
  1. B.W. Winston, D. Chamberlain, T.J. Williams, G.A. Patterson, J.R. Maurer, Toronto  Lung Transplant Group.  Transbronchial Biopsy in the Assessment of Early Rejection in Lung Transplantation. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis., Vol. 141(4), 1990, pp A682.
  2. B.W. Winston, J. Villar, J. D. Edelson, J. Poivessan, J. B. Mullen, A. S. Slutsky.  Induction of Heat Stress Proteins is associated with decreased mortality in an animal model of hyperoxic lung injury.  Am. Rev. Respir. Dis., Vol. 143(4), 1991, pp A728.
  3. B.W. Winston, N. Avdi, and D.W.H. Riches.  Protein Tyrosine Kinases are Involved in the Differentiation of Bone Marrow Derived Murine Macrophages and RAW 264.7 Cells to the Cytocidal State.  Mol. Biol. Cell, Vol. 3 (Supplement), 1992, pp 87a.
  4. Brent W. Winston and David W.H. Riches.  TNFalpha induced differentiation of bone marrow derived macrophages to the cytocidal state stimulates tyrosine kinase activity. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis., Vol. 147 (4, Part 2), 1993, pp A308.
  5. Brent W. Winston and David W. H. Riches.  TNF gamma induced differentiation of IFN gama primed bone marrow derived macrophages to the cytocidal state stimulates tyrosine kinase activity and increased phosphorylation of MAP kinase.  Clin. Invest. Med., Vol. 16 (4, Suppl.), 1993, pp B128.
  6. Brent W. Winston and David W. H. Riches. Ligation of CD120a (TNF-R1, p55) stimulates p42mapk/erk2 activation in mouse macrophages.  Oral presentation to the 5th International Congress on TNF and Related Cytokines: Scientific Advances and Their Medical Applications, 1994.
  7. Brent W. Winston, L.K. Remigio, F.R. Lake and David W. H. Riches.  The TNF?  stimulated expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase and NO2- in murine macrophages involves co-operation between receptors CD120a (p55) and CD120b (p75).  Clin. Inves. Med., Vol. 17 (4, Suppl.), 1994, pp B20.
  8. Natalie J. Avdi, Brent W. Winston, Gary L. Johnson, G. Scott Worthen.  Activation of MEKK in Neutrophils by Chemoattractants.  Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 151 (4 part 2), 1995, pp A771.
  9. Brent W. Winston, C.A. Lange-Carter, A.M. Gardner, G.L. Johnson and D.W.H. Riches.  MEK Kinase (MEKK) Activation by TNF alpha: A c-Raf-1 Independent Pathway.  Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 151 (4 part 2), 1995, pp A770.
  10. Brent W. Winston, E. D. Chan, D. M. Rose and David W. H. Riches.  p38mapk is Activated by TNF alpha in Murine Macrophages.  Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 153 (4 part 2), 1996, pp A237.
  11. Edward D. Chan, B. W. Winston, D. M. Rose, and D. W .H. Riches.  Influence of INF gamma and TGF-beta on the TNF alpha-stimulated MAP Kinase Activity in Murine Macrophages.  Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 153 (4 part 2), 1996, pp A247.
  12. D. M. Rose, B. W. Winston, E.D. Chan, D. W. H. Riches, G. L. Johnson, and P. M. Henson.  Fcg-Receptor Cross Linking Activates p42, p38, and JNK Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases (MAPK) in Murine Macrophages.  Presented at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
  13. Brent W. Winston and David W. H. Riches.  p38mapk, MKK3 and MKK4 are activated by TNF alpha in murine macrophages.  Presented at the 3rd Annual Alberta Respiratory Symposium, October 18-20, 1996.
  14. B.W. Winston, E.D. Chan. L.K. Remigio, G.L. Johnson and D.W.H. Riches.  TNF alpha activates MEKK with subsequent activation of MKK3 and p38mapk in murine macrophages.  Oral and Poster presentation at the Canadian Society for Immunology, spring'97 meeting, March 14-17, 1997.
  15. B.W. Winston, E.D. Chan. L.K. Remigio, G.L. Johnson and D.W.H. Riches.  TNF alpha activates MEKK with subsequent activation of MKK3 and MKK4 in murine macrophages.  Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 155 (4 part 2), 1997, pp A610.
  16. E.D.Chan, B.W.Winston, S.T.Uh, D.M.Rose, D.W.H.Riches.  Influence of IFN gamm & IL- 4 on NO2- production and MAPK activation in mouse macrophages.  Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 155 (4 part 2), 1997, pp A682.
  17. E.D.Chan, B.W.Winston, M.B.Jarpe, L.K.Remigio, M.W.Wynes, & D.W.H.Riches.  Preferential activation of the p46 isoform of JNK in mouse macrophages by TNF alpha.  Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 155 (4 part 2), 1997, pp A682.
  18. Brent W. Winston, E. D. Chan and  David W. H. Riches.  TNF alpha activates p38mapk, MKK3 and MKK4 in Macrophages.  Presented at the 7th World Congress of  Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, June 29 - July 3, 1997.
  19. Connie Mowat, Glen Jickling and Brent W. Winston, CSF-1 (M-CSF) enriched media enhances macrophage responsiveness to TNFalpha .  Presented at the Immunology Research Group, Emerald Lake Conference, September 11-14, 1997.
  20. Peter Krein, Connie Mowat and Brent W. Winston.  The influence of TNF-alpha and  INF gamma on the activation of NF-kB and AP-1 transcription factors in Primary LPS resistant murine macrophages.  Oral presentation. Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 157 (3), 1998, pp A739.
  21. Brent W. Winston, Glen Jickling, Ed Chan, David W.H. Riches and Connie Mowat.  CSF-1 (M-CSF) enriched media enhances macrophage responsiveness to TNF alpha. Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 157 (3), 1998, pp A239.
  22. Ed Chan, Brent W. Winston, Soo-Tek Uh, David M. Rose, and David W.H. Riches.  Evaluation of the mitogen-activated protein kinases in the induction of iNOS by TNFalpha and IFN gamma.  Oral presentation. Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 157 (3), 1998, pp A738.
  23. Brent W. Winston, Shehzad Iqbal, Connie Mowat and Peter M. Krein.  TNF alpha regulated Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) induction in macrophages.  Oral presentation at the RCPS and CCCS Annual Meeting, 1998. Clinical and Investigative Medicine, Vol. 21 (4/5 Suppl.), 1998, pp S26.
  24. Connie Mowat, Peter M Krein, Glen Jickling, Shehzad Iqbal and Brent W. Winston. Enhancing TNF alpha responsiveness in macrophages. Clin. Invest. Med., Vol. 21 (4/5 Suppl.), 1998, pp S26.
