Directed Studies Courses
What is a Directed Studies course?
Sometimes a student and supervisory committee determine that there is a specific area of knowledge that the student needs to receive formal instruction in, however there aren't any scheduled courses available that address this need. In this case a faculty member can request to teach a course on the subject matter of their choosing for a student or students to take.
Directed studies courses are also a good opportunity for a faculty member to try out a new course idea without formally adding it to the Graduate Calendar.
Note: A new set up form must be submitted each time a directed studies course is to be offered. This is a requirement even if the course has been offered in previous terms. Directed studies courses will not roll over year to year unless a set up form is submitted each term it is to be offered.
Identify Need
Students should check with both their supervisory committee and their graduate program to ensure that the directed studies course will work as part of their course requirements in their program.
Submit Request by Deadline
The faculty member who is teaching the course should submit the set up request forms to the GSE Office by the set deadline for the term in order to set up a directed studies course.
Student Registers in Course
Once the course has been set up, the student will enroll into the course through their student centre just as they would any other course. Normal registration deadlines will apply.
ANNUAL Directed Studies Course Submission Deadlines
April 1
for Spring Intersession (6 weeks)
June 1
for Summer Intersession (6 weeks)
Aug. 1
for Fall Term (12-13 weeks)
Dec. 1
for Winter Term (12-13 weeks)
Set Up Form Packages
Please contact gsecourses@ucalgary.ca if you have questions about the MDGE 755 (a 1 unit course) directed studies course. Due to this course having non-standard dates, we require the same amount of scheduling notice for this course as we do for regularly scheduled UofC courses (4-6 months notice).