
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Discover the world of molecular, cellular and developmental biology, biochemistry, genetics, bioinformatics and cancer and clinical research.

Graduate studies in the Biochemistry & Molecular Biology program at the University of Calgary will expose you to exciting and leading edge research in a number of different research areas, including molecular, cellular and developmental biology, biochemistry, genetics, bioinformatics and cancer and clinical research.

Graduate students can enroll in either the traditional Biochemistry and Molecular Biology stream or in the Bioinformatics Specialization, as part of the Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Graduate Program. The Bioinformatics program provides students with advanced training in the development of computational approaches for understanding large-scale biomedical data. Click here for more information on this new program and its requirements.

This is a Thesis-Based Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy program. There are three intakes: January, May, and September of each year. 

MDBC/BMB course inquiries can be emailed to

Kiran Pandher
Graduate Program Administrator


Drs. Jason de Koning & Justin MacDonald
Graduate Program Co-Directors

BMB Departmental Graduate Association (DGA)
Student Association
President: Michelle Hua


BMB Departmental Graduate Association (DGA)

The Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Departmental Graduate Association (DGA), is a student organization that represents the students of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Every year, students are elected by their peers to the executive committee which then directs the activities of the organization for the following year; however, everyone is encouraged to get involved regardless of whether a committee position is held or not. 

Executive Committee

President: Michelle Hua

Vice President, PhD: Armaan Mohan

Vice President, MSc: Shreya Tomar

Vice President, Secretary: Liam Wilkinson

Vice President, Treasurer/Finance: Jaime Neira

Vice President, Communications: Sasha Shcherbakova

Members at Large: Jordan La, Mashiat Zaman

The role of the committee is to represent the students at meetings for the Faculty of Graduate studies held throughout the year, however, we also work to bring several events throughout the year. In the past the DGA has been involved with bringing techniques seminar series, new student orientation day, as well as several other social events held throughout the year including the department barbeque.

Again, everyone is encouraged to get involved and help plan exciting events for the students in the department. If you would like more information, or would like to know when the next meeting is, feel free to ask any of the committee members.