  25. Peter M. Krein, Shehzad Iqbal and Brent W. Winston. TNF alpha regulated Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) induction in Macrophages.  Presented at the Oncology Research Day, University of Calgary, 1998.
  26. Brent W. Winston, Peter Krein, Shehzad Iqbal, Yong Huang, Connie Mowat.  TNF alpha- regulated insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) promoter activity in macrophages.  Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 159 (3part 2), 1999, pp A442.
  27. Yong Huang, Peter M. Krein, Connie Mowat and Brent W. Winston. Regulation of Complement Factor B by Cytokines in Macrophages.  Presented at the 1999 meeting of the Canadian Society of Immunology, 1999.
  28. E. Chan, B. Winston, S. Uh, L. Remigio, D. Riches.  Systematic evaluation of the mitogen-activated protein kinases in the induction of iNOS by tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interferon-gamma  Chest, 116(1Suppl):91S-92S, 1999.  Presented at the Aspen Lung Conference, 1998.
  29. Yong Huang, Peter Krein and Brent W. Winston.  Regulation of complement factor B by IFN gamma and TNF alpha in macrophages.  Accepted for oral presentation at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the RCPS of Canada and CCCS, Montreal, September,1999.
  30. R. Brisebois, P. Krein, W. Tinmouth, S. McFadden, G. Gelfand, C. Doig, F. Green, B. Winston.  Insulin-like growth factor-I induction in fibroproliferative ARDS. Accepted for oral presentation at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the RCPS of Canada and CCCS, Montreal, September,1999.
  31. W. Tinmouth, R. Brisebois, F. Green, G. Gelfand, S. McFadden, and B. Winston.  Insulin-like growth factor-I is expressed in human lung tissue in the fibroproliferative phase of the acute respiratory distress ome. Presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the RCPS of Canada and the Trauma Association of Canada, Montreal, September,1999.
  32. P. M. Krein and B. W. Winston.   Molecular mechanism of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) induction by Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha in macrophages.  Presented at the Signaling  2000, Keystone Symposium, Jan. 22-28, 2000.
  33. Yong Huang, Peter M. Krein, Connie Mowat, Brent W. Winston.  Synergistic effect of TNF alpha and IFN gamma on complement factor B gene expression in macrophages. Presented at the Signaling  2000, Keystone Symposium, Jan. 22-28, 2000.
  34. Connie Mowat, Sabine Bisson, Stephen Robbins and, Brent W. Winston.  TNF alpha stimulates MEKK1 translocation into Lipid Rafts (or low density membrane microdomains, LDMC’s) in macrophages.  Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 161 (3), 2000, pp A455.
  35. Yong Huang, Peter M. Krein and Brent W. Winston.  Regulation of Complement factor B by IFN gamma and TNF alpha in macrophages.  Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 161 (3), 2000, pp A535.
  36. B. W. Winston, W. Tinmouth, G. Gelfand, S. McFadden; R. Brisebois, and F. H. Y. Green.    Insulin–like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) is expressed in human lung tissue in fibroproliferative ARDS.  Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 161 (3), 2000, pp A95.
  37. Connie Mowat, Sabine Bisson, Stephen Robbins and, Brent W. Winston.  TNF alpha stimulates MEKK1 activation in Lipid Rafts (or low density membrane microdomains, LDMC’s).  Oral presentation at the CSCI and RCPS Annual Meeting September 2000.
  38. Brent W. Winston, P. M. Krein, P Sabatini, W. Tinmouth, R. Brisebois, C. Doig, and F. Green.  IGF-I is upregulated in fibroproliferative ARDS.  Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, February, 2001.
  39. Brent W. Winston, Yong Huang and Peter M. Krein.  Regulation of Complement factor B by IFN gamma and TNF alpha in Mouse and Human mononuclear cells. Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 163 (5), 2001, ppA553.
  40. Brent W. Winston, P.M. Krein, P. Sabatini, W. Tinmouth, G. Gelfand, S. McFadden, R. Brisbois, C. Doig and F.H.Y. Green.  Retrospective and Prospective Analysis of IGF-I Induction in Persistent ARDS.  Am. J. Resp. and Crit. Care Med. Vol. 163 (5), 2001, pp A140.
  41. Yong Huang, Peter  M. Krein, and Brent W. Winston. Mapping the synergistic effects of TNF apha- and IFN gamma-stimulated induction of complement Factor B in macrophages.  Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Immunology Meeting, March 2001.
  42. Connie Mowat, Sabine Bisson, Stephen Robbins and, Brent W. Winston.  TNF alpha stimulation and activation of MEKK1 and Caspase 8 in Lipid Rafts. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Immunology meeting, March 2001.
  43. Brent W. Winston, P.M. Krein, P. Sabatini, W. Tinmouth, G. Gelfand, S. McFadden, R. Brisebois, C,. Doig, F. Green.  IGF-I Induction in Persistent ARDS.  Presented at the Alberta Respirology Diseases Symposium, April, 2001.
  44. Peter M. Krein, Francis H.Y. Green and Brent W. Winston.  Insulin-like Growth Factor-I is Elevated in Fibroproliferative Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome:  Potential Role of Inflammation and IGF-I in Lung Remodeling.  To be presented at the 4th Annual Immunology Research Group Conference, Emerald Lake BC. September, 2001
  45. Brent W. Winston, Yong Huang and Peter M. Krein. Complement Factor B Induction by IFN gamma and TNF alpha in Mouse and Human Mononuclear Cells.  Accepted for oral presentation to The 8th World Congress of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, October 28-November 1, 2001, Sydney, Australia.
  46. Ian Scott, Yong Huang, Peter M. Krein, and Brent W. Winston. Complement factor B induction in human mononuclear cells in sepsis. Oral presentation  at the American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting, 2002.  Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care Med., 2002, Vol.165(8): pp A245.
  47. Peter M. Krein, Francis H.Y. Green and Brent W. Winston. Insulin-like Growth Factor-I is elevated in fibroproliferative Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome:  potential role of inflammation and IGF-I in lung remodeling. Presented at the American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting, 2002. Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care Med., 2002, Vol.165(8): pp A473.
  48. Brent W. Winston, Yong Huang, Mei Ding, Raza Zaheer and Peter M. Krein.  Complement factor B induction in human peripheral blood monocytes in sepsis.  Presented at the Seventh Toronto Critical Care Medicine Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, October 31 - November 2, 2002.
  49. Brent W. Winston, Yong Huang, Connie Mowat and Raza Zaheer.  Complement Factor B induction in PBMC's in septic shock.  Submitted for presentation to the American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting, 2003.
