Cardiovascular & Respiratory Sciences
Many of our graduates have the skills and abilities to succeed in further academic training, research, technical and professional positions in academic and non-academic settings.
The Cardiovascular & Respiratory Sciences graduate program consist of affiliations with multidisciplinary research groups and institutes. Graduate students supervision leading to advanced degrees is offered by the Cardiovascular Group, the Smooth Muscle Research Group (both part of the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta), and the Airways Inflammation Research Group.
Students have the opportunities to study in multidisciplinary environments where research groups share adjacent laboratory space. The multidisciplinary scheme has proven to facilitate the development of individual research programs, especially with respect to collaborations involving different techniques and model systems. Students are encouraged to take advantage of such collaborations to enhance the scope and quality of their dissertation research.
MDCV course inquiries can be emailed to gsecourses@ucalgary.ca
Reilly Fenton
Graduate Program Administrator
Dr. Andrew P. Braun
Graduate Program Director