Admission to Candidacy

The Admission to Candidacy Process is one of the major milestones in a PhD student's journey.

Requirements for Admission to Candidacy

Please note that MDCH students should refer to their own program's policy and timelines.

Completion of Program Requirements

- All program-specific certifications (see candidacy policy for details)
- All program specified academic course requirements 
- Research Integrity Day 
- Sex & Gender in Biomedical Research Training Module(s) 

Completion prior to the Field of Study Exam.




Thesis Proposal Evaluation (TPE)

The proposal is an academic exercise testing the student’s ability to write and defend a preliminary graduate-level research proposal. 



Direct Entry PhD students - 24 months
Msc to PhD transfer students - 32 months

Field of Study (FOS) Examination

The FOS is a formal and closed oral exam. The student is expected to have an in-depth understanding of the topics related to their core field of research, as well as a strong foundational knowledge in areas related to their research. 

Direct Entry PhD students - 28 months
Msc to PhD transfer students - 36 months

Set Up Forms

Please note that the supervisor is responsible for scheduling the Thesis Proposal Evaluation (TPE) and the Field of Study Exam (FOS).

TPE Set Up Forms

Deadline: 3 weeks before Evaluation Meeting date

TPE Set Up Form

FOS Topics List

Deadline: 3 months before estimated Field of Study Exam

Field of Study Topics List

FOS Set Up Forms

Deadline: 4 weeks before Field of Study Exam 

Field of Study Set Up Form

Questions? Please contact your Graduate Program Administrator