Welcome New Graduate Students
The Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary offers 10 outstanding graduate programs that integrate high quality education and mentorship with cutting-edge research in areas and disciplines ranging from basic biomedical research to translational research and patient and population research. Our programs are home to over 500 students in course-based and thesis based degree programs. The Cumming School of Medicine is also home to approximately 200 postdoctoral fellows.
Research in the Cumming School of Medicine is organized in Institutes and Departments that I encourage you to explore. Your supervisor will be a member of an Institute, which provides support, seminar series, journal clubs, etc.
In addition, our graduate programs have student-run executives -Departmental Graduate Associations- that have built a strong home for their students, a community spirit, and provide great leadership opportunities.
Importantly, the Cumming School of Medicine provides a top-notch comprehensive graduate experience to you, with attention to research, academic success, professional and career skills development, support in obtaining funding, and student experience.
We look forward to helping you make your graduate studies in the Cumming School of Medicine an amazing experience!