harris, A.D., Bray, S.

Harmonization of multi-site MRS data with ComBat
Bell, T.K., Godfrey, K.J., Ware, A.L., Yeates, K.O., Harris, A.D.

Atypical tactile perception in early childhood autism
Espenhahn, S., Godfrey, K.J., Kaur, S., McMorris C., Murias, K., Tommerdahl, M., Bray, S., Harris, A.D.

Non-linear age effects in tactile processing from early childhood to adulthood
Kaur, S., Espenhahn, S., Bell, T., Godfrey, K.J., Nwaroh, C., Giuffre, A., Cole, L., Beltrano, W., Yan, T., Stokoe, M., Haynes, L., Hou, T., Tommerdahl, M., Bray, S., Harris, A.D.

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of traumatic brain injury and subconcussive hits: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Joyce, J. M., La, P. L., Walker, R., Harris, A.D.

Glutamate, GABA and glutathione in adults with persistent post-concussive symptoms
Joyce, J. M., Mercier, L. J., Stokoe, M., Bell, T., Batycky, J. M., Debert, C. T., Harris, A.D.


Autism interest intensity in early childhood associates with executive functioning but not reward sensitivity or anxiety symptoms
Godfrey, K.J., Espenhahn, S., Stokoe, M., McMorris, C., Murias, K., McCrimmon, A., *Bray, S., *Harris, A.D.

Feasibility of at-home vibrotactile data collection in children and adolescents: Study of mild traumatic brain injury
Stokoe, M., Bell., T., Mauthner, M., O'Brien, H., Ip., A., Tommerdahl, M., Yeates, K., Harris D.

Age-related differences in resting state functional connectivity in pediatric migraine.
Bell, T., Khaira, A., Stokoe, M., Webb, M., Noel, M., Amoozegar, F., Harris, A.D.

Macromolecule suppressed GABA levels show no relationship with age in a pediatric sample.
Bell, T., Stokoe, M., Harris, A.D

GABA and glutamate in pediatric migraine.
Bell, T., Stokoe, M., Khaira, A., Webb, M., Noel, M., Amoozegar, F., Harris, A.D.
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The feasibility of magnetic resonance imaging in a non-selective comprehensive clinical trial in pediatric Autism Spectrum Disorder.
DeMayo, M. M., Pokorski, I., Song, Y., Thapa, R., Patel, S., Ambarchi, Z., … Guastella, A.

Age-related parietal GABA alterations in children with autism spectrum disorder.
DeMayo, M. M., Harris, A. D., Song, Y. J. C., Pokorski, I., Thapa, R., Patel, S., . . . Guastella, A. J.

Intermittent theta-burst stimulation transcranial magnetic stimulation increases GABA in the medial prefrontal cortex: a preliminary sham-controlled magnetic resonance spectroscopy study in acute bipolar depression.
Diederichs, C., DeMayo, M. M., Cole, J., Yatham, L.N., Harris, A. D., McGirr, A.

Tactile cortical responses and association with tactile reactivity in young children on the autism spectrum.
Espenhahn, S., Godfrey, K.J., Kaur, S., Ross, M., Nath, N., Dmitrieva, O., McMorris, C., Cortese, F., Wright, C., Murias, K., Dewey, D., Protzner, A.B., McCrimmon, A., *Bray, S., *Harris, A.D.

Anomalous relationship between sensorimotor GABA levels and task-dependent cortical excitability in children with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Harris, A.D., Gilbert, D.L., Horn, P.S., Crocetti, D., Cecil, K.M., Edden, R.A.E., Huddleston, D.A., Mostofsky, S.H., Puts, N.A.J.

Region-specific elevations of glutamate + glutamine correlate with the sensory symptoms of autism spectrum disorders.
He, J.L. Oeltzschner, G., Mikklesen, M., Deronda, A., Harris, A.D., Crocetti, D., Wodka, E.L., Mostofsky, S.H., Edden, R.A.E., Puts, N.A.J.

Characterizing physical activity and sedentary behavior in adults with persistent post-concussive symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury.
Mercier L.J., Kowalski K., Fung T.S., Joyce J.M., Yeates K.O., Debert C.T.

Processing, analysis and quantification in single-voxel magnetic resonance spectroscopy: Experts’ consensus recommendations.
Near, J., Harris, A.D., Juchem, C., Kreis, R., Marjanska, M., Gulin, O., Slotboom, J., Wilson, M., Gasparovic, C.

The clinical utility of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in traumatic brain injury: recommendations from the ENIGMA MRS working group.
Olsen, B.L., Alger, J.R., Babikian, T., Harris, A.D., Holshouser, B., Kirov, I.I., Maudsley, A.M., Thompson, P.M., Dennis, E.L., Tate, D.F., Wilde, E.A., Lin, A.

