Med Ed Journal Club 2018-19 Archives
27 May 2019
Lerma, V., Hamilton, L. T., & Nielsen, K. (2019). Racialized Equity Labor, University Appropriation and Student Resistance. Social Problems, 2019,0,1-18.
DiAngelo, R. (2011). White fragility. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, Vol 3 (3) (2011) pp 54-70.
Cohan D. Racist Like Me - A Call to Self-Reflection and Action for White Physicians. NEJM. 380;9. 28 Feb 2019. 805-807.
13 May 2019
Dyrbye, L. N., Eacker, A., Durning, S. J., Brazeau, C., Moutier, C., Massie, F. S., ... & Shanafelt, T. D. (2015). The impact of stigma and personal experiences on the help-seeking behaviors of medical students with burnout. Academic Medicine, 90(7), 961-969.
Churgay, C. A., Smith, M. A., Woodard, L., & Wallace, L. S. (2015). A Survey of Family Medicine Department Chairs About Faculty With Disabilities. Family Medicine, 47(10), 776-81.
Optional/Supplemental Reading Materials:
Meeks, L., & Jain, N. R. (2018). Accessibility, inclusion, and action in medical education: lived experiences of learners and physicians with disabilities. Association of American Medical Colleges.
6 May 2019
Gengoux GW, Roberts LW. Ethical Use of Student Profiles to Predict and Prevent Development of Depression Symptoms During Medical School. Acad Med. 2019 Feb;94(2):162-165.
Ayala EE, Roseman D, Winseman JS, Mason HRC. Prevalence, perceptions and consequences of substance use in medical students. Med Educ Online. 2017;22(1):1392824.
29 April 2019
Cofrancesco J, Wright SM, Vohr E, Ziegelstein RC. Creating an "Education Shark Tank" to Encourage and Support Educational Scholarship and Innovation. Acad Med. 017 Nov;92(11):1578-1582.
Cofrancesco J, Barone MA, Serwint JR, Goldstein M, Westman M, Lipsett PA. Development and Implementation of a School-Wide
22 April 2019
Volpe R, Hopkins M, Haidet P, Wolpaw D, Adams N. Is research on professional identity formation biased? Early insights from a scoping review and metasynthesis. Med Ed. February 2019. Volume 53, Issue 2.
Sukhera J, Watling C. A Framework for Integrating Implicit Bias Recognition Into Health Professions Education. Acad Med. 2018 Jan:93(1):35-40.
8 April 2019
Gonzalo JD, Thompson BM, Haidet P, Mann K, Wolpaw DR. A Constructive Reframing of Student Roles and Systems Learning in Medical Education Using a Communities of Practice Lens. Acad Med. 2017 Dec;92(12):1687-1694.
Gonzalo JD, Wolpaw D, Graaf D, Thompson BM. Educating patient-centered, systems-aware physicians: a qualitative analysis of
1 April 2019
Cruess RL, Cruess SR, Steinert Y. Medicine as a Community of Practice: Implications for Medical Education. Acad Med. 2018 Feb;93(2):185-191.
de Carvalho-Filho MA, Tio RA, Steinert Y. Twelve tips for implementing a community of practice for faculty development. Med Teach. 2019 Feb 1:1-7.
25 March 2019
Bearman M, Ajjawi R. Actor-network theory and the OSCE: formatting a new research agenda for a post-psychometric era. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2018 Dec: 23(5):1037-1049.
Yeates P, Cope N, Hawarden A, Bradshaw H, McCray G, Homer M. Developing a video-based method to compare and adjust
18 March 2019
Cleary T, Sandars J. Assessing self-regulatory processes during clinical skill performance: A pilot study. Med Teach, Vol 33, 2011 - Issue 7, pp e368-e374.
Smith P, Corrigan G. How learners learn: A new microanalytic assessment method to map decision-making. Med Teach, Vol 40, 2018 - Issue 12, pp 1231-1239.
11 March 2019
Ten Cate O, Regehr G. The Power of Subjectivity in the Assessment of Medical Trainees. Acad Med. 2019 Mar;94(3):333-337.
Sebok-Syer S. Goldszidt M, Watling C, Chahine S, Venance S, Lingard L. Using Electronic Health Record Data to Assess Residents' Clinical Performance in the Workplace. Acad Med Feb 2019. doi 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002672
4 March 2019
Norcini J, Anderson MB, Bollela V, Burch V, Costa MJ, Duvivier R, Hays R, Palacios Mackay M, Roberts T, Swanson D. 2018 Consensus framework for good assessment. Med Teach. 2018 Oct 9:1-8.