  50. Brent W. Winston, Connie Mowat, Raza Zaheer and Yong Huang.  TNF alpha signaling via activation and intramolecular cleavage of MEKK1 in lipid rafts.  Submitted for presentation to the American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting, 2003.
  51. Huang, Y., C. Mowat, R. Zaheer, D. Zygun and B. W. Winston.  Alternative complement cascade factor B regulation in sepsis in humans.  Accepted for oral presentation to the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Amsterdam, 2003.
  52. Ai Ni and Brent W. Winston.  Role of IGF-I in pulmonary fibroproliferation.  Presented at the U of C, IRG Emerald lake Conference, 2003.
  53. Yong Huang, Connie Mowat, Teik-How Lim, Raza Zaheer, and Brent W. Winston.  Characterization of human complement factor B in mononuclear cells in septic shock and with inflammatory stimuli. Presented at the U of C, IRG Emerald lake Conference, 2003.
  54. Huang, Y., C. Mowat, T-H Lim, R. Zaheer, D. Mok, D. Zygun and B. W. Winston.  Alternative complement cascade factor B regulation in sepsis in humans.  Presented at the Troronto Critical Care Meeting, 2003.
  55. Yong Huang, Connie Mowat, Teik How Lim, Raza Zaheer and Brent W. Winston.  Characterization of the effects of inflammatory cytokines and LPS on induction of human complement factor B in monocytes.  Presented at the American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting 2004. Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care Med., 2004, ATS abstracts, 169(7), pp A556.
  56. S. Karmali, KB Laupland, R Harrop, D Dyer, BW Winston, AW Kirkpatrick, D Wardman, JB Kortbeek, SM Hameed.  Epidemiology of severe trauma among treaty status Aboriginal Canadians.  Presented to the American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting, 2004.
  57. Huang, Y., C. Mowat, T-H Lim, R. Zaheer, D. Mok, D. Zygun and B. W. Winston.  Alternative complement cascade factor B regulation in sepsis in humans.  Presented at the ICRH - Young Investigators Forum, April, 2004.
  58. Ai Ni and Brent W. Winston.  Role of IGF-I in Pulmonary Fibroproliferation.  Presented at the 13th International Colloquium on Lung Fibrosis, Banff, Alberta , October 2004.
  59. B.W. Winston, A. Ni, C. Mowat, F. Green and D. Muruve.  Adenoviral-mediated hIGF-I gene  transfer contributed to pulmonary fibroproliferation. Accepted for presentation to the American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting 2005.
  60. B. W. Winston, Y. Huang, C. Mowat, T-H. Lim, R. Zaheer, D. Mok, and D. Zygun.  Complement factor B regulation in human sepsis and inhibition by APC. Accepted for presentation to the American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting 2005.
  61. Ai Ni, C. Mowat, F. Green, D. Muruve, and B.W. Winston.  Adenoviral-mediated hIGF-I gene transfer contributes to pulmonary fibroproliferation.  Submitted for presentation to the Alberta Respiratory Disease Symposium (ARDS) March 13, 2005, Red Deer, Alberta.
  62. S Bertsch, O Reid, C Schrag, C Mowat, M Trotter, R Lindsay and B.W. Winston. The Effects of NF-kB Inhibition on a Murine Scald Wound Model.  Submitted to the CSPS Annual Meeting 2005.
  63. S. Bertsch, C. Schrag, C. Mowat, M. Trotter, R. Lindsay and B. W. Winston. The Effects of NF-?B Inhibition on a Murine Scald Wound Model.  Presented at Surgeon’s Day 2005, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary.
  64. Ai Ni, K. Goring, B.W. Winston.  The Role of IGF-I in Pulmonary Fibroproliferation.  Presented at the GIRG/IRG Symposium, Kanananskis, Alberta, October 2005.
  65. Arora RC, Severson DL and Winston B.W. LPS Induced Myocardial Dysfunction in an ex vivo MurineWorking Heart Model-A Pilot Study.  Presented at the GIRG/IRG Symposium, Kananaskis, Alberta, October 2005.
  66. Ai Ni, Connie Mowat, Daniel Muruve, Francis Green and Brent Winston.  IGF-I Overexpression in C57BL/6 Mouse Lung Induces Inflammatory Response but no Pulmonary Fibrosis.  Presented at  the 5th Alberta Respiratory Disease Symposium April 27-30, 2006.  Banff, Alberta.
  67. B. W. Winston, Ai Ni, C. Mowat, D. Muruve, F. Green.  IGF-I Overexpression in C57BL/6 Mouse Lung Induces Inflammatory Response but no Pulmonary Fibrosis.  Presented at  the 19th Annual Congress European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Barcelona, Spain September 24-27. 2006.
  68. Danielle Ji-Hyeon, Donna-Marie McCafferty and Brent W. Winston.  The integrity of small intestine can be acutely impaired by Streptococcus pneumoniae introduced into the mouse lungs.  Presented at the Toronto Critical Care Symposium, October, 2006.
  69. Danielle (Ji-Hyeon) Kim, Donna-Marie McCafferty and Brent W. Winston. Streptococcus pneumoniae introduced into the mouse lungs causes GI permeability impairment of the small intestine. Presented at the American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting May, 2007. AJRCCM 2007, 175:A436.
  70. Ai Ni, Connie Mowat, Daniel Muruve, Francis Green and Brent W. Winston. IGF-I Induced a dose-correlated inflammatory response but not pulmonary fibrosis in C57BL/6 mouse lungs. Presented at the American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting May, 2007. AJRCCM 2007, 175:A735.
  71. Ai Ni, Connie Mowat, Daniel Muruve, Francis Green, and Brent W. Winston. IGF-I alone does not induce pulmonary fibrosis; however, it does cause a dose correlated inflammatory response in the lungs. Presented at the Aspen Lung Conference 2007.
  72. Kim Goring, Ji-Hyeon Kim, Dan Liu, Donna-Marie McCafferty and Brent W. Winston. Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia induced sepsis in mice – a model of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Presented at the 2008 ATS Annual Conference. AJRCCM 2008. 177:A577.
  73. James Kennedy, S. Bertsch, C. Schrag, O. Reid, M. Trotter, R. Lindsay, and B.W. Winston. The effect of topical application of an anti-inflammatory dominant negative I-kB vector on the burn milieu of a murine scald wound model. Submitted to the Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Annual Conference. 2008.
  74. Hoerr, V., G. Andonegui, L. Zbytnuik, P. Kubes, B. W. Winston, and H. J. Vogel. NMR-based metabolomics of bacterial infections studied in a mouse-model.  Presented at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 17th Scientific Meeting, 2009.
