HICCUP for Families

For Families

Sign up for HICCUP

We thank you and your family for your participation. Please follow the next few simple steps. We will ask for simple personal information including your name, date of birth, brief medical history, and contact information.  This information will be kept strictly confidential and carefully protected. (Click here to view Confidentiality and Participation details). You will be asked to provide your informed consent to be part of the HICCUP program and willingness to be contacted by investigators for invitations to participate in specific studies. Participation in HICCUP does not obligate you to participate any actual study. Specific information will be provided and your consent sought by investigators for specific studies.

  • 1
    Current: Review Consent Forms
  • 2
    Add Primary Contact
  • 3
    Add More Family Members
  • 4
    Define Contact Frequency