Publications from the past 6 years (there are 220 publications pre-2014)
221. Sarkar S, Doring A, Zemp F, Silva C, Lun X, Wang X, Kelly J, Hader W, Hamilton M, Mercier P, Dunn JF, Kinniburgh D, van Rooijen N, Robbins S, Forsyth P, Cairncross G, Weiss S, Yong VW, Therapeutic activation of macrophages/microglia to suppress brain tumor-initiating cells, Nature Neurosci 17:46-55, 2014
222. Christensen PC, Brideau C, Poon KW, Doring A, Yong VW, Stys PK, High-resolution fluorescence microscopy of myelin without exogenous probes, Neuroimage 87:42-54, 2014
223. Zhang Y, Wells J, Buist R, Peeling J, Yong VW, Mitchell R, Active inflammation increases the heterogeneity of MRI texture in mouse with relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging 32:168-174, 2014
224. Nathoo N, Yong VW, Dunn JF, Utilizing magnetic resonance imaging in animal models to guide drug development in multiple sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis J 20:2-11, 2014
225. Nathoo N, Yong VW, Dunn JF, Understanding disease processes in multiple sclerosis through magnetic resonance imaging studies in animal models, Neuroimage Clinical 4:743-756, 2014
226. Yong VW, Pathology of MS and mechanisms of MS therapies, In: Neurology Reviews (CME accredited), on Deconstructing therapeutic decision-making: An expert analysis of MS treatment options, S9-S13, 2014
227. Stirling DP, Cummins K, Mishra M, Yong VW, Stys PK, TLR-2 mediated microglial modulation is neuroprotective following laser-induced spinal cord injury, Brain 137:707-723, 2014
228. Mishra MK, Wang J, Keough M, Fan Y, Silva C, Sloka S, Hayardeny L, Bruck W, Yong VW, Laquinimod reduces neuroaxonal injury through inhibiting microglial activation, Annals Clin Trans Neurol 1:409-422, 2014
229. Jensen SK, Yong VW, Microglia modulation as a mechanism behind the promotion of CNS well-being by physical exercise, Clinical Experimental Neuroimmunology 5:188-201, 2014
230. Plemel JR, Keough MB, Duncan GJ, Sparling JS, Yong VW, Stys PK, Tetzlaff W, Remyelination after spinal cord injury: Is it a target for repair? Progress in Neurobiology 117:54-72, 2014
231. Strachan-Whaley M, Rivest S, Yong VW, Interactions between microglia and T cells in multiple sclerosis pathobiology, J Interferon Cytokine Res 34:615-622, 2014
232. Stephenson E, Nathoo N, Mahjoub Y, Dunn JF, Yong VW, Iron in Multiple Sclerosis: Roles in neurodegeneration and repair, Nature Rev Neurol 10:459-468, 2014
233. Kang H, Metz LM, Traboulsee AL, Eliasziw M, Zhao GJ, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Li DK; Minocycline in CIS Study Group (including Yong VW), Application and a proposed modification of the 2010 McDonald criteria for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in a Canadian cohort of patients with clinically isolated syndromes, Mult Scler 20:458-463, 2014
234. Sarkar S, Yong VW, The battle for the brain: Brain tumor-initiating cells versus microglia/macrophages, Oncoimmunology 3:e28047, 2014
235. Plemel JR, Yong VW, Stirling DP, Immune modulatory therapies for SCI – past, present and future, In Neuroimmunology of Spinal Cord Injury: Special Issue in Experimental Neurology, 258:91-104, 2014
236. Zemp FJ, McKenzie BA, Lu X, Reilly KM, McFadden G, Yong VW, Forsyth P, Cellular factors promoting resistance to effective treatment of glioma with oncolytic Myxoma virus, Cancer Res 74:7260-7273, 2014
237. Ansari MK, Yong HY, Metz L, Yong VW, Zhang Y, Changes in tissue directionality reflect differences in myelin content after demyelination in mice spinal cords, J Structural Biol 188:116-122, 2014
