Yellow flowers are in the foreground of the photo. In the background is a turquoise lake with mountains

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Key Terms

Non-medically trained professionals who provide continuous physical, emotional and informational support to their client (DONA).

A mutual person-centered approach, in which individuals with similar lived experience act as sources of support and encouragement to one another (Canadian Mental Health Association [CMHA], 2018). 

Canadian Mental Health Association. (2018). 5 Things to Know About Peer Support. Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Mental Health Association

The ability to provide community based mental health support that meets people where they're at

Intersectionality was first coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw to describe the ways in which systems of inequality based on social categorisation (race, gender, religion, class, etc), intersect to create unique experiences of discrimination and injustices.

Justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.