PSOM: Pediatric Stroke Outcome Measure (Modified)[1]

  • PSOM is a standardized questionnaire to be completed by the doctor for the affected child. The PSOM is a short neurologic examination evaluating neurological  deficits and function across five domains:
    • Sensorimotor on the right side
    • Sensorimotor on the left side
    • Language production
    • Language comprehension
    • Cognition or behavior
  • Each domain is scored according to the level of functioning and the interference on daily life activities (DLA): 0 (normal), 0.5 (mild deficit, normal function), one(moderate deficit, decreased function), or two (severe deficit, missing function).
  • The doctor can use this tool to assess the child’s neurological outcome at follow-up visits. 

Physician Global Assessment (PGA)[2]

  • Physician Global Assessment evaluates overall disease activity, reversible impairment, and permanent damage of the child.
  • This assessment is a 10 centimeter visual analog scale with 0 being no disease activity and 10 being maximum disease activity.
  • At SickKids, this is part of standard of care and the PGA is completed at every visit.

CAT-B: Neurocognitive Assessment Tool – BrainWorks

  • Neurocognitive assessment evaluates a wide range of neuropsychological abilities including overall intellectual ability, language, attention, learning, memory, visual perception, visual-motor skills, executive skills and early academic skills. 
  • The assessment typically consists of a standardised battery of tests. Testing is recommended  in all patients with inflammatory brain disease at baseline and then yearly thereafter. 
  • This testing is important in identifying neurocognitive deficits and in monitoring progress over time. It helps to identify a child's strengths and weaknesses and guides early rehabilitation to optimize functional outcome.

PedsQL: Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory[3]

  • The PedsQL is a tool that is used to measure the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of children affected by chronic diseases (such as CNS vasculitis) and their parents.  It is a 23 item questionnaire that asks about:
    • Physical Functioning (8 items)
    • Emotional Functioning (5 items)
    • Social Functioning (5 items)
    • School Functioning (5 items)
  • Three summary scores are then generated, namely a total scale score, physical health summary score, and psychosocial health summary score.

SMI-iLY: Simple Measure of Impact of Illness in Youngsters[4]

  • The SMI-ily is a brief, easily understood, valid, and reliable pediatric quality of life (QOL) scale.  It is used to measure the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of children affected by chronic diseases (such as CNS vasculitis) and their parents. 
  • It has parallel child and parent reports with a 5-faces scale (,  , etc.) for responses.  SMI-ily encompasses 4 domains, namely:
    • Effect of disease on self
    • Limitations related to disease
    • Social impact of disease
    • Burden of disease

There is currently no specific rehabilitation outcome tool validated for use in CNS Vasculitis, mostly in children. Research is currently underway to validate a motor outcome tool for use in CNS Vasculitis patients.  In the meantime, these outcome measures may help clinicians to assess areas of impairment and identify a patient’s rehabilitation needs:

BOT-2: Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Second Edition[5]

GMFM: Gross Motor Functional Measure[6]

  • Designed to assess changes in gross motor function in patients with Cerebral Palsy and regularly used in patients with acquired brain injury[6].
  • More information is available at:
  • Children’s Orientation and Amnesia Scale (COAT)[7].
  • Standardized measures  designed to assess cognitive functioning in children and adolescents with an acquired brain injury.
  • Composed of 16 items, the COAT addressed 3 areas of cognitive functioning:  general orientation, temporal orientation, and memory.


  1. Kitchen L, Westmacott R, Friefeld S, MacGregor D, Curtis R, Allen A, Yau I, Askalan R, Moharir M, Domi T, deVeber G. The Pediatric Stroke Outcome Measure: A Validation and Reliability Study. Stroke. 2012;43:1602-1608.
  2. Sztajnbok F, et al,.Discrepancy between patient and physician in assessment of global severity in early rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford, England) 2007;46:141–145
  3. Varni, JW, Seid M, Rode CA. The PedsQL: measurement model for the pediatric quality of life inventory. Med Care, 1999. 37 (2): p. 126-39.
  4. Moorthy, LN, et al. Multicenter validation of a new quality of life measure in pediatric lupus. Arthritis Rheum, 2007. 57 (7): p. 1165-73.
  5. Moorthy LN, Peterson MG, Baratelli M, Harrison MJ, Onel KB, Chalom EC, Haines K, Hashkes PJ, Lehman TJ. Review of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Second Edition (BOT-2). Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics 2007;27:87-102.
  6. Russell D RP, et al,. Gross Motor Function Measure. 2nd ed. Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 1993.
  7. Iverson GL, Iverson AM, Barton EA. The Children’s Orientation and Amnesia Test: Education status is a moderator variable in tracking recovery from TBI. Brain Injury 1994; 8(8): 685-688.