238. Doring A, Sloka S, Lau L, Mishra M, van Minnen J, Zhang Z, Kinniburgh D, Rivest S, Yong VW, Stimulation of monocytes, macrophages and microglia by amphotericin B and macrophage colony stimulating factor promotes remyelination, J Neuroscience 35:1136-1148, 2015
239. Kuhle J, Gaiottino J, Leppert D, Petzold A, Bestwick JP, Malaspina A, Lu CH, Disanto G, Norgren N, Nissim A, Kappos L, Hurlbert RJ, Yong VW, Giovannoni G, Casha S, Serum neurofilament light chain is a biomarker of human spinal cord injury severity and outcome, J Neurol, Neurosurg Psychiatry 86:273-279, 2015
240. Keough MB, Jensen S, Yong VW, Experimental demyelination and remyelination of murine spinal cord by focal injection of lysolecithin, J Visualized Experiments (97), e52679, 2015
241. Lampron A, Larochelle A, Plante MM, Sanchez MG, Yong VW, Stys P, Tremblay ME, Rivest S, Inefficient clearance of myelin debris by microglia impairs remyelinating processes, J Exp Med 212:481-495, 2015
242. Zhornitsky S, Johnston TA, Weiss S, Metz LM, Yong VW, Prolactin in combination with interferon-β reduces disease severity in an animal model of multiple sclerosis, J Neuroinflammation 12:55, 2015
243. Sarkar S, Zemp FJ, Senger D, Robbins SM, Yong VW, Identification of ADAM-9 as a mediator of tenascin-C stimulated invasiveness of brain tumor-initiating cells, Neurooncology 17:1095-1105, 2015
244. Kaushik DK, Hahn JN, Yong VW, EMMPRIN, an upstream regulator of MMPs, in CNS biology, Matrix Biology 44-46C:138-146, 2015
245. Bellavance MA, Gosselin D, Yong VW, Stys PK, Rivest S, Patrolling monocytes play a critical role in CX3CR1-mediated neuroprotection during excitotoxicity, Brain Structure Function 220:1759-1776, 2015
246. Koch MW, Korngut L, Patry D, Agha-Khani Y, White C, Sarna J, Yeung M, Yong VW, Heng D, Cutter G, Metz L, The promise of futility trials in neurological diseases, Nature Rev Neurology 11:300-305, 2015
247. Hahn JN, Kaushik DK, Yong VW, The role of EMMPRIN in T cell biology and immunological diseases, J Leukocyte Biol 98:33-48, 2015
248. Nathoo N, Rogers J, Yong VW, Dunn J, Detecting deoxyhemoglobin in spinal cord vasculature of the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mouse model of multiple sclerosis using susceptibility MRI and hyperoxygenation, PLOS One 10(5):e0127033, 2015
249. Koch MW, George S, Wall W, Yong VW, Metz KN, Serum NSE level and disability progression in multiple sclerosis, J Neurol Sci 350:46-50, 2015
250. Shakhbazau A, Mishra M, Chu TH, Brideau C, Cummins K, Shcharbin D, Majoral JP, Mignani S, Blanchard-Desce M, Bryszewska M, Yong VW, Stys P, van Minnen J, Fluorescent phosphorus dendrimer as a spectral sensor for macrophage polarization and fate tracking in spinal cord injury, Macromolecular Bioscience 15:1523-1534, 2015
251. Koch MW, Zabad R, Giuliani F, Hader W, Lewkonia R, Metz L, Yong VW, Hydroxychloroquine reduces microglial activity and attenuates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, J Neurol Sci 358:131-137, 2015
252. Sloka S*, Zhornitsky S*, Silva C, Metz LM, Yong VW, Vitamin D protects against immune-mediated killing of neurons in culture and in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, PLOS One 10:e0144084, 2015 (*co-first authors)
253. Rawji KS, Mishra MK, Michaels NJ, Rivest S, Stys PK, Yong VW, Immunosenescence of microglia and macrophages: Impact on the aging white matter, Brain 139:653-661, 2016
