View of Banff National Park - trees and mountains

Better Mobility Lab


Peer-Reviewed Publications

  1. Campbell C, Manocha RH, Hill V, Debert CT. Charles Bonnet Syndrome Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Cureus 2024;16(10): e70638.
  2. Yao YY, Manocha RHK. Delayed diagnosis of cervical myelopathy in an adult with Weaver Syndrome: a case report. PM&R 2024;16(10):1162-1164.
  3. Madden RF, Lalonde-Bester S, Manocha RHK, Martin J, Flueck JL, Hertig-Godeschalk A, Shearer J, Parnell JA. Sports Nutrition Knowledge in Athletes with a Spinal Cord Injury and Coaches of Para Sports. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 2022;47(11):1075-1084.
  4. Manocha RHK, Best KL, Charette C, Curlock H, Sigfusson M, Faure C, Miller WC, Routhier F. Walking aid training as a clinical competence in Canadian academic entry-to-practice professional programs. Disab Rehab Asst Tech 2024;19(1):112-119.
  5. Kuntze G, Russell M, Jivan S, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. The effect of axillary crutch length on upper limb kinematics during swing-through gait. PM&R 2023;15(5):570-578.
  6. Manocha RHK, Banayan S, Johnson JA, King, GJW. Overhead arm positioning in the rehabilitation of elbow dislocations: an in vitro biomechanical study. J Hand Ther 2022;35(2):245-253.
  7. Manocha RHK, MacGillivray MK, Eshraghi M, Sawatzky BJ. Injuries associated with crutch use: a narrative review. PM&R 2021;13(10):1176-1192.
  8. Murani R, Manocha RHK.  Avoiding anchoring bias in unexplained chronic pain: an unexpected diagnosis of synovial osteochondromatosis. BMJ Case Rep 2021;14:e240462.
  9. Manocha RHK, Weidner J. Ulnar stress reaction in an axillary crutch user. BMJ Case Rep 2020;13:e236219.
  10. Manocha RHK, Johnson JA, King GJW. The effectiveness of a hinged elbow orthosis in medial collateral ligament injuries: an in vitro biomechanical study. Am J Sport Med 2019;47(12):2827-2835.
  11. Manocha R, King GJ, Johnson JA. In vitro kinematic assessment of a hinged elbow orthosis following lateral collateral ligament injury. J Hand Surg Am 2018;43(2):123-132.
  12. Manocha R, Kusins JR, Johnson JA, King GJ. Optimizing the rehabilitation of elbow lateral collateral ligament injuries: a biomechanical study. J Should Elb Surg 2017;26(4):596-603.
  13. MacGillivray M, Manocha R, Sawatzky B. The influence of a polymer damper on swing-through crutch gait biomechanics. Med Eng Phys 2016;38(3):275-279.
  14. Manchanda R, Norman RMG, Malla AK, & Manocha R. Antipsychotic use in a first-episode psychosis program. Int J Psych Clin Prac 2007;11(2):151-6.

Other Publications

  1. O'Brien M. The Feasibility and Usability of a Novel Tool for Learning and Reviewing Walking Aid Skills: A Multi-Method Study. MSc in Medical Science Thesis 2024.
  2. O’Brien M, Tanweer M, Bibi N, Katz L, Best KL, Miller WC, Routhier F, Barnabe C, Manocha RHK. A novel mobile application improves balance confidence in walking aid users. Canadian Association on Gerontology 2023.
  3. Manocha RHK, O’Brien M. Fitting and walking with gait aids: Introducing ICanWALK©, a novel interactive mobile application for patients, caregivers, clinicians, and trainees. Canadian Association on Gerontology 2023. 
  4. Bibi N, Tanweer M, O’Brien M, Katz L, Best K, Manocha RHK. A novel mobile application is a feasible tool to teach nursing students about walking aids Program for Undergraduate Research Experience Abstract Booklet, September 20, 2023.
