Rayeheh Hafezifar

Graduate student - MSc


Contact information


About me

I am an MSc student in Healthy City Lab, working with Dr. Bayat. I completed my BSc degree in Civil engineering-surveying at the University of Tehran. My master’s program is also in Geomatics engineering at the University of Calgary.

My research

My research focus is on analyzing a big dataset of driving trajectories of older adults from GPS sensors. I am working on the effect of different measures of the built environment on the driving behaviour of older adults.

BRAIN CREATE program aspirations

The BRAIN CREATE program gives a good opportunity for trainees to share their ideas and develop their projects beyond the academic environment. Providing different resources such as courses and workshops would broaden trainees’ horizons in each step of a project.


The algorithm that our team is developing can be used to provide a safe driving environment for older adults. By extracting risky patterns in older adults’ driving behaviour, the risk of accidents can be reduced.


BRAIN CREATE Graduate Scholarship