Nazim SM, Talati JJ, Pinjani S, Biyabani SR, Ather MH, Norcini JJ. Assessing clinical reasoning skills using Script Concordance Test (SCT) and extended matching questions (EMQs): A pilot for urology trainees. J Adv Med Educ Prof. 2019 Jan; 7(1):7-13.
25 February 2019
Gisele Bourgeois-Law, Lara Varpio, Glenn Regehr & Pim W Teunissen. Education or regulation? Exploring our underlying conceptualisations of remediation for practising physicians. Medical Education 2019. 53: 276–284.
Gisèle Bourgeois-Law, MD, MEd, Pim W. Teunissen, MD, PhD, and Glenn Regehr, PhD. Remediation in Practicing Physicians: Current and Alternative Conceptualizations. Academic Medicine, Vol. 93, No. 11 / November 2018. 1638-1644.
Tristan Price, Nicola Brennan, Jennifer Cleland, Linda Prescott-Clements, Amanda Wanner, Lyndsey Withers, Geoff Wong, Julian Archer Remediating doctors’ performance to restore patient safety: a realist review protocol. BMJ Open 2018;8:e025943. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025943.
11 February 2019
Uijtdehaage S, Schuwirth L. Assuring the quality of programmatic assessment: Moving beyond psychometrics. Perspect Med Educ (2018) 7:350-351.
Bok H, Lubberta H, O'Neill T, Maxey C, Hecker K. Validity evidence of programmatic assessment in competency-based education. Perspect Med Educ. 14 November 2018 Published on-line.
4 February 2019
Park Kyung Hye, Park Kwi Hwa, Chae Su Jin. Experiences of medical teachers in flipped learning for medical students: a phenomenological study. Korean Journal of Medical Education. Jun 018: 30(2): 91-100.
Chen F, Lui A, Martinelli S. A systematic review of the effectiveness of flipped classrooms in medical education. Medical Education 2017. 51: 585-597.
28 January 2019
Morrison E, Grbic D. Dimensions of Diversity and Perception of Having Learned From Individuals From Different Backgrounds: The Particular Importance of Racial Diversity. Acad Med, Vol 90, No 7, July 2015. 937-945.
Stergiopoulos E, Fernando O, Martimianakis M. "Being on Both Sides": Canadian Medical Students' Experiences With Disability, the Hidden Curriculum, and Professional Identity Construction. Acad Med, Vol 93, No 10, October 2018, 1550-1559.
21 January 2019
Kassam A, Cowan M, Topps M. Lessons Learned to Aid in Developing Fatigue Risk Management Plans for Resident Physicians. Teach Learn Med. 2018 Dec 31:1-10. doi: 10.1080/10401334.2018.1542307. [Epub ahead of print]
Taylor T, Watling C, Teunissen P, Dornan T, Lingard L. Principles of fatigue in residency education: a qualitative study. CMAJ Open. 2016 Apr 28;4(2):E200-4. doi: 10.9778/cmajo.20150086. eCollection 2016 Apr-Jun.
14 January 2019
Ivy Oandasan. Triple C: linking curriculum and assessment. Can Fam Physician. 2012 Oct; 58(10): 1165–1167.
Ivy Oandasan. Triple C: a new vocabulary for a changing reality. Canadian Family Physician October 2012, 58 (10) 1061-1062;
Ellaway RH, Palacios Mackay M, Lee S, Hofmeister M, Malin G, Archibald D, Lawrence K, Dogba J, Côté L, Ross S. The Impact of a National Competency-Based Medical Education Initiative in Family Medicine. Acad Med. 2018 Dec;93(12):1850-1857.
7 January 2019
Taylor T, Scott A. Do Physicians Prefer to Complete Online or Mail Surveys? Findings From a National Longitudinal Survey. Eval Health Prof. 2018 Nov 1:163278718807744. doi: 10.1177/0163278718807744. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30384770.
Klabunde CN, Willis GB, Casalino LP. Facilitators and barriers to survey participation by physicians: a call to action for researchers. Eval Health Prof. 2013 Sep;36(3):279-95.doi: 10.1177/0163278713496426. PubMed PMID: 23975758.
10 December 2018
Varpio L, Driessen E, Maggio L, Lingard L, Winston K, Kulasgaram K, Nagler A, Cleland J, Schonrock-Adema J, Paradis E, Morcke A, Hu W, Hay M, Tolsgaard M. Advice for authors from the editors of Perspectives on Medical Education: Getting your research published. Perspect Med Ed. Published online 28 November 2018.
Meyer H, Durning S, Sklar D, Maggio L. Making the First Cut: An Analysis of Academic Medicine Editors’ Reasons for Not Sending
Manuscripts Out for External Peer Review. Acad Med. 2018:93:464-470.
