Contact Information

Contact Us
Our lab is located in HRIC 3B37 at the University of Calgary Foothills Campus. We're looking for enthusiastic, motivated undergraduate and graduate students as well as post-doctoral fellows to join our lab. Backgrounds in engineering, biology, kinesiology, and health sciences are welcome to apply. If you're interested, please contact us using the form below or by contacting Dr. Sarah Manske directly:
Phone: 1-403-210-6046
Office: HRIC3AC64
Collection of personal information
Your personal information is collected under
the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If
you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, please visit our
Access to Information page.
Participate in Our Research
We have several ongoing studies and we are actively recruiting participants! To learn more about participating, scan our QR code below!