Society of Neonatal Nutrition Gut & Growth

Society of Neonatal Nutrition Gut & Growth

Society of Neonatal Gastroenterology Nutrition and Growth

Our Vision:

Our vision is to help preterm and high-risk neonates achieve their potentials for growth and development.  


Our Mission:

To build multidisciplinary international collaboration between health care providers, scientists, epidemiologists, and parents.  We are committed to optimizing nutrition and growth, supporting research, advocating for evidence-based nutritional practices, and promoting gut health of preterm and high-risk neonates.   

Our Objectives:

  • Improving the nutrition, gut health and growth of preterm and high-risk newborn infants worldwide.

  • Fostering knowledge sharing, networking and collaboration to optimise research on pertinent issues that impact the newborn nutrition, gut heath and growth.

  • Educating new neonatal clinicians, parents and the public

  • Providing a forum for new clinicians and emerging researchers in neonatal nutrition and gastroenterology to gain knowledge of the scientific advances

  • Disseminating evidence-based practices in order to improve clinical outcomes and advance the practice of neonatal nutrition and gastroenterology.

Terms of Service:

By registering in this society you agree to receive email updates from the Society of Neonatal Nutrition Gut & Growth. New users are automatically added to our mailing list on registration, as part of the Terms of Service. You can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any point, while remaining as a user on the website.


Belal Alshaikh, Tanis Fenton, Sharon Groh-Wargo, Dena Goldberg, Frank Bloomfield, Angela Hoyos, Bill Hay, Nick Embleton, Thibault Senterre, Dana Boctor, Hans van Goudoever, Camilia Martin, Sarah Taylor, Josef Neu, Ian Griffin, Heidi Alwassia, Amy Hair, Misty Good, Kathy Gura, Mandy Belfort, Sabita Uthaya, Neena Modi, Donna Dressler-Mund