
Trained users can access the facility for sample acquisition, data analysis or sorting (using the Sony SH800), 24/7. Alternatively, using our full service, you can drop off your samples and have your results/aseptic sorted cells ready the same day.

User-Operated Full-Service Cell Sorting Training Data Analysis Clinis
$50/hr $70/hr $90/hr $60/hr $25/hr
Attune NxT/Sony SH800Z BD LSRII/CytoFLEX BD AriaIII/Fusion Attune NxT/Sony SH800Z

FlowJo/FCS express

online booking consultation required sort setup: $30/setup 2-3 hours

Remote assistance

24-hr access analysis only: $70/hr enrichment/single cell 3 students max

Software license required

up to 16 colors up to 16 colors tube or multi-well plates 2 weeks in advance  
A new $45 nozzle chip is required
for each sort setup.
Chip expires after 24 hours.
Please include negative control,
single colour control and FMO control.
See facility staff for details on
sample preparation and
compensation control
no prior knowledge of flow
cytometry required;
familiarity is a plus.
1-on-1 analysis training and
troubleshooting (up to 3 trainees)
Online Booking Submission Form Contact Us Contact Us Contact Us


Sample Application Inquiries

Multicolor Data Analysis

Cell Cycle Analysis


Compensation Matrix

Isotype Controls

Cell Sorting


Experimental and Antibody Panel Design
