Meet the team
Meet our multidisciplinary team of undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral scholars and research associates.
Research associates

Susobhan Sarkar
Senior research associate

Manoj Mishra
Senior research associate

Deepak Kaushik
Postdoctoral Associate

Reza Mirzaei
Postdoctoral Associate

Jeff Dong
Postdoctoral Associate

Samira Ghorbanigazar
Postdoctoral Associate

Rajiv Jain
Postdoctoral Associate

Brian Lozinski
PhD Candidate

Dennis Brown
MSc Candidate

Emily Jelinek
MSc Candidate

Dorsa Moezzi
PhD Candidate

Emily Wuerch
MD/PhD Candidate

Isabelle Tottenham
MSc Candidate

Cenxiao Li
MSc Candidate

Britney Wong
Undergraduate Student
Support team
Claudia Silva
Lab manager

Tanna Giroux
Executive Adminstrative Assistant

Fiona Yong
Graphics and Financial Manager

Rigel Chan
Lab Technician

Helvira Melo
Lab Technician

Charlotte D'Mello
RNA seq expert
Current Position of Past Trainees of the Yong Lab

Past Trainees
1. William Couldwell, 1989 1991, Ph.D. degree, obtained 1991. Source of support: MRC Centennial Fellowship. Current Position: Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Utah
2. Robert Moumdjian, 1989 1991, M.Sc. degree, obtained 1991. Source of support: Jeanne Timmins Fellowship. Current Position: Associate Professor, University of Montreal
3. Jason CB Cheung, 1989, Summer Student Source of support: McGill Medical Student Research Program. Current Position: Ophthalmologist, Washington
4. Joon H. Uhm, 1989, Winter Student; also 1990, Summer Student. Also: Neurology Resident on 6 months Basic Science Rotation, 1994 – 1995. Current Position: Staff, Mayo Clinic, Rochester
5. Amit Bar Or, 1991, Winter Student. Source of support: McGill Medical Student Research Program. Current Position: Professor, University of Pennsylvania
6. Garnet Fraser, 1991, Summer Student, Source of support: FRSQ. Current Position: Family practice, British Columbia
7. Paul Noble, 1990 1992, Neurology Resident on Basic Science Rotation. Current Position: Neurologist in private practice, Montreal
8. Erin Wright, 1991, Summer Student; also 1991, Winter Student. Source of support: McGill Medical Student Research Program. Current position: Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Alberta
9. Trevor Tejada Berges, 1991 1993, M. Sc. Degree. Source of support: Supervisor's grant. Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brown University and Women and Infants Hospital of Rhode Island
10. Jolanda Turley, 1992 and 1993, Summer Student. Source of support for 1992: Supervisor's MRC Grant. Source of support for 1993: Challenge 1993, Current position: Professor, Department of Public Health Services, University of Toronto
11. Anthony Brade, 1993, Summer Student. Source of support: McGill Medical Student Research Program. Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto
12. Gordon Baltuch, 1991 1994, Ph.D. degree. Source of support: MRC Fellowship. Current Position: Professor, University of Pennsylvania
13. Vijayabalan Balasingam, 1991 1995, M.D./Ph.D. degree. Source of support: National Centre of Excellence. Current Position: Professor, Neurosurgery, University of Montreal
14. Olaf Stuve, from 1995 1996, Postdoctoral Fellow. Source of support: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German equivalent of MRC). Current Position: Professor, University of Texas at Dallas
15. Alexis Armour, May August, 1995, Summer student. Source of support: University of Toronto Medical Student Bursary Program and MRC. Last known position: Plastic Surgery Resident, University of Toronto
16. Tarek Boutros, 1993 1997, M.Sc. degree. Source of support: Berlex Laboratories. Current Position: Research Technician, McGill University
17. Nora Dooley, 1991 1998, Ph.D. degree. Source of support: FCAR and NCE. Current Position: Public service, Human Rights Commisioner, Rochester
18. Jack Vecil, 1998, Neurosurgery Resident on 6 months Basic Science Rotation. Current position: Neurosurgeon private practice, USA
19. Luke Oh, 1994 - 1999, Ph.D. degree. Source of support: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada. Current position: Senior Staff Fellow, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, US Food and Drug Administration
20. Sophie Chabot (B.Sc. McGill University), 1995 – 2000, Ph.D. degree. Source of support: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada. Current position: Founder, Justbio Nutraceuticals Quebec
21. Veronika Brundula (B.Sc. Simon Bolivar University, Venezuela), from 1998 - 2000, M.Sc. degree. Current position: Education management, Slovenia
