different hands raised in the air with a green bubble effect in the background

Pilot Project Recruitment Info

Pilot 2 - Recruitment 2024

The first cohort of RMHDs were trained in Spring 2023 and pilot #1 wrapped up at the end of Fall 2023.
The 2nd Pilot Project will be taking place Spring of 2024.

A pink and purple megaphone graphic against a yellow splash of color in the background. There is a speech bubble coming out of the megaphone with a pink exclamation point

Registration & Referrals

Interested in participating in the pilot program as a doula or client?

All spots are currently full. Please check back later. 

Are you a mental health professional and interested in referring a client?

All spots are currently full. Please check back later. 

Join Our Mailing List!

Please join our mailing list here to keep informed on the latest updates from the project.

What is the RMHD project about?

Radical Mental Health Doulas (RMHDs) are an innovative community-based mental health support aimed at upholding the rights and dignities of people seeking mental health support. The RMHD model was co-developed with people with lived experiences of mental health, and is inherently feminist, intersectional, anti-racist, anti-classist, anti-ableist, and trans-inclusive.

Combining doula principles of client-centeredness and continuity of care with a radical doula lens (Perez, 2007) focused on social justice and intersectionality, RMHDs provide grassroots and peer-based support that is non-judgmental and inclusive to all. 

You can read more about the RMHD project here

A green cartoon speech bubble with a white question mark inside it

The 2nd pilot project

The 2nd pilot project builds on the 1st to allow for an expansion of RMHD support, and to gain further understanding of how RMHD support is provided and experienced in practice.

Receiving RMHD support is free to clients participating in the pilot project, with the understanding that they will be receiving support from RMHDs who are newly trained. 

If you are looking for more immediate support and are able to pay for RMHD services, please consult the list of experienced RMHDs here, and contact them directly to discuss availability and fees. 

Carrtoon image. There are four puzzle pieces with individuals inside them. They are all reaching out to each other within their puzzle pieces. There are green vines along the side of the image

Who are we looking for?

Currently, we are recruiting both Radical Mental Health Doulas and clients to participate in the pilot project. 

Radical Mental Health Doulas

  • Must be over the age of 18.
  • Must have personal experience with mental health (i.e. own experience and/or personal experience) supporting others
  • Must be able to attend the Radical Mental Health Doula training program in Calgary, AB (May 6 – 10, 2024). 
  • Must have the capacity to provide support to 2 clients for a period of 6 months (June 2024 – November 2024).  

Doula Clients

  • Must be over the age of 18. 
  • Must have a self-identified need for mental health support (no formal diagnosis is required).


Ongoing until April 30, 2024 

 Participant recruitment

May 6-10, 2024

Doula training

Mid to late May, 2024 

Doula-Client matching

June – November, 2024

Pilot period

Cartoon graphic of a lime green stopwatch