We at the University of Calgary have established a world class, forward-looking, research intensive training program in collaborative, team-based neuroscience research.
The Neuroscience graduate program consists of ~100 graduate students and their supervisors located in labs throughout the University of Calgary. We are governed by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and work collaboratively with the Hotchkiss Brain Institute, as well as the Faculties of Medicine, Science, Kinesiology and Engineering to provide research intensive PhD's and MSc's in neuroscience.
The Hotchkiss Brain Institute was established at the University of Calgary in 2004, and ever since brings together nearly 100 neuroscientists and clinician scientists from across the University of Calgary. Faculty encompass all CIHR pillars, including experts in population health, clinical investigators, translational scientists and basic science researchers. Graduate students benefit daily from this rich milieu and contribute directly to it through trainee-led initiatives sponsored through the HBI Trainee organization (HBITO).
Program Streams
Applicants to the MDNS Graduate Program can apply to thesis based programs:
Optional Graduate Interdisciplinary Specializations
An optional graduate interdisciplinary specialization (comparable to a "minor") in one of either Computational Neuroscience or Medical Imaging may be declared either at the time of application or added later on at some point before the end of a successfully admitted neuroscience graduate student's second year/24th month of study, if interested; electing to declare a specialization is not a graduation requirement at this time. These specializations will entail their own curriculum of extra courses (will vary, depending on student's primary program stream) which must be completed on top of the MSc or PhD neuroscience degree's calendar-mandated base course requirements:
MDNS course inquiries can be emailed to gsecourses@ucalgary.ca
Journal Clubs and Seminars
Journal Clubs
Joining and presenting at a Journal club is an annual program requirement for active Neuroscience Graduate Program students. For further information, please visit the Hotchkiss Brain Institute Trainee Organization’s (HBITO) Journal Clubs webpage here
(Optional) Weekly HBI Seminar Series Sessions
Each week a leading researcher from another University is invited to give a talk in the Hotchkiss Brain Institute Seminar Series. In this way, students can learn about cutting edge research in many sub-areas within Neuroscience, and have the opportunity to meet the visiting speakers at lunch. There are also numerous other regular seminars within the Faculty of Medicine and on main campus as well. Add yourself to the mailing list by emailing: neurosec@ucalgary.ca
Mark Matias
Graduate Program Administrator
Drs. Grant Gordon & Jonathan Epp
Graduate Program Co-Directors