Obesity and oxidative stress in older adults at risk for dementia: A magnetic resonance spectroscopy study.
Turner, A., Hoyos, C., Mowszowski, L., LaMonica, H., Lagopoulos, J., DeMayo, M. M., . . . Duffy, S. L.


Functional changes in GABA and glutamate during motor learning.
Bell, T., Craven, A.R., Hugdahl, K., Noeske, R., Harris, A.D. eNeuro Registered Report Stage 1

Reliability of in vivo Glx measurements from GABA-edited MRS at 3T.
Bell, T., Boudes, E.S., Loo, R.S., Barker, G., Lythgoe, D., Edden, R.A.E., Lebel, R.M., Wilson, M.P., Harris, A.D.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging study of working memory several years after pediatric concussion.
Brooks, B.L., Virani, S., Khetani, A., Carlson, H., Jadavji, Z., Mauthner, A., Low, T., Plourde, V., MacMaster, F., Bray, S., Harris, A.D., Lebel, C., Lebel, M., Esser, M., Yeates, K.O., Barlow, K.

The effect of movie-watching on electroencephalographic responses to tactile stimulation.
Espenhahn, S., Yan, T., Beltrano, W., Kaur, S., Godfrey, K.J., Cortese, F., *Bray, S., *Harris, A.D.

The impact of traumatic brain injury on motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
Joyce J.M., Kibreab M., Cheetham J., Kathol I., Sarna J., Martino D., Monchi O., Debert C.T.

N-Acetyl-Aspartate in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex long after concussion in youth.
MacMaster, F.P., McLellan, Q., Harris, A.D., Virani, A., Barlow, K.M., Langevin, L.M., Yeates, K.O., Brooks, B.L.

Improving symptom burden in adults with persistent post-concussive symptoms: A randomized aerobic exercise trial protocol.
Mercier, L., Fung, T.S., Harris, A.D., Dukelow, S.P., Debert, D.T.

Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on GABA and Glutamate in Children: A pilot study. 
Nwaroh, C., Giuffre, A., Cole, L., Bell, T., Carlson, H., MacMaster, F.P., Kirton, A., Harris, A.D. 

Comparison of multivendor single-voxel MR spectroscopy data acquired in healthy brain at 26 sites.
Považan, M. et al. 

Retrograde blood flow in the internal jugular veins of humans with hypertension my have implications for cerebral arterial blood low.
Rodrigues, J.C.L., Strelko, G., Warnert, E.A.H., Burchell, A.E., Neumann, A., Ratcliffe, L.E.K., Harris, A.D., Chant, B., Bowles, R., Nightingale, A.K., Wise, R.G., Paton, J.F.R., Hart, E.C.

Heart rate variability in Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Thapa, R., Pokorski, I. , Ambarchi, Z., DeMayo, M. M., Patel, S., Thomas, E. , Sadeli I., Matthews, S.2, Hickie, I.B. , Guastella, A.J.


Regional striatal cholinergic involvement in human behavioural flexibility.
Bell, T., Lindner, M., Langdon, A., Mullins, P., Christakou, A. 

Circuits for social learning: A unified model and application to Autism Spectrum Disorder.
DeMayo, M. M., Young, L. J., Hickie, I. B., Song, Y. J. C., & Guastella, A. J.

Executive function in Autism Spectrum Disorder: History, theoretical models, empirical findings, and potential as an endophenotype.
Demetriou, E. A., DeMayo, M. M., & Guastella, A. J.

Reductions in GABA following a tDCS-language intervention for primary progressive aphasia.
Harris, A.D., Wang, A., Ficek, B., Webster, K., Edden, R.A.E., Tsapkini, K.

BIG GABA II: Water-referenced edited MR spectroscopy at 25 research sites.
Mikkelsen, M., Rimbault, D.L., Barker, P.B., ...Edden, R.A.E.

Social domain based modulation of neural responses to threat: The different emotion regulatory functions of partners and friends.
Morriss, J., Bell, T., Johnstone, T., van Reekum, C.M., Hill, J. 

Magnetic resonance imaging in pediatric migraine.
Webb, M.E., Amoozegar, F., Harris, A.D.


Functional neurochemical imaging of the human striatal cholinergic system during reversal learning.
Bell, T., Lindner, M., Mullins, P., Christakou, A. 

Thalamostriatal interactions in human reversal learning.
Bell, T., Langdon, A., Lindner, M., Lloyd, W., Christakou, A. 

Changes in spectroscopic biomarkers after transcranial direct current stimulation in children with perinatal stroke.
Carlson, H.L., Ciechanski, P., Harris, A.D., MacMaster, F.P., Kirton, A.

Opposite dynamics of GABA and glutamate levels in the occipital cortex during visual processing. 
Kurcyus, K., Annac, E., Hanning, N.M., Harris, A.D., Oeltzschner, G., Edden, R., Riedi, V.

