Course Registration
Planning on taking a course? You will need to make sure that you register in the course through your student centre by the set deadlines each term. You can find information on how to register in a course as well as the deadlines on the FGS Course Registration Page
Course FAQs
Yes, but please note that visiting students are assessed additional course fees for each course that they take. Course fees are not covered by the standard assessed visiting student tuition fees each term.
Please contact the instructor of the course that you wish to take to obtain permission to enroll. Once you have permission please forward it to gsecourses@ucalgary.ca. Standard registration deadlines apply.
There could be many reasons you are unable to register in a course.
- Do you meet the prerequisite requirements? For prerequisite information, please review the Course Description in the University of Calgary Graduate Calendar. If you have spoken to the course instructor and they are in support of you enrolling into the course despite your lack of prerequisite, please contact gsecourses@ucalgary.ca for assistance.
- Do you have a hold on your account? You will not be able to register in classes if you have a hold on your account. A hold may be placed on your account for a variety of reasons, such as outstanding admission documents or past due fees. Please contact your graduate program administrator if you have a question about a hold.
- Is this course conflicting with another course in your schedule? The system won't allow registration into two courses that occur at the same scheduled time.
- Are you within the registration deadlines for the term you are trying to enroll in? Students are unable to enroll into a course once the registration deadline for the term has passed.
- Have you completed your annual registration in your program for the year? Students aren't able to enroll into courses if they don't have student status for the term that they are trying to take the course in.
- Are you attempting to enroll into a MDGE 1 unit course? Please visit this link - https://cumming.ucalgary.ca/gse/current-students/courses/gse-mdge-series-1-unit-courses
It may be possible to take one of our courses even if you are not a graduate student registered in one of our programs.
- Speak to the instructor of the course to make sure that they are supportive of you taking the course.
- Confirm that you are in a position to take a course at UofC. Do you have student status (as an undergraduate student, open studies student, or graduate student) in a program at UofC? If not you will need to register as an Open Studies Student in order to take a course. Please note that the Open Studies application deadlines are set well in advance of a term, and our office cannot override these deadlines for you. Please contact the Registrar's Office if you have any questions about this process.
- Check with the relevant contacts to make sure that you are able to take a graduate level course from CSM:
Undergraduate Students - Please speak to your undergraduate advising office to see if you are able to take a graduate course in your program
Graduate Students - Please check with your graduate program administrator to see if you are able to take a course offered by a different faculty. - Forward your emailed confirmation from the instructor of the course, as well as the approvals from your home program (in the form of a change of course registration form) to gsecourses@ucalgary.ca and our office will direct you from there.
Please make sure that you give yourself enough time to complete the above steps in advance of the registration deadline for the term you wish to take the course in.
In order to register for a course, either for credit or as an audit, you need to have some sort of student status. If you are not enrolled as a UofC graduate or undergraduate student, you can obtain student status by enrolling as an Open Studies Student. This includes post-docs.
How to Apply for Open Studies
Visit the Open Studies Website
Be aware of the Open Studies Admission Deadlines - Please note that the GSE Office is not involved in the Open Studies admissions process and therefore doesn't have the ability to change these deadlines.
How to Enroll into a Course as an Open Studies Student
- Fill out a Registration Exception Form
- Receive permission from the instructor of the course
- Send the form and instructor's approval to gsecourses@ucalgary.ca
- Once the GSE office processes this form, submit it to Enrollment Services for registration.
It may be possible to audit one of our courses. Auditing students participate in classroom activities, except for lab or tutorial components, and do not complete any exam or course assignments nor receive a grade for the course(s) they are auditing. Note: requests to audit a course must follow the standard registration deadlines for a term.
- Speak to the instructor of the course to make sure that they would be in support of you auditing the course.
- Confirm that you are in a position to take a course at UofC (do you have registered student status?). If not you will need to register as an Open Studies Student in order to audit a course. Please note that the Open Studies application deadlines are set well in advance of a term, and our office cannot override these deadlines for you.
- Complete a Change of Course registration form and , along with the permission you had received from the instructor to audit the course, forward it to gsecourses@ucalgary.ca.
Please see our Directed Studies Courses page for information on this process.
Dropping a course: If a student drops a course it will not appear on their transcript. If a student was assessed fees for the course, these fees will be removed if the course is dropped. Students can only drop a course until the drop deadline for the term. The deadlines can be found here
Withdrawing from a course: The course will appear on the transcript with a grade of W listed, which indicates that the student withdrew from the course. A W is not included in the GPA. If a student was assessed fees for a course, these fees will remain even if the student withdraws from the course. Students can withdraw from a course until the last day of class for the term. The deadlines can be found here
It is a student's responsibility to be aware of the registration deadlines each term, and to register themselves into their course(s) by the set deadline.
In extenuating circumstances students can submit a late registration request to gsecourses@ucalgary.ca using the change of course registration form found on the linked website above. Please note that late registration will be at the discretion of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and is not guaranteed. Any student who has a successful late registration request will be assessed a $60 late registration fee by Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Please contact the instructor of your course directly regarding missing grades.
Questions? Contact gsecourses@ucalgary.ca