Cherie Brown-Panton

Postdoctoral Fellow


Contact information


About me

My name is Cherie and I moved to Calgary from Hamilton Ontario. During my graduate studies, I focused on the plasticity of electrical synapses using both cell and zebrafish models. I came to UCalgary to pursue my post-doctoral studies in the field of neuroscience.

My research

The first aim of my current research project is to identify unique protein interacting partners of the mNMDAR and Panx1 signaling complex. Secondly, I will determine how manipulating these unique proteins contribrutes to stroke progression and cognitive decline. My supervisor is Dr. Roger J. Thompson and our lab specializes in electrophysiology and behavioral studies. The Thompson lab has also established a cool way of inducing strokes in free-roaming mice using fiber photometry.

BRAIN CREATE program aspirations

I am honoured to be apart of the BRAIN CREATE program and am excited to take advantage of all the learning tools available to me. I am particularly keen about the academic exchange as it will provide the opportunity to broaden my research network and enhance my technical skills.


One of the major objective of my research project is to build a computational program/algorithm that pairs behavioral data with cellular and molecular data to predict stroke-related dementia outcomes more accurately. The implication of this algorithm will advance stroke diagnostic tools.


Brain CREATE Post-doctoral Fellowship

Eyes High Post-doctoral Fellowship (declined)

International Gap Junction Conference (2019) Star Award

International Gap Junction Conference (2017) PhD Oral Presentation Award – 2nd Place