
Digital Storytelling Group for Pre-menopausal Women with Breast Cancer (2024-2025)

Why is this study being done? 

The purpose of this study is to implement and assess the therapeutic impact of a Digital Storytelling Group intervention for diverse women with pre-menopausal breast cancer. The study is being conducted in order to better understand: 1) participants’ experiences with pre-menopausal breast cancer and/or with treatment, and 2) potential therapeutic impacts of participating in the Digital Storytelling Group intervention.

What will happen during this study?

The Digital Storytelling program will involve six professionally-facilitated sessions, of no more than two hours per session. Each session will include regular breaks; participants may choose to attend part of each session, according to their needs. Sessions will be held on Zoom approximately once per week, unless otherwise specified by the participant. The schedule may be flexibly adapted based on participants’ needs. 

If you'd like more information...

More information is also available in the Frequently Asked Questions section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

You will meet with your group for six sessions, with the option of additional sessions if required.

Sessions will be held virtually using the University of Calgary’s Zoom platform. 


The DST Study

More information on the DST Group Intervention Study for clinicians and academics.

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The DST Team

Learn more about the DST team.

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Contact us if you are interested in learning more, or if you are a service provider who would like to refer a patient.