22. Shannon Corley (B.Sc. University of Victoria), from 1998 - 2000, M.Sc. degree. Current position: Laboratory supplier
23. Uma Ladiwala (M.D. India), from 1999 - 2000, Postdoctoral fellow. Current position: Research Scientist, India
24. Arnaud Besson (M.Sc Grenoble University, France), 1997 - 2001, Ph.D. degree. Source of support: National Cancer Instutute of Canada and AHFMR. Current position: Professor, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
25. Leonie Moorhouse Herx (B.Sc. McGill University), from September 1997, MD/Ph.D. candidate. Source of support: MRC MD/PhD Studentship and AHFMR. PhD obtained in 2001. Current position: Family doctor, Calgary
26. Le Duc (B.Sc. University of Waterloo), 1999 –2001, M.Sc. degree. Source of support: NSERC studentship and AHFMR. Current position: Radiation Oncologist, University of Saskatchewan
27. Charlotte Verhaeghe, Medical Student from the University of Alberta, for 3 months summer studentship, 2001. Last known position: Neurology resident, University of Alberta
28. Jennifer Takahashi, Neurology Resident at the University of Calgary, for 6 months laboratory basic research program, from July 2001. Current position: Neurologist, British Columbia
29. Yan Zhou (Ph.D. Justus Liebig University, Giessen), from 2000 - 2002, Postdoctoral fellow. Source of support: AHFMR. Current position: Scientist and Professor, Vaccine Centre, University of Saskatoon
30. Andrew Weaver (B.Sc. University of Victoria), 2001 – 2003, M.Sc. degree. Medical doctor, Alberta
31. Hui Li, (MD China), Neurosurgery resident on basic science rotation in my lab, January – April 2004. Current position: Neurosurgeon, Ontario
32. Peter Larsen (M.Sc. Odense University), 1999-2004, Ph.D. degree. Source of support: Danish Academy of Science, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada and Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research. Current position: Scientist, Lundbeck, Copenhagen, Denmark
33. Jennifer Larsen nee Wells (PhD, Memorial University), 2000 - 2004, Postdoctoral fellow. Source of support: Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research. Current position: Translational Medicine Scientist, Lundbeck, Copenhagen, Denmark
34. Fabrizio Giuliani (Neurologist, University of Bari, Italy), from 2001-2004, Postdoctoral fellow. Source of support: Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research. Current position: Associate Professor, University of Alberta, Edmonton
35. Tiona Toduruk (PhD, University of Calgary), May 2003 – Nov 2005, Postdoctoral fellow. Source of support: Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research and Neuroscience Foundation Canada. Last known position: Researcher, Comox Environmental Agency, Calgary
36. Jennifer Ah-Sue (BSc, Queen’s University), M.Sc. degree, Dec, 2005. Current position: Medical doctor, Vancouver
37. Rana Zabad (Neurologist, Wayne State University), from 2002 - 2005, Clinical Fellow. Source of support: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada and Biogen Canada. Current position: Professor and MS clinic director, University of Nebraska
38. Angela Janke (MD, Germany), from August 2004 - 2006, Clinical Fellow. Current position: Forensic pathologist, University of Toronto
39. Tiffany Rice (B.Sc. University of Calgary), Ph.D. degree, July 2006. Source of support: National Science and Engineering Research Corporation and Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research. Current position: Anesthesiologist, University of Calgary
40. Erin O’Ferral, 4th Year Neurology resident on 6 month research rotation, from Oct 2006. Current position: Neurologist and Assistant Professor, McGill University
41. Jing Zhang, PhD, Postdoctoral fellow, from July 2006 – April 2008. Current position: Professor, School of Applied Science and Technology, Fanshawe College, London Ontario
42. Trina Johnson (PhD, University of Calgary), July 2007 – March 2008, Postdoctoral fellow. Source of support: Supervisor grant. Current position: Program manager, Alberta Innovates
43. Angelika Goncalves DaSilva (BSc, Carlton University), Sept 2003 – June 2008, Ph.D. degree. Source of support: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada and Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research. Current position: Business Consultant
44. Shuhong Liu, PhD, Research Associate in molecular biology, from August 2005 – July 2008. Current position: Research Staff, Calgary Laboratory Services
45. Viktor Skihar (PhD, University of Saskatchewan), from 2004 - 2008, Postdoctoral fellow. Source of support: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada. Current position: Pathologist, F.H. Wigmore Regional Hospital, Moose Jaw
