Harris Imaging Lab

Welcome to the Harris Imaging Lab!

We are an interdisciplinary research group comprised of people with backgrounds in health sciences, engineering, neurosciences and psychology. We study children and adults using multiple modalities, including magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy, tactile testing and electroencephalography. Our research is aligned with both the Hotchkiss Brain Institute and the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute and we are located in the Alberta Children’s Hospital.

If you are a motivated and enthusiastic student or postdoc interested in our work, please send us an email to learn more about potential opportunities available in our lab.


Ongoing Studies

We are working on a variety of studies, from concussion in adults to paediatric migraine. Click the link below to find out more.


Our Team

Check out the scientists working hard on our various research studies.


Contact Us

Please send us an email if you're interested in participating in our research or joining our lab, or simply for more information.

What's happening in our lab

Harris Lab goes to ISMRM

Parker, Tiffany, Marilena, Hanna, and Lydia presented their research at ISMRM in Toronto in June!  

Ongoing Recruitment

We are recruiting females with knee osteoarthritis and healthy controls (40-75 years old) to participate in a brain and joint imaging study of pain in knee osteoarthritis.

New article

Check out our article examining neurochemical changes during motor learning!