  75. Josée Wong, Caroline Léger and Brent Winston. Establishment of CCEPTR, a Critical Care Epidemiologic and Biologic Tissue Resource. Presented at the IRG-BPRG Conference, Canmore, AB, 2009.
  76. Kim Goring, Grace Andonegui, Danielle Kim, Donna-Marie McCafferty and Brent W. Winston. The role of the alternative pathway of complement activation in a murine model of Streptococcus pneumoniae- pneumonia induced sepsis. Presented at the IRG-BPRG conference, Canmore, AB, 2009.
  77. Graciela Andonegui, Kim Goring, Danielle Kim, Donna-Marie McCafferty and Brent W. Winston. The role of the alternative pathway of complement activation in a murine model of Streptococcus pneumoniae- pneumonia induced sepsis. Presented at the Alberta Respiratory Diseases Symposium, Banff, AB, 2010.
  78. Graciela Andonegui, Ai Ni, Caroline Léger, Margaret M. Kelly, Josée Wong and Brent W. Winston. Sequential expression of IGF-IB followed by active TGF-beta 1 induces synergistic pulmonary fibroproliferation. Presented at the 2011 ATS Annual Conference.
  79. Beata Mickiewicz, Hector R. Wong, Hans J. Vogel and Brent W. Winston. Metabolomic profiling of serum samples by 1H NMR spectroscopy as a novel approach for diagnosis of pediatric septic shock. Presented at the 2012 ATS Annual Conference. Am J Resp Crit Care Med, 2012, 185: A4911.
  80. Mohammad M. Banoei, Aalim Weljie, Hans J. Vogel and Brent W. Winston. Metabolomic phenotyping as a tool for identifying biomarkers in the ICU. Presented at the 2012 ATS Annual Conference. Am J Resp Crit Care Med, 2012, 185: A1968.
  81. Lalu, M M; McIntyre, L; Lamontagne, F; Bains J; Mei, S H J; Fergusson, D; Winston, BW; Marshall, J C; Granton, J; Walley, K; Courtman, D; Stewart, D J. Systematic review and meta-analysis of mesenchymal stromal cells in preclinical models of septic shock. Presented at the 2012 ATS Annual Conference. Am J Resp Crit Care Med, 2012, 185: A42215..
  82. Mohammad M. Banoei, Aalim M.Weljie, Hans J. Vogel and Brent W. WInston. Metabolomic phenotyping of serum from hospitalized H1N1 infected patients. Presented at the Alberta Respiratory Diseases Symposium, March, 2012, Edmonton Alberta.
  83. Banoei, Mohammad M., Weljie, Aalim M., Vogel, Hans J., Kumar, Anand and Winston, Brent W. A metabolomics study on H1N1 pneumonia using NMR and GC-MS. Presented at the Washington Metabolomics Symposium, June, 2012, Washington, DC.
  84. Beata Mickiewicz, Hector R. Wong, Hans J. Vogel and Brent W. WInston. Metabolomic as a novel approach for early diagnosis and prognosis of pediatric septic shock. Presented at the CCCTBG Meeting, 2013, Lake Louise.
  85. Beata Mickiewicz, Gavin E. Duggan, Brent W. Winston, Christopher Doig, Paul Kubes,Hans J. Vogel for the Alberta Sepsis Network (ASN). A metabolomics study of sepsis. Presented at the CCCTBG Meeting, 2013, Lake Louise.
  86. Mohammad M. Banoei, Aalim M.Weljie, Hans J. Vogel and Brent W. Winston.  Using NMR and GC-MS metabolomics to predict mortality in H1N1 pneumonia patients. Presented at the CCCTBG Meeting, 2013, Lake Louise.
  87. Beata Mickiewicz, Gavin E. Duggan, Brent W. Winston, Christopher Doig, Paul Kubes, Hans J. Vogel for the Alberta Sepsis Network. Metabolic profiling of serum samples by 1H NMR spectroscopy as a potential diagnostic and prognostic approach for adult septic shock patients. 2013. Presented at the Critical Care Forum Canada as a Poster by Dr. Winston – Awarded best Basic Science Poster 2013. Can Resp J, May/June  2014, Volume 21, Issue 3.  
  88. Mohammad M. Banoei, Aalim M.Weljie, Hans J. Vogel, Anand Kumar, and Brent W. Winston. Using NMR and GC-MS metabolomics to predict mortality in H1N1 pneumonia patients. Presented at the Critical Care Forum Canada, 2013; Can Resp J, May/June  2014, Volume 21, Issue 3. 
  89. Holinski, P., B Mickiewicz, HJ Vogel, BW Winston, J Wong, G Thompson, J Blackwood, AR Joffe. Metabolomic Profiling Of Serum Samples Using NMR Spectroscopy to Diagnose Sepsis in the Emergency Room. Presented at World Sepsis Day University of Calgary, Sept. 2013.
  90. Graham Thompson, Craig Jenne, Anna Golovaneva, Beata Mickiewicz, Hans Vogel, Brent Winston , Jaime Blackwood, Ari Joffe. Improving Diagnostic Accuracy in Children with Suspected Appendicitis: Pilot Data. Presented at World Sepsis Day University of Calgary, Sept. 2013.
  91. Josee Wong and Brent W. WInston.  What is CCEPTR and how can it help you? Presented at World Sepsis Day University of Calgary, Sept. 2013.
  92. Beata Mickiewicz, Gavin E. Duggan, Brent W. Winston, Christopher Doig, Paul Kubes, Hans J. Vogel for the Alberta Sepsis Network. Metabolic profiling of serum samples by 1H NMR spectroscopy as a potential diagnostic and prognostic approach for adult septic shock patients.. Presented at World Sepsis Day University of Calgary, Sept. 2013.
  93. Mohammad M. Banoei, Aalim M.Weljie, Hans J. Vogel, Anand Kumar, and Brent W. WInston. Using NMR and GC-MS metabolomics to predict mortality in H1N1 pneumonia patients. Presented at World Sepsis Day University of Calgary, Sept. 2013.
  94. Beata Mickiewicz, Brent W. Winston, Christopher Doig, Paul Kubes, Hans J. Vogel.Metabolomics of septic shock: from NMR and MS data to mortality prediction. Poster presentation at the Annual Metabolomics Society meeting, Glascow, Scotland 2013.
  95. B Mickiewicz, P Honliski, HJ Vogel, BW Winston,  J Wong, G Thompson, J Blackwood, AR Joffe.  Metabolomic Profiling Of Serum Samples Using NMR Spectroscopy to Diagnose Sepsis in the Emergency Room.  Accepted for presentation to the American Thoracic Society Annual International Meeting, May 2014.
