Med Ed Journal Club 2015-16 Archives

Please see below to access AdobeConnect recordings of any of the 2015-16 sessions:

7 June 2016
The supervisor's toolkit:  A framework for doctoral supervision in health professions education:  AMEE Guide No. 104


31 May 2016
Detached concern?: Emotional socialization in twenty-first century medical education.


24 May 2016
Do portfolios have a future?


10 May 2016
Are we at risk of groupthink in our approach to teamwork interventions in health care?


3 May 2016
Toward Defining the Foundation of the MD Degree: Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency


26 April 2016
Power Day:  Addressing the use and abuse of power in medical training


19 April 2016
Beyond curriculum reform: confronting medicine's hidden curriculum


12 April 2016
Comparing the psychometric properties of checklists and global rating scales for assessing performance on an OSCE-format examination.
Sorry, no recording is available.


5 April 2016
Reliability, validity and efficiency of multiple choice question and patient management problem item formats in assessment of clinical competence.


29 March 2016
How do clinicians become teachers? A communities of practice perspective.


22 March 2016
Reflections From the Intersection of Health Professions Education and Clinical Practice: The State of the Science of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice.
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15 March 2016
Do OSCE progress test scores predict performance in a national high-stakes examination?


8 March 2016
Silence, shame and abuse in health care:  theoretical development on basis of an intervention project among staff.


1 March 2016
Advancing Competency-Based Medical Education: A Charter for Clinician-Educators
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23 February 2016
Consequences Validity Evidence: Evaluating the Impact of Educational Assessments


9 February 2016
Identifying Medical Students at Risk of Underperformance from Significant Stressors


2 February 2016
Exploring examiner judgement of professional competence in rater based assessment.


26 January 2016
Personalized medical education: Reappraising clinician-scientist training


19 January 2016
The Variables That Lead to Severe Action Decisions by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education
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12 January 2016
A critical hybrid realist-outcomes systematic review of relationships between medical education programmes and communities: BEME Guide No. 35
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5 January 2016
Constructing a validity argument for the Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS):  a systematic review of validity evidence


15 December 2015
Understanding the Leaky Pipeline:  Perceived Barriers to Pursuing a Career in Medicine or Dentistry Among Underrepresented-in-Medicine Undergraduate Students


8 December 2015
Developing Entrustable Professional Activities for Entry Into Clerkship


1 December 2015
Spatial abilities and technical skills performance in health care:  a systematic review