Types of Agreements

CSM Legal (Research Services)

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Agreement types CSM Legal handles:


Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA):

  • An agreement that binds parties to keep confidential information amongst themselves. These can be one-way or mutual.

Clinical Research Contract (CRC)/Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA):

  • An agreement to perform a research project that is conducted on, or for the treatment of human subjects. Clinical research includes projects where living human subjects, or patient information (including de-identified databases) are used. This category includes clinical trials, observational studies, and clinical service agreements. 

Non-Clinical Research Agreement:

  • An agreement other than a research grant agreement or sub-contract/sub-grant regarding a research project that is not conducted on human subjects and that does not involve clinical intervention or health information.

Research Grant Agreement:

  • An agreement where funding is provided for a research project to advance a scientific, cultural, or humanitarian purpose and the Funder does not dictate how the project should be conducted or request anything in return beyond basic reporting, such as intellectual property rights.


  • An agreement whereby an external researcher or institution has received funding directly from a funder and is providing funds to UCalgary for UCalgary to perform part of the research (incoming). Similarly, an agreement whereby UCalgary has received funding directly from a funder and is providing part or all of that funding to an external researcher or institution to perform part of the research (outgoing).

Data Transfer Agreement (DTA):

  • An agreement whereby data is being received by UCalgary from an external party for no compensation (incoming), or whereby data is being sent to an external party by UCalgary without compensation for same (outgoing). An outgoing DTA may include the transfer of AHS data.

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA):

  • An agreement whereby UCalgary is receiving material(s) needed for a UCalgary PI’s research from an external party, or whereby UCalgary is sending out material(s) to a third party for that third party’s research.

Service Agreement:

  • An agreement whereby UCalgary is either hiring a third party or is being hired by a third party to perform research-related analysis or technical services for consideration.

Master Agreement:

  • A research agreement with a specific third party that UCalgary anticipates collaborating with on multiple future projects. This agreement sets out the general terms and conditions for all future projects/agreements between the parties.

Sub-Site Agreement(s):

  • An agreement whereby UCalgary is the lead site and engages third party institutions and researchers who act as sites (“sub-sites”) conducting a UCalgary investigator initiated clinical study or trial in their geographic location.

We do NOT handle:

Document types CSM Legal does NOT handle and where to find information.

Any non-clinical research that is conducted by non-CSM faculty.

Contact: University of Calgary Legal and IP team

Any agreement whereby UCalgary is paying a for-profit company for goods or services that are not a research service or a research collaboration.

Contact: Supply Chain Management

Research Trust Accounting (RTA) forms:


  • Project Request Forms (PRFs)
  • Project Update Request Forms (PURFs) in the following cases: PURFs for Department Heads/ Institute Directors as project holders / changes in Department ID/ Project holder change for donations
  • Approvals of Pre-Funding
  • Authorized Over-Expenditure Forms

Please contact medoadr@ucalgary.ca.

Research Funding Application Approvals (RFAA):

Please contact rsogrants@ucalgary.ca.

Project set up forms:

For processing please contact rsogrants@ucalgary.ca.


Overhead waiver/reduction applications

Contact: policy@ucalgary.ca

CSM External Research Grants:

Contact medgrant@ucalgary.ca.


Research Grant Applications:

Contact rsogrants@ucalgary.ca


Grant Forms:


  • CFI JELF grants IPD (Confirmation of Award Conditions & RFAAs)
  • CRCs
  • Letters of Support for funding applications
  • NIH Research Grant Approval Forms
  • ACF Notices of Award
  • Internal Funding Opportunities (VPR awards)

Contact medoadr@ucalgary.ca.


Incoming Sub-Grant Transfers:

For Tri-Council: either connect directly with the relevant grants officer that you worked with at application/notice of award or please contact rsogrants@ucalgary.ca.

Sub grants (other): Main campus: contact legaladm@ucalgary.ca 


National Institutes of Health (NIH):

Queries on applications, sub-recipient questionnaires, and grant agreements. Contact nihgrant@ucalgary.ca.


Industry Funded Grants (Including Industry Associations):

For faculties outside of CSM, contact: legaladm@ucalgary.ca 

Legal agreements associated with grants:

RSO grants team will liaise with relevant legal team, but first point of contact to get signatures should be RSO grants.

Either connect directly with the relevant grants officer that you worked with at application/notice of award or please contact rsogrants@ucalgary.ca.

For Agreements related to:

  • Western Economic Diversification,
  • Genome Canada and Genome Alberta,
  • Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI),
  • Alberta Economic Development,
  • Trade and Tourism (EDTT), 
  • New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF),
  • NSERC’s CREATE program,
  • and SSHRC Partnership Grants and Partnership Development Grants,

Contact ipd@ucalgary.ca.

Budget review for clinical trials agreements:

Please contact cccr@ucalgary.ca.


Legal and IP agreements:

Contact: legaladm@ucalgary.ca

Trainees applying for funding to support research activity:

Undergraduate students

Graduate students

Postdoctoral researchers

Clinician fellows or other trainees:

For additional support, please refer to our Resources page.

How Can We Help?

Types of Agreements

See which types of agreements our office handles and get information for those we do not. 


Learn how to prepare your submission, where to submit, and what to expect during the review process.

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