Future Career Possibilities for Trainees
BRAIN CREATE will fill the gap existing in Canadian HQP at the forefront of new brain-related technology. New brain-related technology promises improvements in quality of life, productivity and safety of all Canadians, not least by assisting workers and communities in geographical and environmental extremes. By targeting this rapidly growing economic niche, BRAIN CREATE will train the next generation of scientists and engineers in Life and Health Sciences that are likely to be highly competitive in the workplace.
BRAIN CREATE has engaged a substantive number of partners and collaborators who will assist in training; these are also likely employers for many BRAIN CREATE trainees. Our graduates will allow these partners to compete in new market segments by bringing essential expertise, knowledge and skills for innovation. Those not hired by our partners will be equipped with ready access to this network. That BRAIN CREATE trainees will be in high demand is illustrated by statements in the letters from our partners and the high demand for our current trainees. Of 66 graduate/PDF trainees (MSc, PhD, PDF) anticipated to graduate from the program, we envisage (i) 25% working in Canadian hi-tech companies developing and manufacturing brain technologies to monitor/manipulate health and human performance (e.g. companies focused on optimizing monitoring and/or screening technology), (ii) 15% working in health-related disciplines, (iii) 10% working in the academic sector as independent researchers/educators in neuroscience, biological sciences, physiology, kinesiology departments worldwide, (iv) 10% working in lifestyle companies providing lifestyle advice and consultation in diverse fields such as sleep, exercise and ergonomics to maximize extreme lifestyles, (v) 10% working in the pharmaceutical sector, (vi) 10% working for government and industry regulators enhancing productivity and determining health and safety standards for Canadian workers subject to extremes. Areas of activity may include Occupational Health and Safety for commerce, government and Northern Communities, space flight, deep-sea diving, high altitude mining, oil and gas exploration and defense, (vii) 5% working for insurance companies assessing risk, (viii) 5% working in journalism and communications, (ix) 5% working as educators in Canadian high schools and colleges, and (x) 5% filling other important roles in society where flexible and innovative thinking is essential. In sum, we expect our trainees to propel Canada’s economy and competitiveness through a range of important sectors, all of which are projected to be crucial in tomorrow’s marketplace.
Careers of NSE HQP are most vulnerable when returning from parental leaves, accounting for the large roll off of females pursuing NSE careers beyond graduate level; for this reason, the FGS usually provides 6 months maternity leave (4 months paid) for graduate students at the University. BRAIN CREATE funding will target trainees returning from leaves of absence when possible/appropriate, and have full scholarships for 6 trainees from Canada’s North. BRAIN CREATE will be one of the only neuroscience training Programs in the country to target the success of these trainees with the aim of ensuring they are employed within NSE disciplines.