  96. Beata Mickiewicz, Paula Holinski, Hans Vogel, Brent W. Winston, Josee Wong, Jaime Blackwood, Ari R Joffe and Graham C Thompson. Metabolic profiling of serum samples using NMR spectroscopy to diagnose sepsis in the pediatric emergency department. Accepted for presentation to the Pediatric Academy Societies Annual Meeting, May 2014.
  97. Mickiewicz B, Holinski P, Vogel HJ, Winston BW, Wong J, Thompson G, Blackwood J, Joffe AR.  Metabolomic profiling of serum samples using NMR spectroscopy to diagnose sepsis in the emergency department and pediatric intensive care unit.  Accepted for presentation at the 7th World Congress on Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care, May 4-7 2014 Istanbul, Turkey.
  98. Mickiewicz B, Holinski P, Vogel H, Winston BW, Wong J, Blackwood J, Joffe AR, Thompson GC. Metabolic profiling of serum samples using NMR spectroscopy to diagnose sepsis in the pediatric emergency department.  Pediatric Academic Society, May 2014, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  99. Morad, Ahmed, Donnelly, Sarah and Winston BW.  Differentiating ALI and ARDS from ventilated ICU controls using serum metabolomics.  Presented at the U of C USRP Research Symposium, 2014.
  100. Mohammad M. Banoei, Hans J. Vogel, Aalim M.Weljie, Yende Sachin, Dereck Angus and Brent W. Winston.  A metabolomics approach to the Bacterial CAP for prognosis of mortality.  Presented at the Canadian Critical Care Forum, November, 2014, Toronto.
  101. Sarah J. Donnelly, Ahmed Mourad and Brent W. Winston. Differentiating sepsis-induced ALI and ARDS from ventilated ICU controls using serum metabolomics.  Presented at World Sepsis Day Conference, University of Calgary, September 2014.
  102. Mohammad M. Banoei, Hans J. Vogel, Aalim M.Weljie, Yende Sachin, Dereck Angus and Brent W. Winston.   Using Metabolomics for Prognosis of Mortality in Bacterial CAP. Presented at World Sepsis Day Conference, University of Calgary, September 2014.
  103. Beata Mickiewicz, Craig N. Jenne, Jaime Blackwood, Brent W. Winston, Graham Thompson, Hans J. Vogel and Ari R. Joffe for the Alberta Sepsis Network. Early diagnosis and triage of sepsis in 2-6 year old children using metabolic and cytokine profiling. Presented at the World Sepsis Day Conference, University of  Calgary, September 2014.
  104. Beata Mickiewicz, Craig N. Jenne, Jaime Blackwood, Brent W. Winston, Graham Thompson, Hans J. Vogel and Ari R. Joffe for the Alberta Sepsis Network. Early diagnosis and triage of sepsis in 6-18 year old children using metabolic and cytokine profiling. Presented at the World Sepsis Day Conference, University of  Calgary, September 2014.
  105. Donnelly, S.J., Banoei, M.M., Vogel, H.J., and Winston BW. Differentiating Sepsis-Induced Acute Lung Injury (ALI) and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) from Ventilated Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Controls Using Serum Metabolomics. Submitted to The American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting 2015.
  106. Katrina J Sullivan, Lauralyn McIntyre, M. Lalu,Shirley Mei, David Moher, Dean Fergusson, John Marshall, Brent Winston, Keith Walley, Mazen Jazi, Duncan Stewart. A systematic review of the reporting of mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) manufacturing and characterization in pre-clinical, MSC treated, models of sepsis. Submitted to the ISCT Sepsis conference, 2015.
  107. Donnelly, S.J., Banoei, M.M., Mourad, A., Vogel, H.J., & Winston, B.W. Differentiating Sepsis-Induced Acute Lung Injury (ALI) and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) from Ventilated Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Controls Using Serum Metabolomics. Presented at the winter meeting of the CCCTBG, Lake Louise, 2015.
  108. Ahmed M., Banoei, M.M., Donnelly, S., Vogel, H.J., & Winston, B.W. Differentiating Direct Lung Injury-Induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) from Ventilated Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Controls Using Serum Metabolomics, Presented at the winter meeting of the CCCTBG, Lake Louise, 2015.
  109. Mohammad M. Banoei, Hans J. Vogel, Aalim M.Weljie, Yende Sachin, Dereck Angus and Brent W. Winston.  Comparison of three analytical platforms capacity for prognosis of mortality: A metabolomics exploration in community acquired pneumonia. Presented to the Metabolomics Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2015.
  110. Ahmed Mourad, Mohammad Banoei, Sarah Donnelly, and Brent WInston. Predicting the mortality of pneumonia-induced direct lung injury using serum metabolomics. Extended abstract accepted by Journal of Undergraduate Research in Alberta­, 2015.
  111. Brent W. Winston, Beata Mickiewicz, Jamie Hutchison, Doug Fraser, and Hans Vogel. CSF metabolomics of severe TBI in pediatrics; a pilot study. Presented at the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group Meeting, Montabello, PQ. June 2015. 
  112. Katrina J Sullivan, Alex Strauss, Manoj Lalu, David Moher, Shirley Mei, Dean Fergusson, Duncan Stewart, John Marshall, Malcolm McLeod, Keith Walley, Brent Winston, Brian Hutton, Mazen Jaziand Lauralyn McIntyre. Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Therapy for Systemic Sepsis in Preclinical Animal Models: A Systematic Review. Presented at the Canadian Critical Care Forum Meeting, 2015.
  113. Mohammad Mehdi Banoei, Nadera Sweiss, Robert Baughman, Brent Winston, and Mehdi Mirsaeidi. Pulmonary sarcoidosis phenotypes: using cluster analysis. Presented at the Annual meeting of the American Thoracic Society, 2016.
  114. Mohammad M. Banoei, Jamie Hutchison, Doug Fraser, Beata Mickiewicz, Hans Vogel, and Brent W. Winston. Metabolomics-based biomarkers application in traumatic brain injury (TBI). Presented at The CCCTBG Meeting, Lake Louise, 2016.
  115. Mohammad M. Banoei, Jamie Hutchison, Doug Fraser, Beata Mickiewicz, Hans Vogel, and Brent W. Winston.  Metabolomics-based biomarkers application in traumatic brain injury (TBI). Presented at the Alberta Society of Intensive Care Physicians meeting in Lame Louise, January 2016.
  116. Winston, B.W.,  Donnelly, S.J., Banoei, M.M., Mourad, A., and Vogel, H.J. Differentiating ARDSp and ARDSexp endotypes from Ventilated Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Controls Using Serum Metabolomics. Presented at the winter meeting of the CCCTBG, Lake Louise, 2016.