  5. Golden DW, Oliemans J, Walls KD, Bennett EC, Machado E, Skaper S, Manocha RHK, Fletcher JR. Considerations of muscle quality and architecture in relation to muscle weakness in hypermobility-related disorders. Med Sci Sports Exer 2023;55(9S):411-412.
  6. Oliemans JP, Golden DW, Walls KD, Bennett EC, Skaper S, Manocha RHK, Fletcher JR. Lower extremity muscle activation in hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Med Sci Sports Exer 2023;55(9SS):889.
  7. Febrer-Nafria M, Kuntze G, Font-Llagunes JM, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. Predictive simulations match the observed effects of changing axillary crutch length on upper limb kinematics during swing-through gait. 11th European Community on Computation Methods in Applied Sciences Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, 2023.
  8. Manocha RH, Shank J, Ismaguilova A, Sigfusson M, Egbase A, Bartel K, Scholz N. Peripheral nerve injuries related to walking aid use: a systematic review. Can J Neurol Sci 2023;50(s2):S53.
  9. Manocha RHK. Experiences in addressing ableism in healthcare from the inside out – leveraging our power as healthcare providers. Canadian Association of Neuroscience Nurses Annual Meeting 2023.
  10. O’Brien M, Christison M, Best K, Miller WC, Routhier F, Katz L, Barnabe C, Manocha RHK. The effect of a novel, mobile device-based app for walking aid skills training on functional balance, mobility, and balance confidence. AGE-WELL EPIC Conference 2023.
  11. Poscente M, Esposito A, Ayoade V, Smith A, Miller S, Manocha RHK. Design and validation of a wearable tool for prosthetic gait analysis in unilateral transtibial amputees. J Spinal Cord Med 2023.
  12. Yao YY, Manocha RHK. Cervical myelopathy in Weaver syndrome: a case report reflecting ableism in medicine. J Spinal Cord Med 2023.
  13. Manocha RHK. Increased glucose uptake in spastic muscles following botulinum toxin injections: A case report. J Spinal Cord Med 2022.
  14. Chen AL, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. The effect of forearm crutch length on upper limb kinematics. North American Congress on Biomechanics – Musculoskeletal Modelling and Simulation 1;2022; 153.
  15. Golden DW, Oliemans J, Walls KD, Bennett EC, Machado E, Skaper S, Manocha RHK, Fletcher JR. Active and passive force-length relations in joint hypermobility syndrome. North American Congress on Biomechanics – Posters 141-160. 2022; 16.
  16. Oliemans J, Golden DW, Walls KD, Machado E, Bennett EC, Skaper S, Manocha RHK, Fletcher JR. Do muscles behave differently during walking in individuals with hypermobility? North American Congress on Biomechanics – Posters 120-140. 2022; 1.
  17. Chen A, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. Altered forearm crutch length changes shoulder and scapular kinematics. 23rd Annual Alberta Biomedical Engineering Conference Proceedings 2022:24.
  18. Ellis J, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. The effect of forearm crutch length on latissimus dorsi activity during swing-through gait. 23rd Annual Alberta Biomedical Engineering Conference Proceedings 2022:90.
  19. Dhillon K, Quinn N, Woodward E, Mills SL, Manocha RHK. Abilities in focus: how do physicians influence physical activity in people with impaired mobility? Clin J Sport Med 2022;32(3):e338-344.
  20. Dhillon K, Quinn N, Woodward E, Mills S, Manocha RHK. Abilities in focus: How do healthcare providers influence physical activity among people with mobility impairments? Program for Undergraduate Research Experience Abstracts. September 20, 2021.
  21. Hanly C, Pardy C, Manocha RHK. Modified total contact hybrid prostheses-orthoses to enhance ambulation in a patient with severe bilateral plantar flexion contractures. J Rehabil Med 2021.
  22. Sudershan S, Manocha RHK. Two cases of non-neurological knee collapse in patients with diabetes. J Rehabil Med 2021.
  23. Afzal Y, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. The effect of axillary crutch length on latissimus dorsi activity during swing-through gait. Clin J Sport Med 2021;31(3):e129-130.