254. Clemente-Casares X, Blanco J, Ambalavalan P, Singha S, Yamanouchi J, Fandos C, Tsai S, Wang J, Agrawal S, Keough M, Yong VW, James E, Moore A, Yang Y, Stratmann T, Serra P, Santamaria P, Expanding antigen-specific regulatory networks to treat autoimmunity, Nature b530:434-440, 2016
255. Keough MB, Rogers JA, Zhang P, Jensen SK, Robertson E, Chen T, Hurlbert MG, Lau LW, Rawji KS, Plemel JR, Koch M, Ling CC, Yong VW, An inhibitor of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan synthesis promotes central nervous system remyelination, Nature Communications 7:11312, 2016
256. Rawji KS, Mishra MK, Yong VW, Regenerative capacity of macrophages for remyelination, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 4:47, 2016
257. Shakhbazau A, Schenk GJ, Hay C, Kawasoe J, Klaver R, Yong VW, Geurts JJ, van Minnen J, Demyelination induces transport of ribosome-containing vesicles from glia to axons: evidence from animal models and MS patients, Mol Bio Rep 43:495-507, 2016
258. Mewhort HEM, Lipon BD, Svystonyuk DA, Teng G, Guzzardi DG, Silva C, Yong VW, Fedak PWM, Monocytes increase human cardiac myofibroblast-mediated extracellular matrix remodeling through TGF-β1, AJP Heart and Circulatory Physiology 310:H716-724, 2016
259. Jensen SK, Yong VW, Activity-dependent and experience-driven myelination provide new directions for the management of multiple sclerosis, Trends Neurosci 39:356-365, 2016
260. Kaushik DK, Yong HYF, Hahn JN, Silva C, Jacque FH, Lisak R, Khan O, Ionette C, Larochelle C, Prat A, Bar-Or A, Yong VW, Evaluating soluble EMMPRIN as a marker of disease activity in multiple sclerosis: studies of serum and cerebrospinal fluid, PLOS One 11:e0163802, 2016
261. Zhang Y, Jonkman L, Klauser A, Barkhof F, Yong VW, Metz LM, Geurts J, Multi-scale MRI spectrum detects differences in myelin integrity between MS lesion types, Multiple Sclerosis J 22:1569-1577, 2016
262. Mishra MK, Yong VW, Myeloid cells: targets of medications in multiple sclerosis, Nature Rev Neurol 12:539-551, 2016
263. Hahn JN, Kaushik DK, Mishra MK, Wang J, Silva C, Yong VW, Impact of minocycline on EMMPRIN, a factor implicated in multiple sclerosis immunopathogenesis, J Immunol 197:3850-3860, 2016
264. Johnson TW, Wu Y, Nathoo N, Rogers J, Yong VW, Dunn JF, Gray matter hypoxia in the brain of the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model of multiple sclerosis, PLOS One 11:e0167196, 2016
265. Yang R, Sarkar S, Korchinski DJ, Wu Y, Yong VW, Dunn JF, MRI monitoring of monocytes to detect immune stimulating treatment response in brain tumor, Neuro-oncology 19:364-371, 2017
266. Mirzaei R, Sarkar S, Yong VW, T-cell exhaustion in glioblastoma: intricacies of immune checkpoints, Trends Immunol 38:104-115, 2017
267. Plemel JR, Caprariello AV, Keough MB, Henry TJ, Tsutsui S, Chu TH, Schenk GJ, Klaver R, Yong VW, Stys PK, Unique spectral signatures of the nucleic acid dye acridine orange can distinguish cell death by apoptosis and necroptosis, J Cell Biol 216:1163-1181, 2017
268. Metz LM, Li DKB, Traboulsee AL, Duquette P, Eliasziw M, Cerchiaro G, Greenfield J, Riddehough A, Yeung M, Kremenchutzky M, Vorobeychik G, Freedman MS, Bhan V, Blevins G, Marriott JJ, Grand'Maison F, Lee L, Thibault M, Hill MD, Yong VW for the Minocycline in MS Study Team, Trial of minocycline in clinically isolated syndrome of multiple sclerosis, New Engl J Med 376:2122-2133, 2017
269. Poon CC, Sarkar S, Yong VW*, Kelly JJ*, Glioblastoma-associated microglia and macrophages: targets for therapies to improve prognosis, Brain 140:1548-1560, 2017 (*co-senior authors)
270. Rogers JA, Mishra MK, Hahn J, Greene C, Yates R, Metz L, Yong VW, Gestational BPA exposure lowers the threshold for autoimmunity in a model of multiple sclerosis, Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 114:4999-5004, 2017
271. Sarkar S, Zemp F, Mirzaei R, Wei W, Senger D, Robbins SM, Yong VW, Activation of NOTCH signaling by tenascin-C promotes growth of human brain tumor-initiating cells, Cancer Res 77:3231-3243, 2017
272. Plemel JR, Liu WQ, Yong VW, Remyelination therapies: a new direction and challenge in multiple sclerosis, Nature Rev Drug Discovery 16:617-634, 2017
273. Yong HYF, Yong VW, Stop inflammation and you stop neurodegeneration in MS: Yes, Multiple Sclerosis J 23:1320-1321, 2017
274. Jones MR, Mathieu E, Dyrager C, Faissner S, Vaillancourt Z, Korshavn KJ, Lim MH, Ramamoorthy A, Yong VW. Tsutsui S, Stys PK, Storr T, Mutli-target-Directed Phenol-Triazole Ligands as Therapeutic Agents for Alzheimer's Disease, Chem Sci 8:5636-5643, 2017
275. Gerrard B, Singh V, Babenko O, Gauthier I, Yong VW, Kovalchuk I, Luczak A, Metz GAS, Chronic mild stress exacerbates severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in association with altered non-coding RNA and metabolic biomarkers, Neurosci 359:299-307, 2017
276. Rice T, Larsen JEA, Li H, Nuttall RK, Larsen PH, Casha S, Hurlbert J, Edwards DR, Yong VW, Neuroprotection by minocycline in murine traumatic spinal cord injury: Analyses of MMPs, Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation 4:243-253, 2017
277. Faissner S, Mishra M, Wang J, Fan Y, Silva C, Rauw G, Metz L, Koch M, Yong VW, Systematic screening of generic drugs for progressive multiple sclerosis: Clomipramine as a promising therapeutic, Nature Communications 8:1990, 2017
278. Plemel JR, Michaels NJ, Weishaupt N, Caprariello AV, Keough MB, Rogers JR, Yukseloglu A, Lim J, Patel VK, Rawji KS, Jensen SK, Teo W, Heyne B, Whitehead SN, Stys PK, Yong VW, Mechanisms of lysophosphatidylcholine-induced demyelination: a primary lipid disrupting myelinopathy, GLIA 66:327-347, 2018
279. Rawji KS, Kappen J, Tang W, Teo W, Plemel JR, Stys PK, Yong VW, Deficient surveillance and phagocytic activity of macrophages/microglia within demyelinated lesions in ageing mice visualized by ex vivo multiphoton imaging, J Neurosci 38:1973-1988, 2018
280. Stephenson E, Mishra M, Moussienko D, Yong VW, Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans as novel drivers of leukocyte infiltration in multiple sclerosis, Brain 141:1094-1110, 2018
281. Koch MW, Ilnytskyy Y, Golubov A, Metz LM, Yong VW, Kovalchuk O, Global transcriptome profiling of mild relapsing remitting versus primary progressive multiple sclerosis, Eur J Neurol 25:651-658, 2018
282. Caprariello AV, Rogers JA, Morgan M, Sarswat AK, Tsutsui S, Kotra LP, Yong VW, Stys PK, Biochemically-altered myelin triggers autoimmune demyelination, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115:5528-5533, 2018
283. Camara-Lemarroy CR, Metz LM, Smith EE, Dunn JF, Yong VW, Expanding the Potential Therapeutic Options for Remote Ischemic Preconditioning: Use in Multiple Sclerosis, Frontiers in Neurology 9:475, 2018
284. Poon CC, Ebacher V, Liu K, Yong VW*, Kelly JP*, Automated slide scanning and segmentation in fluorescently-labeled tissues using a widefield high-content analysis system, J Visualized Experiments May 3:135, 2018
285. Camara-Lemarroy CR, Metz L, Meddings JB, Sharkey KA, Yong VW, The intestinal barrier in multiple sclerosis: implications for pathophysiology and therapeutics, Brain 141:1900-1916, 2018
286. Casha S*, Rice T*, Stirling DP, Silva C, Gnanapavan S, Giovannoni G, Hurlbert J, Yong VW, Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers in Human Spinal Cord Injury from a Phase II minocycline trial, J Neurotrauma 35:1918-1928, 2018 (*co-first authors)
287. Stephenson E, Yong VW, Pro-inflammatory roles of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in disorders of the central nervous system, Matrix Biology 71-72:432-442, 2018
288. Yang R, Sarkar S, Yong VW, Dunn JF, In vivo imaging of tumor associated macrophages: the next frontier in cancer imaging, Magnetic Resonance Insights 11:1-8, 2018
289. Jensen SK, Michaels NJ, Ilyntskyy S, Keough MB, Kovalchuk O, Yong VW, Multimodal enhancement of remyelination by exercise with a pivotal role for oligodendroglial PGC1α, Cell Reports 24:3167-3179, 2018
290. Sarkar S, Poon CC, Mirzaei R, Hader R, Kelly J, Dunn JF, Yong VW, Microglia induces Gas1 expression in human brain tumor-initiating cells to reduce tumorigenecity, Scientific Reports, 8:15286, 2018
291. Pu A, Stephenson E, Yong VW, The extracellular matrix: Focus on oligodendrocyte biology and target for remyelination therapies, GLIA 66:1809-1825, 2018
292. Faissner S, Mahjoub Y, Mishra M, Hahn JN, Koch M, Metz LM, Yong VW, Unexpected additive effects of minocycline and hydroxychloroquine in models of multiple sclerosis: Prospective combination treatment for progressive disease? Multiple Sclerosis J 24:1543-1556, 2018
293. Mirzaei R, Sarkar S, Dzikowski L, Rawji KS, Khan L, Faissner A, Bose P, Yong VW, Brain tumor-initiating cells export tenascin-C in exosomes to suppress T cell activity, Oncoimmunology 7:e1478647, 2018
294. Camara-Lemarroy CR, Metz LM, Yong VW, Focus on the Gut-Brain Axis: Multiple Sclerosis, the Intestinal Barrier and the Microbiome, World J Gasteroenterology 24:4217-4223, 2018
295. Sheng Z, Liu Y, Li H, Zheng W, Xia B, Zhang X, Yong VW, Xue M, Efficacy of minocycline in acute ischemic stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis of rodent and clinical studies, Frontiers in Neurology 9:1103, 2018
296. Mecha M, Yanguas-Casás N, Feliú A, Mestre L, Carrillo-Salinas F, Azcoitia I, Yong VW, Guaza C, Inflammation orchestrates remyelination in the CNS: improvement of endogenous reparative process by 2-AG, Brain Behavior and Immunity 77:110-126, 2019
297. Yong HYF, Rawji KS, Ghorbani S, Xue M, Yong VW, The benefits of neuroinflammation for repair of the injured central nervous system, Molecular Cellular Immunology 16:540-546, 2019
298. Poon CC, Gordon PMK, Liu K, Yang R, Sarkar S, Mirzaei R, Ahmad ST, Hughes ML, Yong VW*, Kelly JJP*, Differential microglia and macrophage profiles in human IDH-mutant and -wildtype glioblastoma, OncoTarget 10:3129-3143, 2019 (*co-senior authors)
299. Hamilton AM, Forkert ND, Yang R, Wu Y, Rogers J, Yong VW, Dunn JF, Central nervous system targeted autoimmunity causes regional atrophy: a 9.4T MRI study of the EAE mouse model of Multiple Sclerosis, Scientific Report 9:8488, 2019
300. Kaushik DK, Bhattacharya A, Rawji KS, Mirzaei R, Ann Y, Rho JM, Yong VW, Enhanced glycolytic metabolism supports transmigration of brain-infiltrating macrophages in multiple sclerosis model, J Clin Investigation 129:3277-3292, 2019
301. Stephenson EL, Zhang P, Wang A, Gu J, Keough MB, Rawji KS, Mishra M, Silva M, Yong VW*, Ling CC*, Targeting the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans: Evaluating fluorinated glucosamines and xylosides in screens pertinent to multiple sclerosis, ACS Central Science 5:1223-1234, 2019 (*co-senior authors)
