Metabolic Cart

Research within the CTEP Lab

The CTEP Lab is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and is staffed by Clinical Exercise Physiologists ready to assist you in measuring physical activity or other exercise physiology-based outcomes.  

What can we do?

We offer a broad spectrum of physical activity and exercise physiology outcome measurements.  We can cater our services to clinical and non-clinical populations as well as athletes across the age spectrum.  We can also administer functional tests and measurements often completed in clinical settings (6-min walk test, Timed Up and Go). 



The CTEP is uniquely positioned to assist in decisions on and oversee the following: 

Physiological outcome testing and monitoring at rest and during exercise. 

Analysis of physiological outcome data collected in our lab.

Exercise intervention/program development for trials looking to include exercise or physical activity.  

  1. Cardiometabolic/ Respiratory

    Direct cardiopulmonary exercise testing with breath by breath ventilatory analysis using treadmill, arm, or leg ergometry to determine VO2max, ventilatory thresholds, heart rate parameters. 

    ECG, SPO2, BP monitoring at rest and during exercise. 

    Pulmonary function testing 

    Indirect maximal and submaximal cardiopulmonary testing using treadmill, arm, or leg ergometry

    Symptom limited exercise testing using treadmill, arm, or leg ergometry

    Wingate anaerobic test to evaluate power and the anaerobic energy systems

    Basal metabolic rate assessment

  2. Gait

    Parameters of gait analysis (velocity, step length, stride length, stance time, swing time etc) via our GaitRite system and PKMAS software.  

    Dual task analysis (cognitive and motor tasks) using the gait system

  3. Body Composition/ Anthropometry


    Peak height velocity (for youth)


    Waist and hip circumferences

    Limb length and circumferences 

    Body Fat% using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) 

  4. Autonomic Function

    Finapress Nova equipment is used to provide beat by beat blood pressure monitoring and heart rate variability

    Postural hypotension testing/screening

  5. Physical Activity Monitoring

    Actigraphy - triaxial accelerometry for continuous activity monitoring 

Study Participant groups

Who do we provide testing services to?

The CTEP can cater exercise physiology testing services to many types of participants.  We host studies involving the testing of those with clinical conditions as well as studies including the testing of high-performance athletes.  

Current Research Projects

The CTEP Lab is currently assisting with the following research projects:  

The BIM I & BIM II Studies

Brain In Motion I & Brain In Motion II

These studies examine the relationship between exercise, cerebral blood flow, and cognition in older adults. Led by Dr. Marc Poulin, Professor of Physiology in the Cumming School of Medicine and the Faculty of Kinesiology. 


Learn More

The ACTI Study

Aerobic exercise for the treatment of Chronic symptoms following a Traumatic brain Injury 

This study is an exercise intervention for individuals who experience persistent post-concussive symptoms. Led by Dr. Chantel Debert Clinical Associate Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.  

The Parkinson's Pilot Study

This study aims to combine wearable sensor and portable electroencephalography (EEG) technology to identify unique EEG signatures associated with recurrent falling in Parkinson’s Disease. Led by Dr. Taylor Chomiak, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurosciences.

Previous Research Projects

We are pleased to have assisted by providing testing services for the following research projects:

The DOSE Study

Determining Optimal post-Stroke Exercise

This study was a multi-center Canadian study that focused on examining the response to an intensive exercise rehabilitation program that begins post-stroke. Led by Dr. Sean Dukelow, Associate Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.

The PCOS Study

The Effect of Exercise Training on Reproductive and Cardiometabolic Outcomes in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Led by Dr. Ronald Sigal, Associate Professor of Medicine, Kinesiology, Cardiac Sciences, and Community Health Sciences.   

Click here to read the abstract

The POLAR Study

Relationship between subjective and objective measures of sleep quality across multiple modalities.

The study compared measures of sleep quality and heart rate variability across people of different ages and fitness levels.  This study was a collaboration with Polar Electro Oy.    

The CARMA Study

CARdiovascular Modelling in endurance Athletes. 

This study aimed to understand the impact of repetitive ultra-marathon level activity on the cardiovascular system. Led by Dr. James White & Dr. Aaron Phillips of the Stephenson Cardiac Imaging Centre Foothills Medical Centre.

It has been a pleasure working with the staff of the CTEP lab. Their expertise in exercise physiology research and lab space would be an asset to any exercise trial. The CTEP lab is a professional and comfortable space ideal for exercise testing for a variety of study populations.

Dr Chantel Debert - ACTI Study

Clinical Associate Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation