Memorial Services
When and where are Memorial Services?
Memorial Services take place every two years after the Labour Day long weekend in September. The University of Calgary has a designated plot at the Queen's Park Cemetery in Northwest Calgary. The location is just off of the north entrance on 40th Avenue N.W. More information can be found at the following:
How does the University contact family for the Service or Urn pickup?
Contact with family members or executors are made with phone calls and/or registered letters based on the information gathered at the time of the arrangements. It is the responsibility of the executor or next-of-kin to inform us of any changes to their contact information.
Where can we meet for pick-up?
If you have received a letter of study completion from the University of Calgary Body Donation Program, you may wish to pick up your loved ones urn directly from the University of Calgary Foothills Campus. To do so, please schedule an appointment by contacting us through email or phone. When an appointment has been made, please meet us at the Health Sciences Centre Information Desk, not at our primary office as we don't have sufficient office space. The lot most conveniently located for parking is Lot #6.
What happens to the remains if the family cannot be contacted?
In cases where families have not maintained updated contact information we will hold the cremated remains for a period of one year after cremation and will inter the cremated remains in the university plot at the next available memorial service.
Is there a commemorative marker with the names of those buried? Can we do so?
There is a single granite marker for the University of Calgary section in the cemetery but there are no individual names inscribed. Unfortunately in these plots, it is not possible to have individual markers installed. You may wish to contact the cemetery office and make inquiries into other possible forms of memorialization (i.e. tree planting or park benches etc.).
Can multiple family members be interred together?
Unfortunately, due to our policy of not accepting donors until time of death, as well as the logistics of long term storage of urns, we do not allow requests for donors to be interred together.