Macromolecule-suppressed GABA measurements correlate more strongly with behaviour than macromolecule-contaminated GABA+ measurements.
Mikkelsen, M., Harris, A.D., Edden, R.A.E., Puts, N.A.J.

Designing GABA-edited magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies: Considerations of scan duration, signal-to-noise ratio and sample size.
Mikkelsen, M., Loo, R.S., Puts, N.A.J., Edden, R.A.E., Harris, A.D. 

Frequency and phase correction for multiplexed edited MRS of GABA and glutathione.
Mikkelsen, M., Saleh, M.G., Near, J., Chan, K.L., Gong, T., Harris, A.D., Oeltzschner, G., Puts, N.A.J., Cecil, K.M., Wilkinson, I.D., Edden, R.A.E.

GABA levels in left and right sensorimotor cortex correlate across individuals.
Puts, N.A.J., Heba, S., Harris, A.D., Evans, C.J., McGonigle, D.J., Tegenthoff, M., Schmidt-Wilcke, T., Edden, R.A.E.

Psychostimulant drug effects on glutamate, Glx, and creatine in the anterior cingulate cortex and subjective response in healthy humans.
White, T.L., Monnig, M.A., Walsh, E.G., Nitenson, A.Z., Harris, A.D., Cohen, R.A., Porges, E.C., Woods, A.J., Lamb, D.G., Boyd, C.A., Fekir, S.



Voxel placement precision for GABA-edited magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Bai, X., Harris, A.D., Gong, T., Puts, N.A.J., Wang, G., Schar, M., Barker, P.B., Edden, R.A.E.

Spectroscopic biomarkers of motor cortex developmental plasticity in hemiparetic children after perinatal stroke.
Carlson, H.L., MacMaster, F.P., Harris, A.D., Kirton, A.

A review of the safety, efficacy and mechanisms of delivery of nasal oxytocin in children: Therapeutic potential for Autism and Prader-Willi Syndrome, and recommendations for future research.
DeMayo, M. M., Song, Y. J. C., Hickie, I. B., & Guastella, A. J.

Normalizing data from GABA-edited MEGA-PRESS implementations at 3 Tesla.
Harris, A.D., Puts, N.A.J., Rowland, L., Wijtenburg, A., Mikkelsen, M., Barker, P.B., Evans, C.J., Edden, R.A.E.

Edited 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy in vivo: Methods and metabolites.
Harris, A.D., Saleh, M.G., Edden, R.A.E.

Hippocampal N-acetyl-aspartate in youth with treatment resistant major depression.
Lefebvre, D., Langevin, L.M., Jaworska, N., Harris, A.D., Lebel, R.M., Jasaui, Y., Kirton, A., Wilkes, T.C., Sembo, M., Swansburg, R.M., MacMaster, F.P.

In vivo functional neurochemistry of human cholinergic function during visuospatial attention.
Lindner, M., Bell, T., Iqbal, S., Mullins, P., Christakou, A. 

An overview of Autism Spectrum Disorder, heterogeneity and treatment options.
Masi, A., DeMayo, M. M., Glozier, N., & Guastella, A. J.

A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis of pharmacological and dietary supplement interventions in paediatric autism: moderators of treatment response and recommendations for future research.
Masi, A., Lampit, A., DeMayo, M. M., Glozier, N., Hickie, I. B., & Guastella, A. J.

Decreased functional connectivity within a language subnetwork in Rolandic epilepsy.
McGinnity, C., Smith, A., Yaakub, S., Weidenbach Gerbase, S., Gammerman, A., Tyson, A., Bell, T., Elmasri, M., Barker, G., Richardson, M., Deb, P. 

Big GABA: Edited MR spectroscopy at 24 research sites.
Mikkelsen, M. et al.

Effects of eddy currents on selective spectral editing experiments at 3T.
Oeltzschner, G., Snoussi, K., Puts, N.A., Mikkelsen M., Harris, A.D., Pradhan, S., Tsapkini, K., Schär, M., Barker, P.B., Edden, R.A.E.

Impact of tissue correction strategy on GABA-edited MRS findings.
Porges, E., Woods, A.J., Lamb, D.G., Williamson, J.B., Cohen, R.A., Edden, R.A.E., Harris, A.D.

Altered tactile sensitivity in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.
Puts, N.A.J., Harris, A.D., Mikkelsen, M., Tommerdahl, M., Edden, R.A., Mostofsky, S.H.

Reduced GABA and altered somatosensory function in children with autism spectrum disorder.
Puts, N.A., Wodka, E.L., Harris, A.D., Crocetti, D, Tommerdahl, M., Mostofsky, S.H., Edden, R.A.

Advancing Concussion Assessment in Pediatrics (A-CAP): a prospective, concurrent cohort, longitudinal study of mild traumatic brain injury in children: study protocol.
Yeates, K.O. et al.