  24. Bueckert C, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. Kinematic asymmetries at the wrist and elbow during axillary crutch use. Can Med Biol Eng Soc 2021;44:934.
  25. Manocha RHK, Best KL, Curlock HM, Sigfusson M, Faure C, Charette C, Miller WC, Routhier F. Walking aid training as a clinical competence in Canadian academic entry-to-practice programs. Arch Phys Med Rehab 2021;102(4):E19-20.
  26. Russell M, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. The effect of axillary crutch length on triceps activity during swing-through gait. Arch Phys Med Rehab 2021;102(4):E17.
  27. Russell M, Kuntze G, Jivan S, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. Differences in wrist and scapular kinematics when using axillary versus forearm crutches. Clin J Sport Med 2020;30(3):e100.
  28. Manocha R. Re: Pseudoscience, anti-science, and woo. In: Letters to the Editor. BC Med J. 2019;61(1):9.
  29. Manocha RH, MacGillivray MK, Eshraghi M, Sawatzky BJ. First aid for gait aids: the neuro-musculoskeletal and vascular complications associated with crutch use. J Rehabil Med 2018.
  30. Manocha RH, Johnson JA, King GJW. Effectiveness of bracing in elbow lateral collateral ligament injuries: a biomechanical study. J Rehabil Med 2017.
  31. Manocha RH, Johnson JA, King GJW. Effectiveness of bracing in elbow medial collateral ligament injuries: a biomechanical study. J Rehabil Med 2017.
  32. Manocha RHK. Optimizing the rehabilitation of elbow lateral collateral ligament injuries. Masters Thesis, Western University, 2016.
  33. Manocha RH, Johnson JA, King GJW. Effectiveness of bracing in elbow lateral collateral ligament injuries: a biomechanical study. Clin J Sport Med 2016;26(3):e83-87.
  34. Manocha RH, Johnson JA, King GJW. Bracing in lateral collateral ligament injuries of the elbow: a biomechanical study. Clin Invest Med 2016;39(5):E142.
  35. Manocha RH, Johnson JA, King GJW. Vertical overhead motion in the rehabilitation of lateral elbow injuries: a biomechanical study. J Rehabil Med 2016;48(1):101.
  36. Kassam A, Manocha R, Sequeira K, Payne M, Batey C, Miller TA. Treatment and rehabilitation in erythomelalgia, a novel approach to a voltage-gated sodium channelopathy. A case of burning red feet. J Rehabil Med 2016;48(1):93.
  37. Miller TA, Manocha RH, Macaluso S, Sequeira K, Doherty TJ, Ross DC. Scapular winging secondary to spinal accessory nerve palsy following whiplash injury. Muscle Nerve 2015;52(S2):S97.
  38. Manocha RH, Johnson JA, King GJW. Vertical overhead motion in the rehabilitation of lateral elbow injuries: a biomechanical study. PM&R 2015;7(9):S189-190.
  39. Manocha RH, MacGillivray MK, Sawatzky BJ. Aid kinetics during forearm crutch-assisted gait in a transpelvic amputee. J Rehabil Med 2014;46:1068.
  40. Manocha RH, Salter K, Batey C, Macaluso S. Clinical review of acupuncture for non-traumatic shoulder pain. J Rehabil Med 2014;46:1065.
  41. Batey C, Salter K, Manocha RH, Macaluso S. Nutritional supplementation for knee osteoarthritis. J Rehabil Med 2014;46:1065.
  42. Manocha RH, Miller TA, Ross DC, Chinchalkar S. Rehabilitation of bilateral brachial neuritis and radial nerve palsy in hereditary neuropathy: an illustrative case. J Rehabil Med 2013;45:1084.
  43. Manocha R and Chen A. Students speak to us: tips for clinical preceptors. Education Matters. University of British Columbia Faculty Development & Educational Support. Spring 2012;19:26-27.