  117. Donnelly, S.J., Banoei, M.M., Mourad, A., Samra, S., Vogel, H.J., Fiehn, O., &  Winston, B.W. on behalf of the CCCTBG. A metabolomics basis of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) endotypes. Presented to the CCCTBG meeting, Halifax, June 2016.
  118. Mohammad M. Banoei, Jamie Hutchison, Doug Fraser, Beata Mickiewicz, Hans Vogel, and Brent W. Winston  Metabolomics of TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). Presented at the CTRC Meeting in Halifax, June 2016.
  119. Winston, BW, Donnelly, S., Banoei, M., Samra, S., Mourad, A., Vogel, H., Fiehn, O. & the CCCTBG.  Examining ARDS endotypes using serum metabolomics.  Accepted for oral presentation at the SCCM Annual Meeting, Hawaii, 2017. Selected for a Research Snapshot Award Presentation, 2017
  120. Francis Green, Lasantha Gunasekara, Ailian Yang, Mustafa Al-Saiedy, John Dennis, Ryan Pratt, Michael Schoel, Brent Winston, and Matthias Amrein. A Rescue Treatment for Acute Lung Injury. 2016.. Submitted to MHSRS Meeting,
  121. Winston, B.W., Donnelly, S., Banoei, M., Metwaly, S., Mourad, A., Vogel, H.& the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG). Using Metabolomics to Define ARDS Endotypes. Submitted to the ATS Annual Meeting 2017.
  122. Beata Mickiewicz, Graham Thompson, Jaime Blackwood, Craig N Jenne, Brent W Winston, Hans J. Vogel, Ari R. Joffe. Metabolomics and Inflammatory Protein-Mediator Profiling for Early Diagnosis and Triage of Sepsis in Young Children. Submitted to the ATS Annual Meeting 2017.
  123. Beata Mickiewicz, Graham Thompson, Jaime Blackwood, Craig N Jenne, Brent W. Winston, Hans J. Vogel, Ari R. Joffe. Biomarker Phenotyping for Triage of Sepsis to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Submitted to the ATS Annual Meeting 2017.
  124. Mohammad Banoei, Brittney Scott, Paul Kubes, and Brent W. Winston. A metabolomics analysis of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) mouse model.  Presented at the CCCTBG meeting in Auberge Lac-à-l'Eau Claire, St-Alexis-des-Monts, Quebec, June 2017.,
  125. Brent W. WInston, Mohammad Banoei, Lauralyn A. McIntyre, Duncan J. Stewart, Shirley Mei, David Courtman, Irene Watpool, John Granton, John Marshall, Claudia dos Santos, Keith R. Walley and Dean A. Fergusson for the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group. Metabolomics Substudy of Cellular Immunotherapy for Septic Shock (CISS): A Phase I Clinical Trial. Presented at the CCCTBG meeting in Auberge Lac-à-l'Eau Claire, St-Alexis-des-Monts, Quebec, June 2017.
  126. Mohammad Banoei, Brittney Scott, Paul Kubes, and Brent W. Winston. A metabolomics analysis of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) mouse model.  Presented at the CTRC meeting in Auberge Lac-à-l'Eau Claire, St-Alexis-des-Monts, Quebec, June 2017.
  127. Dianna Wolfe, Josée Champagne, Mary Thompson, Shirley Mei, Manoj M. Lalu, Dean Fergusson, Brent W. Winston, John C. Marshall, Keith Walley, Shane English, Claudia dos Santos, John Granton, Duncan J. Stewart, Lauralyn McIntyre, for the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group. Safety of Cell Therapy with Mesenchymal Stromal Cells): An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (SafeCell Update).  Presented at the CCCF, 2017, Toronto.
  128. Metwaly, S., Donnelly, S., Banoei, M., Mourad, A., Vogel, H., Winston BW and the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG). Using Metabolomics to Study ARDS. Presented to the ASICP, SCN and the CCCTBG at Lake Louise Conference 2018.
  129. Metwaly, S., Donnelly, S., Banoei, M., Mourad, A., Vogel, H., Winston BW and the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG). Using Metabolomics to Study ARDS. Accepted for presentation to the Canadian Respiratory Congress, 2018.
  130. Mohammad Banoei, DVM, MSc; Lauralyn A. McIntyre, MD, FRCPC, MHSc; Duncan J. Stewart, MD, FRCPC; Shirley H. J. Mei, PhD; David Courtman, PhD; Irene Watpool, RN, BScN; John Granton, MD, FRCPC;  John Marshall, MD, FRCSC, FACS; Claudia dos Santos, MD, MSc, FRCPC; Keith R. Walley, MD; Kenny Schlosser, PhD; Dean A. Fergusson, PhD; and Brent W. Winston MD, FRCPC, For the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group. Metabolomics Analysis of MSC Therapy in A Phase I Clinical Trial for Septic Shock. Accepted for poster discussion presentation to the ATS Annual Meeting 2018.
  131. Isabella Lupe, Mehdi Mohammad Banoei, Lin Ai, Eshter Diaz, Leslie Rodriguez, Brent Winston, Mehdi Mirsaeidi. Metabolomics differentiates veterans from civilians with pulmonary sarcoidosis. Submitted to the ATS Annual Meeting 2018 for presentation.
  132. Chongxu Zhang, Mehdi Mohammad Banoei, Reza Dowlatabadi Bazaz, Eshter Diaz, Leslie Rodriguez, Eliana Mendes, Brent W. WInston, Michael Campos, Mehdi Mirsaeidi.  Veterans with pulmonary sarcoidosis have different Metallomic profile compared to civilians with pulmonary sarcoidosis. Submitted to the ATS Annual Meeting 2018 for presentation.
  133. Mohammad Mehdi Banoei, Beata Mickiewicz, Hans J Vogel, Ian Lewis, Brent W. Winston Metabolomics study on pediatrics severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI).  Presented to the Alberta Society of Critical Care Physician annual meeting and the Critical Care Strategic Clinical Network research conference and the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Meeting, Lake Louise, 2018.
  134. Metwaly, S., Donnelly, S., Banoei, M., Mourad, A., Vogel, H., Winston, B.W.& the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG). Using Metabolomics to Study ARDS. Presented at the CCCTBG meeting in Lake Louise, Jan 2018.
  135. Mohammad Mehdi Banoei, Ryan Groves, Ian Lewis, Jamie Hutchison, Douglas Fraser, Hans Vogel, Beata Mickiewicz and Brent W. Winston for the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group. Metabolomics in TBI: examining pediatrics severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI) and a controlled cortical impact (CCI) mouse model: An Update. Presented at the CCCTBG meeting in Lake Louise, Jan 2018.
  136. Metwaly.S., Donnelly, S., Banoei, M., Mourad, A., Vogel, H., Winston, B.W.& the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG). Using Metabolomics to Study ARDS. Accepted for presentation to the DCCM Research Day for presentation.
