
Cytek Aurora
The Aurora uses full spectrum technology to provide unprecedented flexibility to scientists, enabling the use of a wide array of new fluorochrome combinations without reconfiguring the system for each application. With five lasers, three scattering channels, and 64 fluorescence channels, the Aurora can handle highly complex cytometry panels. The system delivers high-resolution data at the single-cell level to resolve the most challenging cell populations, such as cells with high autofluorescence or low levels of expression of key biomarkers, regardless of assay complexity.
Aurora features and specification highlights:

Themo Fisher Attune NxT
The Attune NxT is a high throughput cytometer that dramatically reduces processing time, even for troublesome large cells and dissociated tissue masses. Its unique, powerful acoustic technology precisely aligns cells to avoid clogging and samples can be recovered after acquisition.
Attune NxT features and specification highlights:

Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX
With outstanding sensitivity, the CytoFLEX is well equipped to perform complex phenotyping of eukaryotic cells, as well as bacteria, algae, yeasts and microparticles. Users also have the option to detect SSC from the 405 laser, sufficiently increasing system resolution enough to reliably and reproducibly characterize nanoparticles as small as 80nm, such as extracellular vesicles. The license-free analysis software is powerful and easy to use, displaying a wide dynamic range up to 107, facilitating better resolution of bright and dim populations in the sample.
CytoFLEX features and specification highlights:

Although discontinued by BD, the LSR II remains a solid workhorse in the facility.

Sony SH800
The SH800 is a user operated cell sorter. The use of 100-μm, and 130-μm microfluidic chips permits sorting a wide range of cell sizes for many downstream applications. The novel, chip-based design is fully integrated with comprehensive fluidics controls and advanced automation for set-up, acquisition, sort and analysis to make sorting less subjective, more precise and easier to perform. The software is intuitive and supports sorting into 2x 5ml or 15ml tubes and 96- and 384-well plates.
SH800 features and specification highlights:

With the Aria III and Aria Fusion, our team can perform sterile, high purity, multiparameter sorts on your behalf, for a variety of downstream applications. Cells, nuclei or small particles can be sorted into tubes or plates down to a single cell level.
Aria features and specification highlights:

Cytek Aurora CS
The Cytek Aurora CS system provides remarkable flexibility, enabling the use of a wide array of new fluorochrome combinations without requiring the reconfiguration of the detectors. Sharing the same optical system as the Cytek Aurora analyzer allows for the easy transfer of experiments from the analyzer to the Aurora CS system without the need to modify your panels. The state-of-the-art optics and low-noise electronics ensure high resolution and high sensitivity for identifying and isolating rare cell populations deep into the gating hierarchy.