46. Dave Stirling (PhD, University of British Columbia), March 2006 – June 2008, Postdoctoral fellow. Source of support: Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research. Current position: Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky
47. Jian-Qiang Lu, MD, Neuropathology resident. I mentored his basic science projects from 2007 – 2009. Current position: Associate Professor and staff pathologist at Hamilton General Hospital, McMaster University
48. Mengzhou Xue (PhD, University of Mannitoba), from Nov 2004 – Dec 2009, Postdoctoral fellow. Source of support (2004-2007): Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Source of support from Oct 2007 - 2009: Postdoctoral fellowship for Focus on Stroke from The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, the Canadian Stroke Network, and the CIHR/Rx&D Collaborative Research Program along with AstraZeneca Canada. Current position: Chair and Professor of Neurology; and Director, Institute of Neurological Disorders, Henan University, China
49. Scott Sloka (MD/PhD, Neurology residency from Memorial University), July 2008 – Nov 2009, Basic science and Clinical fellow. Source of support: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada and Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research. Current position: Neurology director, Waterloo; Adjunct Assistant Professor, McMaster University
50. Rowena Cua (BSc, University of British Columbia), 2004-2010, Ph.D. degree. Source of support: Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research and the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
51. Lorraine Lau (MSc, University of Calgary), defended Ph.D. thesis Aug 2011. Source of support: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada and Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research. Current position: Internal Medicine resident, University of Calgary
52. Jackie Williamson, BSc candidate, summer student, July- August 2010, and May – August 2011. Current position: Family doctor, British Columbia
53. Kevin Tse, BSc Honors thesis student, University of Calgary, September 2010 – April 2011. Summer student May – August 2011. Current position unknown
54. Axinia Doring (PhD, University Bern, Switzerland), from October 2007 – 2011, Postdoctoral fellow. Source of support: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada and Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research. Currrently a manager and microscopist at Olympus
55. Matei Stoian, Summer Student (2012) from University of British Columbia. Current position: Medical student University of Toronto
56. Mitchel Hurlbert, Summer Student (2011, 2012) from Queen’s University. Current position: Medical student Sydney
57. Sarah Haylock (PhD, University of Adelaide), from June 2010. Postdoctoral fellow, Source of support: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada. Current position: Program director, University of Calgary
58. Smriti Agrawal (PhD, Lund University), from June 2006, Postdoctoral fellow and a Research Assistant Professor in my laboratory, now a Medical Advisor at Novartis
59. Franz Kemp (MSc University of Lethbridge), PhD candidate of Peter Forsyth, with me as co-supervisor from March 2011. Obtained PhD degree June 2013. Current position: Postdoctoral fellow, University of Calgary
60. Teresa Li (currently medical student at the University of Alberta), summer student in 2013 and 2014 who comes into the laboratory on an ongoing basis. At the University’s 2013 Undergraduate Research Symposium, Teresa won the Faculty of Medicine – Medical Research Prize. Won: Best Oral Student Presentation Award at the Canadian Undergraduate Neuroscience Conference (CUNC), June 24 2015. Current position: Medical student at the University of Alberta
61. Arjun Nair, 2014 while a Grade 12 high school student, who won the Sanofi BioGENEius Challenge Canada national competition (2013, on work done with Dr. D. Cramb, University of Calgary, while in Grade 11), now at the University of Pennsylvania
62. Nabeela Nathoo (BSc University of Calgary), MD/PhD degree, PhD in 2014. Current position: Neurology resident, University of Alberta
63. Michael Keough (BSc Memorial University), MD/PhD degree, PhD in 2015. Now in the MD part of his MD/PhD degree
64. Yasamin Mahjoub (3rd Year BSc Neuroscience). While in Grade 11, Yasamin’s project with me won her the Calgary BioTalent Challenge Science contest (she then placed 4th in Canada-wide competition). Yasamin’s 2013 summer project at the University of Calgary’s 2013 Undergraduate Research Symposium won her the Faculty of Science – Biological Science Prize. Her 2014 summer project won her the HBI and University of Calgary Markin’s top prize. Current position: Medical student at the University of Alberta