  137. Mohammad Mehdi Banoeii, Ryan Groves, Ian Lewis, Jamie Hutchison, Douglas Fraser, Hans Vogel, Beata Mickiewicz and Brent W. Winston and the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group. Metabolomics in TBI: examining pediatrics severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI) and a controlled cortical impact (CCI) mouse model. Submitted to the DCCM Research Day for presentation.
  138. Metwaly, S., Vogel, H., Winston, B.W.& the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG). Identification of ARDS Fingerprints Using Multiple Metabolomics Technologies. Presented at the CCCTBG meeting Quebec City, June 2018.
  139. Mohammad M. Banoei; Lauralyn A. McIntyre; Duncan J. Stewart; Shirley H. J. Mei; David Courtman; Irene Watpool; John Granton; John Marshall; Claudia dos Santos; Keith R. Walley; Kenny Schlosser; Dean A. Fergusson; and Brent W. WInston, For the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group. Metabolomics Analysis of MSC Therapy in A Phase I Clinical Trial for Septic Shock. Presented at the CCCTBG meeting Quebec City, June 2018.
  140. Mohammad Mehdi Banoei, Ryan Groves, Ian Lewis, Jamie Hutchison, Douglas Fraser, Hans Vogel, Beata Mickiewicz and Brent W. Winston, for the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group and the CTRC. Metabolomics in TBI: examining pediatrics severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI) and a controlled cortical impact (CCI) mouse model. Presented at the CCCTBG and CTRC meetings Quebec City, June 2018.
  141. Jamie Hutchison, Elisa Wilson, William Panenka, Noah Silverberg, Cheryl L. Wellington, Brent Winston, Michael Esser, Anne-Marie Guerguerian, Katia Sinopoli, Robin Green, Angela Colantonio, Jacques Lacorix, David Clarke. A National Biobank and Database for Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (CanTBI).  Accepted for presentation at Neurotrauma 2018, August, Toronto, ON.
  142. Mohammad M. Banoei, Hans J. Vogel, Aalim M. Weljie, Sachin Yende, Derek Angus and Brent W. Winston. Prognosis of mortality in bacterial Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) using metabolomics (Fatty acids and lipids) as potential biomarkers. Accepted for presentation at the ATS Annual Conference, 2019.
  143. Winston, B.W., Metwaly, S., Banoei, M.1, Donnelly, S., Mourad, A., Vogel, H., Fiehn, O. & the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG). Using Metabolomics to Predict ARDS Mortality. Accepted fro presentation at the ATS Annual Conference, 2019.
  144. Metwaly, S., Vogel, H., Winston, B.W.& the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG). Potential ARDS Molecular Mechanism Identified by Metabolomics.  Presented to the CCCTBG in Lake Louise, Jan. 2019.
  145. Mohammad Mehdi Banoeii, Brittany Scott, Ryan Groves, Paul Kubes, Ian Lewis, Jamie Hutchison, Douglas Fraser, Hans Vogel, Beata Mickiewicz and Brent W. Winston for the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group and the CTRC. Severe traumatic brain injury: metabolomics analysis of human and mouse studies. Presented to the CCCTBG, Jan 2019 Lake Louise Meeting.
  146. Mohammad M. Banoei; Lauralyn A. McIntyre; Duncan J. Stewart; Shirley H. J. Mei; David Courtman; Irene Watpool; John Granton; John Marshall; Claudia dos Santos; Keith R. Walley; Kenny Schlosser; Dean A. Fergusson; and  Brent W. Winston For the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group. Metabolomics of MSC therapy for septic shock. Presented at the CCCTBG Meeting, Jan 2019 Lake Louise.
  147. Mohammad M. Banoei, Brittney N. Scott, Ryan Groves, Paul Kubes, Ian Lewis, Brent W. Winston. Profiling of known metabolites related to severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI) in human and mouse model. Presented May 2019 at the Canadian Metabolomics Conference, Canmore 2019.
  148. Mohammad M. Banoei, James Hutchison, William Pananka, David A Wishart, Brent W. Winston on behalf of the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG) and the Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research and Clinical Network (CTRC). Characterization of metabolic profiles in adult severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI) for prognosis of outcome. Presented at the CCCTBG meeting. Lake Louise, 2020.
  149. Mohammad M. Banoei, James Hutchison, William Pananka, David A Wishart, Brent W. Winston on behalf of the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG) and the Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research and Clinical Network (CTRC). Characterization of metabolic profiles to prognosis outcome in adult severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI). Presented at the CTRC Winter Meting, Lake Louise, 2020.
  150. Mohammad M. Banoei, James Hutchison, William Pananka, David A Wishart, Brent W. Winston on behalf of the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG) and the Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research and Clinical Network (CTRC). Characterization of metabolic profiles to help prognosticate outcome in adult severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI). Presented at the CCCSCN-ASICP Meeting in Lake Louise, 2020.
  151. Metwaly, S., Côté, A., Andonegui, G., Yipp B., Vogel, H., Fiehn, O., Winston, B.W. & the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG). How Do Metabolomics Technologies Compare to ARDS Cytokines and Biomarkers? Presented at the CCCSCN-ASICP Meeting in Lake Louise, 2020.
  152. Mohammad M. Banoei1, Hans J. Vogel2, Aalim M. Weljie2,3, Sachin Yende4,5, Derek Angus4,5 and Brent W. Winston1, 6 Using metabolomics to differentiate positive blood culture from negative blood culture in bacterial community acquired pneumonia. Am J Resp Crit Care Med, 2020;201:A5272.
  153. Metwaly, S.1, Donnelly, S.1, Banoei, M.1, Mourad, A.1, Vogel, H.3, Fiehn, O.4, Winston, B.W.1, 2 & the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG). Coupling Chemometrics and Metabolomics Technologies to Identify a Molecular Fingerprint for ARDS. Accepted for oral presentation to the American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2020. Am J Resp Crit Care Med, 2020;201:A4227.
  154. Mohammad M. Banoei1, James Hutchison2, William Pananka3, David A Wishart4, Brent W. Winston1, 5 on behalf of the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG) and the Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research and Clinical Network (CTRC). Characterization of metabolic profiles of adult severe traumatic brain injury. Am J Resp Crit Care Med, 2020;201:A6315. 
  155. Sarah A Angus, William R Henderson, Mohammad Banoei, Yannick Molgat-Seon, Carli Peters, Hannah Parmar, Donald EG Griesdale, Mypinder Sekhon, A William Sheel, Brent Winston, and Paolo B Dominelli.  Effect of Therapeutic Hypothermia on Physiologic, Histologic and Metabolomic Markers of Injury in Experimental Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Presented at the Experimental Biology Meeting 2021.