302. Faissner S, Plemel JR, Gold R, Yong VW, Progressive multiple sclerosis: from pathophysiology to therapeutic strategies, Nature Rev Drug Discovery 18:905-922, 2019
303. Koch MW, Liu WQ, Camara-Lemarroy C, Zhang Y, Pike GB, Metz L, Yong VW, Domperidone-induced elevation of serum prolactin levels and immune response in multiple sclerosis, J Neuroimmunology 334:576974, 2019
304. Dong Y, Yong VW, Adding insult to injury: when T cells collaborate with microglia in neurological disorders, Nature Rev Neurol 15:704-717, 2019
305. Camara-Lemarroy C, Silva C, Greenfield J, Liu WQ, Metz LM, Yong VW, Biomarkers of intestinal barrier dysfunction in multiple sclerosis are associated with disease activity, Multiple Sclerosis, July 18:1352458519863133, 2019
306. Guo LY, Lozinski B, Yong VW, Exercise in multiple sclerosis and its models: Focus on central nervous system outcomes, J Neurosci Res 98:509-523, 2020
307. Plemel JR, Stratton JA, Zhang E, Rawji KS, Michaels NJ, Thorburn K, Sinha S, Friedman TN, Jawad S, Caprariello AV, Hoghooghi V, Kerr BJ, Midha R, Stys PK, Biernaskie J, Yong VW, Microglia response following acute demyelination is heterogenous and limits infiltrating macrophage accumulation, Science Advances 6:eaay6324, 2020
308. Sarkar S*, Li Y*, Mirzaei R*, Rawji KS, Poon CC, Wang J, Kumar M, Bose P, Yong VW, Demeclocycline Reduces the Growth of Human Brain Tumor-Initiating Cells: direct activity and through monocytes, Frontiers Immunol 11:article 272, 2020
309. Feliu A, Carrillo-Salinas FJ, Mestre L, Yong VW, Mecha M, Guaza C, 2-AG reduces chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans production by astrocytes and enhances oligodendrocyte differentiation under inhibitory conditions, GLIA 68:1255-1273, 2020
310. Rawji KS, Young A, Ghosh T, Michaels NJ, Mirzaei R, Mishra MK, Kappen J, Kohlemainen K, Pu A, Tang W, Zein S, Kaushik DK, Keough MB, Plemel J, Calvert F, Knights A, Gaffney D, Tetzlaff W, Franklin RJM, Yong VW, Niacin-mediated rejuvenation of -macrophage/microglia enhances remyelination of the aging central nervous system, Acta Neuropathol 139:893-909, 2020
311. Sarkar S, Yang R, Mirzaei R, Rawji K, Poon C, Mishra MK, Zemp FJ, Bose P, Kelly J, Dunn JF, Yong VW, Control of brain tumor growth by reactivating myeloid cells with niacin, Science Translational Med 12(537). pii: eaay9924, 2020
312. Bai Q, Xue M, Yong VW, Microglia and macrophages in intracerebral hemorrhage: Roles and therapies to ameliorate injury, Brain 143:1297-1314, 2020
313. Couturier CP, Ayyadhury S, Le PU, Monlong J, AllacheR, Baig S, Riva G, Bourgey M, Lee C, Yan X, Wang YCD, Yong VW, Guiot MC, Misic B, Antel J, Bourque G, Ragoussis J, Petrecca K, Brain development unravels glioblastoma heterogeneity and reveals therapeutic targets, Nature Communications 11:4041, 2020
314. Pu A, Mishra MK, Dong Y, Stephenson EL, Rawji KS, Silva C, Kitagawa H, Sawcer S, Yong VW, The glycosyltransferase EXTL2 promotes proteoglycan deposition and injurious neuroinflammation following demyelination, J Neuroinflammation 17:220, 2020
315. Bhattacharya A, Kaushik DK, Lozinski B, Yong VW, Beyond barrier functions: roles of pericytes in CNS homeostasis, neuroinflammation and repair, J Neuroscience Res, in press