  44. Manocha RH. On MD/PhD programs and becoming a clinician-scientist. UBC Med J 2012;4(1):32.
  45. Manocha RH. Talking suicide, advocacy, and politics with the Honorable Dr. Fry. UBC Med J 2012;3(2):45-46.
  46. Manocha RH. Playing for fitness: helping seniors stay active. UBC Med J 2011;3(1):30-31.
  47. Manocha RH. One resident, thirty-five cameras: sharing the stories of Inuvik youth. UBC Med J 2011; 2(2):26.
  48. Manocha R, MacGillivray MK, Sawatzky BJ. The biomechanics of swing-through gait: a proposed comparison of the SideStix™ sports forearm crutch versus standard crutch designs in lower-limb amputees. UBC Med J 2011;2(2):S36.
  49. Manocha RH. Vancouver home to Canada’s first multidisciplinary vulvodynia program. UBC Med J 2010; 2(1):34.
  50. Manocha RH & Joseph JA. Pulling back the curtains on physicians and the Games. UBC Med J 2010;1(2):36-37.
  51. Manocha R. Rêveurs du Canada: Megan Imrie, biathlète. Bulletin de Motivate Canada (Outaouais), 2010 novembre.
  52. Manocha R. Canadian dreamers: Megan Imrie, biathlete. Motivate Canada Newsletter (Ottawa), November 2010.
  53. Manocha R.  Editorial: The Appendix – Maintaining Tradition. The Appendix, Quarterly Medical Student Newspaper (Vancouver), October 2010.
  54. Manocha R. Rêveurs du Canada: Ramesh Ferris, survivant de la polio. Bulletin de Motivate Canada (Ottawa), 2010 juillet.
  55. Manocha R. Canadian dreamers: Ramesh Ferris, polio survivor. Motivate Canada Newsletter (Ottawa), July 2010. 
  56. Manocha R. Rêveurs du Canada: Jeff Preston, activiste de la mobilité. Bulletin de Motivate Canada (Ottawa), 2010 avril.
  57. Manocha R. Canadian dreamers: Jeff Preston, mobility activist. Motivate Canada Newsletter (Ottawa), April 2010.
  58. Manocha R. Rêveurs du Canada: Kara Zakrzewski, athlète de volley-ball de plage. Bulletin de Motivate Canada (Outaouais), 2010 février.
  59. Manocha R. Canadian dreamers: Kara Zakrzewski, beach volleyball player. Motivate Canada Newsletter (Ottawa), February 2010.
  60. Manocha R. Olympic dreams. University of British Columbia Wellness Initiative Newsletter – Olympic Edition (Vancouver), February 2010.
  61. Manocha R. My Olympic torch experience. Participaction Newsletter (Ottawa), February 2010.
  62. Manocha R. Rêveurs du Canada: Brad Zdanivsky, escaladeur. Bulletin de Motivate Canada (Outaouais), 2009 novembre.
  63. Manocha R. Canadian dreamers: Brad Zdanivsky, rock climber. Motivate Canada Newsletter (Ottawa), November 2009.
  64. Manocha R. Shaking things up: a how-to guide for dreamers. Motivate Canada Newsletter (Ottawa), October 2009.
  65. Manocha R. Shake Things Up! Thames Valley Children’s Centre Family Link (London, Ontario), 11(1), April 2007.
  66. Hughes S, Manocha R. The nature of the Coves (Video). Friends of the Cove Subwatershed, London, Ontario, October 2002.

Trainee/Staff Poster Presentations

  1. Fletcher JR, Walls KD, Machado E, Golden D, Oliemans J, Manocha RHK. Muscle-tendon dynamics during walking in individuals with hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Mount Royal University Research Days, April 5, 2022.
  2. Golden DW, Walls KD, Oliemans J, Bennett EC, Machado E, Skaper S, Manocha RHK, Fletcher JR. Active and passive force-length relations in joint hypermobility syndrome. Mount Royal University Research Days, April 5, 2022.
  3. Oliemans J, Walls KD, Machado E, Golden D, Manocha RHK, Fletcher JR. Muscle-tendon dynamics during walking in individuals with hypermobility-related conditions. Mount Royal University Research Days, April 5, 2022.