65. James Rogers (BSc, Nipissing University, North Bay Ontario), MD/PhD degree, PhD in 2016, Source of support: Alberta Innovates Health Solutions. Now in the MD part of his program
66. Leila Hussieni (MD and neurologist, University of Dusseldorf), postdoctoral fellow from April 2014 - 2016. Source of support: Novartis, Basel. Current position: Staff neurologist, Germany
67. Jennifer Hahn (PhD University of Calgary), postdoctoral fellow from October 2012 - 2015. Source of support: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada. Currently on maternity leave
68. Sam Jensen (BSc, University of Calgary), MD/PhD candidate, from July 2013 - 2017. PhD 2017. Source of support: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada and Alberta Innovates Health Solutions. Now in the MD part of his program
69. Daniel Moussienko (4th Year, BH Sciences, U Calgary) – Honors thesis student, 2017. Now in medical school.
70. Raveena Dhaliwal (BSc, University of Calgary), MSc candidate, from September 2014 - 2017, co-supervisor (Jeff Dunn as primary supervisor)
71. Simon Faissner (MD, Germany), postdoctoral fellow from January to Dec 2016. Source of funding: German funds. Current position: Assistant Professor, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany
72. Janson Kappen (High school student, First prize in the 2015 National Brain Bee competition, and 5th in the International Brain Bee competition held in Australia), 2015-2017. Now in BSc program McGill
73. Eric Zhang (3rd year BSc Queen’s University) - summer student 2017
74. Anindita Bhattacharya (2nd year BSc U Calgary) - summer student 2017
75. Lauren Dzikowski (2nd Year BSc U Calgary) - summer student 2017
76. Kennedy Lemmon (Ist year University of British Columbia) - summer student 2017
77. Erin Stephenson (BSc, University of Guelph, MD/PhD candidate, PhD defended 2018. Source of Support: HBI Chen Fong studentship, Alberta Innovates Health Solutions and Vanier Scholar CIHR. Currently in medical school for the MD part of the program.
78. Runze Yang (BSc, University of Alberta), MD/PhD candidate, PhD defended 2018, co-supervisor (Jeff Dunn as primary supervisor). Source of support: CIHR and Alberta Innovates Health Solutions. Currently in medical school for the MD part of the program
79. Janson Kappen (1st year McGill Unversity), summer student 2018
80. Kennedy Lemmon (2nd Year University of British Columbia), summer student 2018
81. Linda Guo (3rd Year Western University), summer student 2018
82. Dorsa Moezzi (2nd Year University of Calgary), summer student 2018; also summer student 2019
83. Ashley Gordon (3rd Year Boston University), summer student 2018
84. Cristina Santamaria-Plaza (3rd Year University of Calgary), summer student 2018
85. Salma Zein, Grade 9 student, 2018, Gold Medal winner, Calgary Science Fair, April 14 2018
86. Jason Plemel (PhD University of British Columbia), postdoctoral fellow (joint supervision with Peter Stys), from January 2012. Source of support: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Alberta Innovates Health Solutions and CIHR. Current position: Assistant Professor, University of Alberta
87. Khalil Rawji (MSc, Queen’s University), PhD 2012 - 2018. Source of support: Achievers in Medical Science Award, University of Calgary, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, and CIHR Varnier Scholarship. Postdoctoral fellowship at University of Cambridge from Feb 2019
88. Annie Pu (BSc, University of Toronto), MSc Jan 2017 – April 2019.
89. Nathan Michaels (BSc, University of Kamloops, PhD July 2014 – May 2019. Source of support: University of Calgary Eyes High scholarship and Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada. Current position: Drug Review Process Manager, Ministry of Health, British Columbia
90. Candice Poon (MD, University of Alberta, and 3rd year Neurosurgery resident), PhD September 2014 – June 2019, co-supevisor (John Kelly as primary supervisor). Current position: Final year neurosurgery resident.
91. Anindita Bhattacharya (4th year BSc U Calgary), BSc Honors thesis 2018. Now in medical school.
92. Lauren Dzikowski (4th Year BSc U Calgary) - BSc Honors thesis, 2019.
93. Carlos Camara-Lemarroy (MD, Neurologist, University of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico), Clinical fellow from August 2017 - 2019 (2 days/week in lab). Now Assistant Professor, University of Calgary