Get Involved
Join Our Team
We are currently recruiting for trainee positions at the Master, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral level. We are looking for motivated individuals who are interested in adapting, developing, and implementing brain-computer interfaces for children with physical disabilities, and to help us build a child- and family-centered clinical program that connects BCI technology with those that could benefit the most from it. We are looking for trainees with either technical (engineering, computer science, neuroscience) or clinical (occupational therapy, speech language pathology, rehabilitation sciences) research interests. Funded positions are available for qualified applicants.
We also supervise and mentor undergraduate students interested in participating in summer research internships. Contact us to learn more.
Participate In Research
We are often looking for participants for ongoing research studies.
Email us at cpsp.bci4kids@ucalgary.ca to let us know if you are interested in participating in a research study, and we will let you know if we have any studies open to recruitment!
Attend an Event

Contact Us
Reach out to us for more information on the BCI4Kids Program or our research:
Email: cpsp.bci4kids@ucalgary.ca
Twitter: @BCI4kids
Address: Alberta Children's Hospital
28 Oki Dr NW
Calgary AB, Canada
We are a part of the Calgary Pediatric Stroke Program.