  4. Walls KD, Machado E, Golden D, Oliemans J, Bennett EC, Skaper S, Manocha RHK, Fletcher JR. Do muscles behave differently during walking in individuals with hypermobility? Mount Royal University Research Days, April 5, 2022.
  5. Madden RF, Lalonde-Bester S, Flueck JL, Hertig-Godeschalk A, Manocha RHK, Thatcher C, Martin JM, Shearer J, Parnell JA. Assessment of Sports Nutrition Knowledge Among Coaches of Athletes with a Spinal Cord Injury. International Paralympic Committee VISTA Conference (Virtual), December 16, 2021.
  6. Bartel K, Shank J, Scholz N, Ismaguilova A, Sigfusson M, Egbase A, Manocha RHK. Peripheral nerve injuries related to walking aid use: a systematic review. Hotchkiss Brain Institute Summer Student Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, August 26, 2021.
  7. Egbase A, Graham R, Fischer A, Manocha RHK. Is there a relationship between severity of generalized anxiety and severity of joint hypermobility? Hotchkiss Brain Institute Summer Student Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, August 26, 2021.
  8. Roberts C, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. The effect of forearm crutch length on triceps activation during swing-through gait. Hotchkiss Brain Institute Summer Student Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, August 26, 2021.
  9. Bartel K, Shank J, Scholz N, Ismaguilova A, Sigfusson M, Egbase A, Manocha RHK. Peripheral nerve injuries related to walking aid use: a systematic review. McCaig Institute Summer Student Symposium (Virtual), Calgary, Alberta, August 19, 2021.
  10. Dhillon K, Quinn N, Woodward E, Mills S, Manocha RHK. Abilities in focus: How do healthcare providers influence physical activity among people with mobility impairments? McCaig Institute Summer Student Symposium (Virtual), Calgary, Alberta, August 19, 2021.
  11. Wang E, Shank J, Manocha RHK. Development of a walking aid skills training app. Alberta Innovates High School Youth Research Poster Symposium (Virtual), Calgary, Alberta, August 12, 2021.
  12. Hanly C, Pardy C, Manocha RHK. Modified total contact hybrid prostheses-orthoses to enhance ambulation in a patient with severe bilateral plantar flexion contractures. Canadian Association of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (Virtual), May 28, 2021.
  13. Sudershan S, Manocha RHK. Two cases of non-neurological knee collapse in patients with diabetes. Canadian Association of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (Virtual), May 28, 2021.
  14. Afzal Y, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. The effect of axillary crutch length on upper trapezius activity during swing-through gait. Hotchkiss Brain Institute Research Day [Virtual], May 27, 2021.
  15. Bueckert C, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. Kinematic asymmetries in the wrist and elbow during axillary crutch use. The Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society Conference [Virtual], May 13, 2021.
  16. Afzal Y, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. The effect of axillary crutch length on latissimus dorsi activity during swing-through gait. Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine/Ontario Medical Association Annual Symposium [Virtual], May 15, 2021.
  17. Russell M, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. The effect of axillary crutch length on triceps activity during swing-through gait. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine [Virtual], October 22, 2020.
  18. Manocha RHK, Best KL, Curlock HM, Sigfusson M, Faure C, Charette C, Miller WC, Routhier F. Walking aid training as a clinical competence in Canadian academic entry-to-practice programs. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine [Virtual], October 23, 2020.
  19. Curlock H, Sigfusson M, Faure C, Charette C, Best KL, Miller WC, Routhier F, Manocha RHK. Walking aid training as a clinical competence in Canadian entry-to-practice curricula. Cumming School of Medicine Summer Student Symposium [Virtual], Calgary, Alberta, August 28, 2020.
  20. Russell M, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. Effect of axillary crutch length on triceps activation during swing-through gait. Cumming School of Medicine Summer Student Symposium [Virtual], Calgary, Alberta, August 28, 2020.
  21. Shang JY, Egbase A, Sigfusson M, Ismaguilova A, Manocha RHK. Peripheral nerve injuries associated with walking aid use. Alberta Innovates High School Youth Research Poster Symposium [Virtual], Calgary, Alberta, August 14, 2020.
