This website provides information about Childhood Central Nervous System (CNS) Vasculitis and other inflammatory diseases of the brain and spinal cord. It summarizes the currently available knowledge for children, their families and health care providers.
One of the most common inflammatory brain diseases in children is CNS vasculitis, in which the child's immune system attacks the blood vessels of the brain and/or spinal cord, leading to irritation of the vessel walls and surrounding tissue. Vessel wall swelling may also decrease the blood supply to the brain tissue. Early recognition and treatment of CNS vasculitis is crucial.
Childhood inflammatory brain diseases represent a newly recognized group of illnesses, in which the child's immune system gets activated and causes inflammation targeting brain and/or spinal cord structures. Previously healthy children develop devastating brain irritation, clinically leading to seizures, strokes or psychiatric symptoms. See more information about childhood IBrainD.
Dramatic progress has been made in our ability to diagnose, treat and monitor children with CNS vasculitis and other IBrainD. For suggested diagnostic algorithms, access to specific tests, support with interpretation of test results, access to treatment protocols, specific monitoring tools and outcome measures, see more information about clinical care.