
Our Team

Dr Keith Sharkey

Keith Sharkey – PI

Keith Sharkey was educated at the University of London (B.Sc. Hons., Nutrition) and the University of Liverpool (Ph.D., Gastrointestinal Physiology).  After postdoctoral training in Hungary, the UK and Canada, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary (1990).  He has remained at the University of Calgary for his academic career and is currently Professor of Physiology & Pharmacology in the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary.

From 2005-2021, Sharkey held the Crohn’s and Colitis Canada Chair in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research.

Keith Sharkey’s research is focused on understanding the physiology and pathophysiology of the neural control of the gastrointestinal tract and brain-gut interactions in health and disease.  He has published over 280 original peer-reviewed research articles, and reviews. For his contributions to gastrointestinal sciences, he was elected as a Fellow of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology and a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.

Outside of work, Keith’s interests include birding, photography, music, food and wine.

Cathy MacNaughton

Cathy MacNaughton - Senior Research Associate

Cathy MacNaughton is a Senior Research Associate and Lab Manager in the Sharkey lab, holding a Master’s of Science in Physiology and Pharmacology from McMaster University. Cathy has been involved in GI Research since 1985 in the labs of GP Morris (Queen’s), PK Rangachari (McMaster), JL Wallace (Queen’s and U. Calgary) and KA Sharkey (since 1996). Cathy’s research interests lie in GI inflammation and motility. Outside of the lab, Cathy enjoys the outdoors through her pursuits of running, hiking, cross country and downhill skiing, kayaking, camping and travelling.

Laurie Wallace

Laurie Wallace - Research Associate

Laurie Wallace is a Research Associate and Lab Manager, holding a BSc in biochemistry from Dalhousie University. Previous work has looked at nutrient absorption models and inflammation models in the gastrointestinal tract. More recent work has focused on the neuro-immune aspect with respect to inflammation and also how the microbiome mediates changes in the enteric nervous system. She has a strong background in immunohistochemistry and microscopy and loves imaging. Outside of the lab, Laurie enjoys competitive masters swimming, kayaking and exploring the outdoors with her dogs.

Patricia Souza

Patricia Souza - Visiting Professor

Patricia Souza is a visiting professor in the Sharkey lab, holding a Bachelor of Science in 2002 from the Pontifical University of Goiania (Brazil), master's degree (2006) and PhD (2011) from University of Sao Paulo (Brazil). She is an associate professor at the Federal University of Sergipe on Heath Education Department teaching Immunology, physiology, and Heath public. Her research interests include are in immunology, neuroimmunology and behavior.  Outside of the lab, Patricia enjoys run, traveling, and outdoors sports.

Evandro José Beraldi

Evandro José Beraldi - Postdoctoral Fellow

Evandro joined the Sharkey lab as a Postdoctoral Associate in 2022. He completed his Bachelor of Science in Biology and his PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology at the State University of Maringá, in Brazil. His previous work focused on investigating the influence of high-fat diets and obesity in the enteric nervous system, gut motility and microbiota. He also worked in projects studying the role of antioxidants in the prevention of neuronal damage caused by oxidative stress in the gut during diabetes or ischemia-reperfusion injury. His academic interests include basic research on the neural control of the gastrointestinal tract in health and disease, especially the mechanisms by which enteric neural signaling in the gut is linked to the intestinal barrier function and the gut microbiota. Outside of the lab, Evandro enjoys exploring the outdoors, reading, learning about nature, and playing strategy video games.


Erin Noye Tuplin - Postdoctoral Fellow

Erin Noye Tuplin is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Reimer and Sharkey labs.  Erin completed a Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Prince Edward Island in 2012 and a MSc. (2014) And PhD (2018) in Neuroscience at Carleton University.  Her PhD research examined the long-term impact of palatable foods on the brain reward system.  In 2019, she joined the Reimer Nutrition Lab to investigate the beneficial effects of dietary fiber supplementation on the gut microbiome, metabolism, and the gut-brain axis.  Her recent research in the Reimer and Sharkey labs focusses on the effects of a maternal diet containing artificial sweeteners on offspring with respect to neuroinflammation.  Outside of the lab, Erin enjoys cooking, board games, travelling, and video games.

Preedajit Wongkrasant

Preedajit Wongkrasant - Postdoctoral Fellow

Preedajit Wongkrasant (Som) is Postdoctoral fellow in the Sharkey and MacNaughton labs. Som graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Nursing Science (2007-2010) and worked as a nurse in the neurological department for 1 year (2011). She then decided to move to research and received a Master’s degree (2012-2014) and a Ph.D. (2015-2020) in Physiology from the Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. Her research interests are in the enteric nervous system regulation of gut function in health and disease. Outside of the lab, Som enjoys cooking, taking photos and going to concerts.


Yasaman Bahojb Habibyan - PhD Student

Yasaman is a PhD student in the Nasser and Sharkey labs. She completed her BSc in Immunology and MSc in medical sciences at the University of Alberta. Her research focuses on understanding the role of the post-flare microbiome in chronic pain in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Through this work, she hopes to contribute to finding new therapies to improve the quality of life for those with chronic illnesses. Outside of the lab, Yasaman enjoys reading, baking, spending time with her cat, and finding new brunch spots around the city.

Timothy Roth

Timothy Roth - MSc Student

In 2017, Timothy decided to pursue a university education after working many years as an industrial electrician across Canada. He recently obtained his CMMB degree from the University of Calgary and joined the Sharkey lab in January 2022. Timothy is working as a new master’s student in the Sharkey lab. He is interested in translational research regarding the enteric nervous system, especially in well-known diseases that affect many Canadians. He hopes his work will help contribute to determining the pathophysiology and mechanisms of some of these common diseases. While not at the lab, Timothy has many hobbies to keep him busy and balanced. He competes in soccer and motorcycle racing, plays piano and enjoys traveling. His dog, Gracie, keeps him very much preoccupied. He also enjoys metal and woodworking. 

Kristofer Svendsen

Kristofer Svendsen - PhD Student

Kris Svendsen is an MSc student in the Altier and Sharkey labs, holding a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Psychology from the University of Victoria. His research interests include pain and its modulation by cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system and electrophysiology. Outside of the lab, Kris can often be found rock climbing, reading, and cooking.