Research Integrity Day Requirement

Research Integrity Day is a requirement for graduate students at the Cumming School of Medicine.  

A workshop on Responsible Conduct in Research, also known as Research Integrity Day, is required for you to successfully complete your degree.  This workshop/day needs to be completed within your first year of study.  Not completing it within the first year will impact your ability to receive program funding including travel awards and other funding opportunities.

Topics discussed during this workshop are:

Issues to consider

Issues to consider for graduate students and their supervisors - authorship, plagiarism, conflict of interest, role of the supervisor and committee, etc.

What is ethical and what is not?

Who regulates research and who oversees it?

Understanding your responsibilities and rights

where to go for help

Sessions are held between September and April of each academic term.   Priority is given based on first registered, so ensure that you are able to attend your selected session before submitting the form.  As there are a high number of students needing to meet this requirement DO NOT register more than once. All Research Integrity Day sessions are in-person and will be from 1:00pm-4:00pm (subject to/depending on other circumstances) .

2024-2025 Academic Year Sessions:

September 27 | October 25| November 29*| January 31| February 28 | March 28| April 25 |