316. De Boeck A, Ahn BYm D’Mello C, Lun X, Alsherhi M, Szulzewsky F, Shen Y, Khan L, Dang NH, Reichardt E, Goring KA, King J, Grinshtein N, Blough MD, Cairncross JG, Yong VW, Marra MA, Jone SJM, Kaplan DR, Holland EC, Bose P, Chan JA, Robbins SM, Senger DL, Glioma-derived IL33 orchestrates an inflammatory brain tumor microenvironment that accelerates glioma progression, Nature Communications, in press
317. Bai Q, Sheng Z, Liu Y, Yong VW, Xue M, Intracerebral Hemorrhage: From Clinical Settings to Animal Models, Stroke and Vascular Neurology, in press
318. Zhang R, Yong VW, Xue M, Intracerebral hemorrhage in translational research, Brain Hemorrhages, in press
319. Bohm AK, DePetro JA, Binding CE, Grisdale C, Ware MA, Chahley N, Lawn S, Bhukari S, Chen C, Gerber A, Thomas KN, Pedersen H, Yaping Y, Shen Y, Omairi H, Maxwell L, Yong VW, Senger D, Robbins S, Weiss S, Chan JA, Cimino PJ, Kelly JJ, Jones S, Holland EC, Blough MD, Cairncross JG, Neuro-Oncology, in press
320. Dong Y, D’Mello C, Moezzi D, Lozinski B, Kaushik D, Ghorbanigazar S, Brown D, Melo FC, Vo T, Yong VW, Oxidized phosphatidylcholines are neurotoxic in multiple sclerosis and are neutralized by microglia, revised for Nature Neuroscience
321. Michaels NJ, Lemmon K, Plemel JR, Jensen SK, Mishra MK, Brown D, Rawji KS, Koch M, Yong VW, Aging-exacerbated demyelinating injury is associated with microglia-derived reactive oxygen species: alleviation by indapamide, revised at J Neurosci
322. Xue M, Yong VW, Neuroinflammation in intracerebral hemorrhage: immunotherapies ripe for translation, revised at Lancet Neurol
323. Kataria H, Hart CG, Alizadeh A, Cossoy M, Kaushik DK, Bernstein CN, Marrie RA, Yong VW, Karimi-Abdolrezaee, Nrg-1β1 is implicated in pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis and its availability ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, revised at Brain
324. Ghorbani S, Yong VW, The extracellular matrix of lesions in multiple sclerosis tunes neuroinflammation and remyelination, revised at Brain
325. Stys PK, Teo W, Caprariello A, Plemel JR, Proft J, Roychoudhury S, Pu A, Yong VW, Joseph JT, Nilsson KPR, Tsutsui S, Sensitive detection of biological processes in cells and tissues by spectral scatter analysis using environmentally-responsive fluorescent probes, submitted
326. Mishra MK, Rawji KS, Keough MB, Kappen J, Dowlatabadi R, Vogel HJ, Chopra S, Distéfano-Gagne F, Dufour A, Gosselin D, Yong VW, Harnessing the benefits of neuroinflammation: Generation of macrophages/microglia with remarkable remyelinating properties, submitted
327. Koch MW, Sage K, Kaur S, Kim J, Cerchiaro G, Yong VW, Cutter G, Metz L, Domperidone in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: an open-label, single-center, phase 2, single arm futility trial, submitted
328. Camara-Lemarroy CR, Silva C, Metz LM, Cerchiaro G, Greenfield J, Dowlatabadi R, Vogel HJ, Lee CH, Giuliani F, Nakhaei-Nejad M, Silva C, Li DKB, Traboulsee A, Yong VW, Multimodal peripheral fluid biomarker analysis in clinically isolated syndrome and comparison to early multiple sclerosis, submitted
329. Lozinski BM, Yong VW, Exercise and the brain in multiple sclerosis, submitted
330. Xue M, Jiao Y, He J, Wang J, Yong VW, Down-regulatory changes of Nogo-A and NgR in ischemic cortex of mice with cerebral ischemic preconditioning, submitted
331. Bai Q, Xue M, Yong VW, Simultaneous depletion of microglia/macrophages and neutrophils enhances neuroprotection in intracerebral hemorrhage, submitted
332. Keough MB, Michaels NJ, Jensen SK, Lau LW, Pu AY, Yong VW, Overcoming chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan-mediated inhibition of oligodendrocyte regenerative response, submitted