3 December 2018
Hafferty F. Academic Medicine and Medical Professionalism: A Legacy and a Portal Into an Evolving Field of Educational Scholarship. Acad Med, Vol 93, No 4 / April 2018, 532-536.
Quaintance J, Arnold L, Thompson G. What Students Learn About Professionalism From Faculty Stories: An "Appreciative Inquiry" Approach. Acad Med, Vol 85, No 1 / January 2010, 118-123.
26 November 2018
Maudsley, G. (2011). Mixing it but not mixed-up: mixed methods research in medical education (a critical narrative review). Medical teacher, 33(2), e92-e104.
Hoang, N. S., & Lau, J. N. (2018). A call for mixed methods in competency-based medical education: How we can prevent the overfitting of curriculum and assessment. Academic Medicine, 93(7), 996-1001.
19 November 2018
MacLeod A, Kits O, Whelan E, Fournier C, Wilson K, Power G, Mann K, Tummons J, Brown PA. Sociomateriality: a theoretical framework for studying distributed medical education. Acad Med. 2015 Nov;90(11):1451-6. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000708. PubMed PMID: 25830536.
MacLeod A, Kits O, Mann K, Tummons J, Wilson KW. The invisible work of distributed medical education: exploring the contributions of audiovisual professionals, administrative professionals and faculty teachers. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2017 Aug;22(3):623-638.
5 November 2018
Glassick, C. E. (2000). Boyer's expanded definitions of scholarship, the standards for assessing scholarship, and the elusiveness of the scholarship of teaching. Academic Medicine, 75(9), 877-880.
Newhouse, R. P., Pettit, J. C., Poe, S., & Rocco, L. (2006). The slippery slope: differentiating between quality improvement and research. Journal of Nursing Administration, 36(4), 211-219.
29 October 2018
Wong, B. M., Levinson, W., & Shojania, K. G. (2012). Quality improvement in medical education: current state and future directions. Medical education, 46(1), 107-119.
Wong, B. M., Kuper, A., Hollenberg, E., Etchells, E. E., Levinson, W., & Shojania, K. G. (2013). Sustaining quality improvement and patient safety training in graduate medical education: lessons from social theory. Academic Medicine, 88(8), 1149-1156.
22 October 2018
Hecker K and Norman G. Have admissions committees considered all the evidence? Adv in Health Sci Educ (2017) 22:573-576. DOI 10.1007/s10459-016-9750-1.
Schreurs S, Cleland J, Muijtjens A, oude Egbrink M, Cleutjens K. Does selection pay off? A cost-benefit comparison of medical school selection and lottery systems. Medical Education 15 Oct 2018. DOI 10.1111/medu.13698.
15 October 2018
Ekman E and Krasner M. Empathy in medicine: Neuroscience, education and challenges. Medical Teacher, 39:2, 164-173, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2016.1248925.
1 October 2018
Kennedy TJ, Lingard LA. Making sense of grounded theory in medical education. Med Educ. 2006;40(2):101-8.
Apramian et al. (Re)Grounding grounded theory: a close reading of theory in four schools. Qualitative Research, 2017, 17(4) 359–376.
24 September 2018
Mayer R. Applying the science of learning to medical education. Medical Education. May 2010:44:543-549
Berney S, Betrancourt M, Mollinari N. How spatial abilities and dynamic visualizations interplay when learning functional anatomy with 3D anatomical Models. Anatomical Sciences Education. February 2015. 8:452-462.
17 September 2018
Grace ES, Wenghofer EF, Korinek EJ. Predictors of physician performance on competence assessment: Findings from CPEP, the Center for Personalized Education for Physicians. Acad Med. 2014 Jun;89(6):912-9.
Glover Takahashi S, Nayer M, St Amant LMM. Epidemiology of competence: a scoping review to understand the risks and supports to competence of four health professions. BMJ Open. 2017 Sep 1;7(9):e014823
Optional article:
Glover Takahashi S, Herold J, Nayer M, Bance S. The epidemiology of competence: protocol for a scoping review. BMJ Open. 2014 Dec 31;4(12):e006129
10 September 2018
Broadening the Scope of Feedback to Promote Its Relevance to Workplace Learning. van der Leeuw, Renée M, Teunissen, Pim W, van der Vleuten, Cees P.M. Acad Med, Vol 93, Number 4, April 2018, pp.556-559(4)
About Politeness, Face, and Feedback: Exploring Resident and Faculty Perceptions of How Institutional Feedback Culture Influeneces Feedback Practices. Ramani S, Könings S, Mann KV, Pisarski EE, van der Vleuten CPM. Acad Med, 2018 Sep; 93(9): 1348-1358. Academic Medicine. 93(9):1348-1358, September 2018.