  22. Curlock H, Sigfusson M, Faure C, Charette C, Best KL, Miller WC, Routhier F, Manocha RHK. Walking aid training as a clinical competence in Canadian entry-to-practice curricula. McCaig Institute Summer Student Symposium [Virtual], Calgary, Alberta, August 13, 2020.
  23. Russell M, Kuntze G, Jivan S, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. Axillary crutch length effects on upper extremity kinematics. Canadian Bone & Joint Conference [Virtual]. June 12, 2020.
  24. Russell M, Kuntze G, Jivan S, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. The effect of axillary crutch length on wrist and scapular kinematics. Hotchkiss Brain Institute Research Day [Virtual], Calgary, Alberta, May 28, 2020.
  25. Russell M, Kuntze G, Jivan S, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. Differences in wrist and scapular kinematics when using axillary versus forearm crutches. Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine Conference, Banff, Alberta, April 29, 2020 [cancelled due to Covid-19].
  26. Jivan S, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. Crutch length effects on upper extremity kinematics. The Arthritis Society Calgary Walk for Arthritis, Calgary, Alberta, June 2, 2019.

Trainee/Staff Oral Presentations

  1. Chen AL, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. The effect of forearm crutch length on upper limb kinematics. North American Congress on Biomechanics, August 25, 2022.
  2. Parnell JA, Madden RF, Lalonde-Bester S, Flueck JL, Hertig-Godeschalk A, Manocha RHK, Thatcher C, Martin JM, Shearer J. Evaluation of Sports Nutrition Knowledge in Elite Athletes with a Spinal Cord Injury. International Paralympic Committee VISTA Conference (Virtual), November 22, 2021.
  3. Egbase A, Graham R, Fischer A, Manocha RHK. Is there a relationship between severity of generalized anxiety and severity of joint hypermobility? McCaig Institute Summer Student Symposium (Virtual), Calgary, Alberta, August 19, 2021.
  4. Roberts C, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. The effect of forearm crutch length on triceps activation during swing-through gait. McCaig Institute Summer Student Symposium (Virtual), Calgary, Alberta, August 19, 2021.
  5. Wang E, Shank J, Manocha RHK. Development of a walking aid skills training app. Alberta Innovates High School Youth Research Poster Symposium (Virtual), Calgary, Alberta, August 12, 2021.
  6. Kuntze G, Afzal Y, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. Effect of crutch fit on scapular motion and trapezius muscle activation. XXVIII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, July 25, 2021.
  7. Febrer-Nafría M, Manocha RHK, Kuntze G, Font-Llagunes JM, Ronsky JL. Evaluation of optimal control formulations for predicting swing-through axillary crutch-assisted gait. International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics, July 22, 2021.
  8. Scholz N, Manocha RHK. An unusual case to brace: laterocollis, brachial plexopathy, scoliosis, and a leg length discrepancy. Orthotics Prosthetics Canada 2020 (Cancelled due to Covid-19).
  9. Russell M, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. Effect of axillary crutch length on latissimus dorsi activation during swing-through gait. Alberta Biomedical Engineering Conference, Calgary, Alberta, October 23, 2020.
  10. Russell M, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. Effect of axillary crutch length on triceps activation during swing-through gait. Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, August 19, 2020.
  11. Shang JY, Egbase A, Sigfusson M, Ismaguilova A, Manocha RHK. Peripheral nerve injuries associated with walking aid use. Alberta Innovates High School Youth Research Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, August 13, 2020.
  12. Russell M, Kuntze G, Jivan S, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. Axillary crutch length effects on upper extremity kinematics. McCaig Institute Summer Student Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, August 13, 2020.
  13. Russell M, Kuntze G, Jivan S, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. Axillary crutch length effects on upper extremity kinematics. Canadian Bone & Joint Conference, London, Ontario, June 12, 2020.
  14. Jivan S, Kuntze G, Ronsky JL, Manocha RHK. Crutch length effects on scapular kinematics. McCaig Institute Summer Student Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, August 16, 2019.



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