Abstract Instructions

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 23rd 2025


- An abstract template (see below) is available for download.  Prior to submission, change the file name to something unique or recognizable: including your last name is suggested and helpful.

- Submit only one abstract per attendee.

- Abstract should contain text only and not include images or schematics.

- Paragraph breaks between title, author & institute, and abstract body

- Abstract body can be 500 words in length including authors and affiliations

- Abstract title in bold font and sentence case.

- For Greek and Scientific Symbols (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.), use the Symbol option under the Insert tab in Microsoft Word (or equivalent option in other applications).

- Submit in .rtf format (Rich Text Format)

- All abstracts are reviewed by the meeting scientific organizers. From submitted abstracts trainee talks for the main program will be chosen. Acceptance is based on scientific content and relevance to meeting topics discussed in the program. Remaining abstracts will be presented as posters.