  156. Mohammad M. Banoei, Chel Hee Lee, James Hutchison, David A Wishart, Brent W. Winston on behalf of the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG) and the Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research and Clinical Network (CTRC). The use of metabolomics for the prognosis of short- and long-term outcome in adult severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI). Presented at CCCTBG Meeting Jan 2021.
  157. Mohammad M. Banoei, Chel Hee Lee, James Hutchison, David A Wishart, Brent W. Winston on behalf of the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG) and the Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research and Clinical Network (CTRC). The use of metabolomics for the prognosis of short- and long-term outcome in adult severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI). Presented at CTRC Meeting Jan 2021
  158. Mohammad M. Banoei, Chel Hee Lee, James Hutchison, David A Wishart, Brent W. Winston on behalf of the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG) and the Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research and Clinical Network (CTRC). The use of metabolomics for the prognosis of short- and long-term outcome in adult severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI). Presented at the Annual Neurotrauma Symposium, July 2021. J Neurotrauma 38:A-1–A-132 (July 15, 2021), DOI: 10.1089/neu.2021.29111.abstracts. S09-02, page A122.
  159. Yassene Mohammed; David R. Goodlett; Matthew Cheng; Donald C. Vinh; Todd C. Lee; Alison Mcgeer; David Sweet; Karen Tran; Terry Lee; Srinivas Murthy; John H. Boyd; Joel Singer; Keith R. Walley; David M. Patrick; Curtis Quan; Sara Ismail; Laetitia Amar; Aditya Pal; Rayhaan Bassawon; Lara Fesdekjian; Karine Gou; Francois Lamontagne; John Marshall; Greg Haljan; Robert Fowler; Brent W. Winston; James A. Russell. Longitudinal proteotyping of plasma from acute COVID-19 patients using parallel MRM and DIA methods. Submitted to ASMS 2021 for presentation at annual meeting.
  160. Metwaly, S., Côté, A., Donnelly, S., Banoei, M., Lee, C., Andonegui G., Yipp B., Vogel, H., Fiehn, O. and Winston, BW., on behalf of the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG). ARDS Heterogeneity From A Metabolomics Prespective. Presented at the Aspen Lung Conference, September 2021.
  161. Brent W. Winston, Chel Hee Lee, Mohammad Banoei, Anand Kumar, Claudia dos Santos, James A. Russell and the ARBs I Group. A comparison of metabolomics in infectious causes of ARDS.  Presented at the Canadian Critical Care Forum, December 2021.  Winner of the Michael Ward Award for the best basic or translational science study.
  162. Chel Hee Lee, Mohammad Banoei, Mariam Ansari, Uriel Trahtemberg, Anand Kumar, Ma Lou, Claudia dos Santos, Andrew Baker, James A. Russell, Brent W. Winston and the ARBs CORONA I Group. ARDS heterogeneity: a metabolomics comparison of different causes of ARDS (Covid-19-, H1N1- and bacterial pneumonia-induced ARDS) show significant differences.  Accepted for oral presentation at the ATS Annual meeting, May 2022.
  163. Chel Hee Lee, Mohammad Banoei, Mariam Ansari, Uriel Trahtemberg, Anand Kumar, Ma Lou, Claudia dos Santos, Andrew Baker, James A. Russell, Brent W. Winston and the ARBs CORONA I Group. ARDS heterogeneity: a metabolomics comparison of different causes of ARDS (Covid-19-, H1N1- and bacterial pneumonia-induced ARDS) show significant differences.  Presented at the ATS Annual meeting, May 2022.
  164. Chel Hee Lee, Mohammad Banoei, Mariam Ansari, Uriel Trahtemberg, Anand Kumar, Ma Lou, Claudia dos Santos, Andrew Baker, James A. Russell, Brent W. Winston and the ARBs CORONA I Group. ARDS heterogeneity: a metabolomics comparison of different causes of ARDS (Covid-19-, H1N1- and bacterial pneumonia-induced ARDS) show significant differences. Presented at the CCCTBG meeting May, 2022.
  165. Mohammad M. Banoei, Chel Hee Lee, James Hutchison, Brent W. Winston on behalf of the CanTBI Investigators, and the Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research and Clinical Network (CTRC). Can Serum Metabolomics Help Detect Primary and Secondary Brain Injury in sTBI.  Presented at the CTRC meeting June, 2022.
  166. Chel Hee Lee, Muhammad Saahim Salman and Brent W. Winston. Stability-Based Approach for Developing Bedside Formula of ARDS Diagnosis. Presented at the Metabolomics Association of North America (MANA) annual Meeting. Sept 2022.
  167. Eric Pimentel, Brent Winston and Chel Hee Lee. Metabolomics comparison between delta and omicron-infected COVID19 individuals.  Presented at the Department of Critical Care research day. May 10, 2023.
  168. Brent Winston, Eric Pimentel, Chel Hee Lee. Comparison of plasma metabolomics of Delta and Omicron Covid-19 infections. Presented at the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Meeting. Halifax, May 29, 2023.
  169. Mohammad Kashem, Lin Li, Jennifer Lischynski, Brittany Stojak, Xin-Yang Yuan, Binhua Liang, Joshua Kimani, Anand Kumar, Brent Winston, Ma Luo. Plasma TILRR Protein, Inflammation Cytokines, Risk of HIV Seroconversion and Severe COVID-19 Disease. Poster presentation at NIH " Viral infections and inflammation workshop", NIAID, Rockville, MD, Sept. 2023.
  170. Mohammad M. Banoei, James Hutchison, William Panenka, David A Wishart, Brent W. Winston on behalf of the CanTBI Investigators, the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG) and the Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research and Clinical Network (CTRC). “Targeted Metabolomic Analysis of Serum Samples for Exploring Primary and Secondary Injuries in Severe TBI.” Oral presentation to the CTRC conference in Lake Louise, AB, Feb. 2024.
  171.  Eric Pimentel, Mohammad Mehdi Banoei, Jasnoor Kaur, Chel Hee Lee and Brent W. Winston. Metabolomics insights into COVID-19 severity. Oral presentation at the DCCM research day October 24, 2024.
  172. Mohammad M. Banoei, James Hutchison, William Panenka, Andy Wong, David A Wishart, Brent W. Winston on behalf of Canadian Biobank and Database for Traumatic Brain Injury (CanTBI) study investigators, the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group (CCCTBG) and the Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium (CTRC)Targeted Metabolomic Analysis of Serum Samples for Exploring Primary and Secondary Injuries in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (sTBI). Oral presentation at the DCCM research day, October 24, 2024.