Course Information & Outlines
Course Information can be found on the following websites:
- Course descriptions are available in our Academic Calendar. Look under Community Health Sciences (MDCH), Medical Graduate Education (MDGE) or Medical Science (MDSC).
- Course offerings for those who are not currently students – go to this web page.
- Current students should look in their student portal for course offerings.
- If you wish to request a course outline for one of our graduate courses, please contact gsecourses@ucalgary.ca, indicating the course subject, number and name. If you are requesting a past course outline, please indicate what semester it was offered.
Course Registration FAQs
Please see our Course Registration FAQs for helpful information on different types of registration, such as auditing, and to answer some general questions you may have.
Directed Studies Courses
Looking to set up a Directed Studies course? Please see our Directed Studies course page.
Questions about courses?
- For graduate level (600 & up) MDSC, MDCH & CORE courses, please contact gsecourses@ucalgary.ca
- For graduate level (600 & up) MDGE courses please refer to the MDGE Courses section below.
- For undergraduate MDSC courses (200-500 level courses), please contact the BHSc program
- For taking a course at another university under the Western Dean's Agreement, please click here for more information
MDGE Courses
The MDGE courses are available for students in any program to take, provided they receive the appropriate approvals to do so.
Planning ahead? Take a look at the MDGE series Course Planner. This outlines when courses will be offered in a given year.
Registration for all MDGE 1-unit courses must be done as follows:
*NEW!* Starting Fall 2024, students must submit their requests DIRECTLY TO THE COURSE INSTRUCTORS to enroll into MDGE 600- and 700-level courses. Course Instructors will manage student registrations, NO LONGER the Course Coordinators (Drs. Pinaki Bose and Timothy Shutt).
- To register, students must complete the MDGE Course Request Form and submit it DIRECTLY to the course instructors NOT to the Course Coordinators. These are typically done in batches in August (for Fall), December (for Winter), and April (for Spring).
- The course instructors will check your eligibility.
- Instructors will coordinate with GSE to unblock/enroll students.
- If approved, students will be notified by GSE of the registration block removal via email and are responsible for registering themselves in the course within 24 hours of that notice.
- You will know that you have successfully registered if the course appears in your Student Centre within 24 hours.
- PLEASE NOTE: Failure to register in your course may result in being assessed late registration fees.
If you wish to request course outlines for MDGE courses, please contact gsecourses@ucalgary.ca and indicate the course code and name. If you are requesting a past course outline, please indicate what semester it was offered.
MDGE 1-Unit courses offer greater flexibility and allow students to tailor their learning needs.
For students in the Bioinformatics specialty program within BMB, please contact Dr. Quan Long (quan.long@ucalgary.ca) for enrolment in MDGE 610, 612 and 614. Both 600- and 700-level courses count the same towards a graduate degree.
It is strongly recommended that students take no more than two courses at the same time.
The enrollment for most of the 1-unit courses is typically limited to 12 students (only MDGE 620 and MDGE 721 have unlimited enrollment). However, this limit can be exceeded with instructor approval.
Courses may NOT run if fewer than 4 students are enrolled.
Enrollment will be prioritized (but not guaranteed) for MDGE and MDSC students who have requested enrollment well in advance. Note: Graduate students from other programs can also request enrollment in MDGE 1-unit courses, but a spot will not be confirmed until two weeks prior to the first class.
As some courses are often fully subscribed, it is recommended that enrollment requests be submitted to instructors as soon as possible and well in advance of the course beginning. Last minute requests may not be granted.
Prior to requesting enrollment, students should discuss their course selection with their supervisor and may also want to consult their thesis supervisory committee.