![Foothills Campus](/sites/default/files/styles/ucws_hero_cta_desktop/public/2020-05/foothillscampus_011a0202_f_4.jpg?itok=lnLuMfR-)
Health Care Provider Resources
Essential Tremor
- Over 18 years
- Resident of Alberta, valid PHN
- Willing to attend all study visits
- Diagnosis of ET (PD resting tremor and dystonia tremor may be considered)
- Tremor refractory to adequate trials of at least 2-3 medications or side effects on medications
- Able to communicate sensations during the treatment.
- Postural or intention tremor severity score of 2 or higher on the CRST rating scale while stable on medication.
- Significant disability that affects daily activities despite medications
- Uncontrolled medical conditions ie) unstable cardiac history, drug/alcohol dependence
- Unable to perform MRI
- History of intracranial hemorrhage or epilepsy
- Unable to lay flat for 4-6 hours on treatment table
- Cognitive impairment
- Intraoperative/postoperative bleeding risk
- Unable to communicate with doctors or MRgFUS staff during procedure
Please send referral to the Dr Zelma Kiss (Neurosurgery). Fax number is 403 283 2270
Self referrals will not be accepted.
NOTE: MRgFUS can only be done on one side of the brain. As a result, only 1 side of the hand/arm can be treated.
MRgFUS does not help with voice or head tremor.
Other medications or surgical options will need to be considered for the other hand/arm at a later date.
For assistance in managing your patient in the community, please click here for suspected Essential Tremor.
General Website for Focused Ultrasound
General Websites for Movement Disorders
Essential Tremor
Clinical trials
Functional movement disorders
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- 21-65 years old
- DSM-V diagnosis of OCD with a 5-year illness history & min score of 28 on Y-BOCS scale
- Medication-refractoriness including 1) Failed trial of three or more 1st line medications 2) Attempted augmentation, if tolerated, by at least 2 medications known to be first line treatments for OCD 3) An adequate trial of cognitive behavioural therapy
- Able to communicate sensations during the ExAblate MRgFUS treatment
- Stable dose of medications, 6 weeks prior to study entry
- Unstable cardiac status
- Severe kidney disease (eGFR<30)
- Abnormal bleeding and/or coagulopathy
- History of Stroke or intracranial hemorrhage
- Untreated, uncontrolled sleep apnea
- Unable to tolerate prolonged stationary supine position
- Unable to communicate with the investigator and staff
- Presence of cognitive impairment, psychosis or brain tumour
- Substance abuse or dependence within the previous six months.
Please call Dr Beverly Adams at 403-944-1491.
To be updated
OCD Clinic: Access Mental Health at 403-943-1500
OCD Workbook: Your Guide to Breaking Free from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - https://g.co/kgs/Uqdgi2
American Psychiatric Association: Help with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/ocd
National Alliance on Mental Illness: https://www.nami.org/
Anxiety and Depression Association of America: https://adaa.org/
Help Guide: https://www.helpguide.org/
General Website for Focused Ultrasound